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prijateljstva sa Srbijom Send to Parliamentary Friendship Group for Cooperation with the Republic of Serbia --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (prenosimo kako je primljno) Potrebno je 5 minuta Vaseg vremena! Obavjesteni smo da je kanadska vlada ODBILA da pruzi direktnu pomoc Drzavi Srbiji I OGRADILA se diplomatskom frazom da ce kanadska pomoc ici “multilateralnim putevima”, znaci nista (juce su uplatili $30,000 pomoci preko Crvenog Krsta). Vrijeme je da kanadskoj vladi pokazemo snagu i velicinu kanadsko srpske zajednice i SVI dignemo nas glas putem e-mail poruka zahtjevajuci aktivno ucesce nase drzave (u kojoj redovno placamo takse) u obnovi nase Otadzbine i pomoci ljudima kojima je pomoc preko potrebna. Vjerovatno niste znali (kao ni ja) da je 31 Marta 2014 u kanadskom parlamentu osnovana parlamentarna grupa prijateljstva sa Srbijom http://www.toronto.mfa.gov.rs/newstext.php?subaction=showfull&id=1396461539&ucat=19&template=Frontpage3& Ovo je jedinstvena prilika da oni pokazu svoje prijateljstvo i u nase ime urgiraju da kanadska vlada promjeni svoje misljenje. Evo dvije jednostavne stvari koje trebate da uradite 1. PoŠaljite mejl MP-jevima (primjer teksta mog email-a je u produzetku) i 2. proslijedite ovaj email Vasim prijateljima. ---------------------------------------------------------------- (I-mejl adrese - Parlamentarna grupa prijateljstva sa Srbijom i Premijera Kanade S. Harpera E-mail addresses - Parliamentary Friendship Group for Cooperation with the Republic of Serbia and S. Harper) To: Corneliu.Chisu@parl.gc.ca; Chungsen.Leung@parl.gc.ca; wayne.marston@parl.gc.ca; bruce@brucehyer.ca; lawrence.toet@parl.gc.ca; ted.Opitz@parl.gc.ca; Stella.Ambler@parl.gc.ca; Wladyslaw.Lizon@parl.gc.ca; bob.dechert@parl.gc.ca; patrick.brown@parl.gc.ca; dave.vankesteren@parl.gc.ca; deepak.obrhai@parl.gc.ca; CC: stephen.harper@parl.gc.ca Subject: Canadian-Serbians need your help! Text: Dear Parliamentary Friendship Group for Cooperation with the Republic of Serbia: Thank you for being a part of the Friendship Group for Cooperation with the Republic of Serbia. I am writing to you to ask for your support in reversing the decision of the Government of Canada to ‘not directly or actively’ participate in aiding Serbia and therefore the Serbian people with flood recovery. According to the reports so far, the damage caused by the catastrophic flooding in Serbia amounts to thousands of people who have lost their homes, belongings and everything else they worked for their entire lives, 80,000 hectares of corn fields that have been devastated, 3,500 kilometers (2,175 miles) of roads damaged, and 30 percent of the railway lines have been closed… There are no official damage estimates yet, but the Raiffeisen Investment Group said in a note that Serbia's flood damage has been estimated as high as 1.5 billion Euros ($2 billion). The European Union said that Serbia will see “very substantial” financial assistance from them, including 30 million Euros in fast-track aid for priority needs. Germany has already donated short-term aid of one million euros for the flood-affected areas in Serbia, and is ready to offer long-term assistance to Serbia in the forthcoming months and years. On the other hand, the Government of Canada has decided to ‘not directly or actively’ participate helping Serbia and therefore the people of Serbia to cope with this devastation. So far, ‘the Government of Canada has generously contributed $60,000 to support Red Cross relief efforts on the ground in Bosnia and Serbia.’ The Canadian-Serbian community is an active supporter of your political views. We hope that you can be the voice of those who cannot speak. We need your help to reverse this decision of our Government. We are asking that the level of Canadian help desperately needed by the people of Serbia be proportionate to Canada’s wealth and international standing. Please let me know what you will be doing to assist in this matter. Respectfully, |
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