Toronto - Utorak, 26. maj 2020.


Total Cases  -  5.681.601

Today - New Cases - 63.854
Deceased  -  352.168
Recovered  -  2.430.461
Izvor - Source

Across Canada 
Total Cases  -  86.647
Today - New Cases  - 937
Deceased  -  6.639
Recovered  -  44.339

Ontario - 26.191 cases - 287 new - 2.123 deceased
Quebec - 48.598 cases - 614 new - 4.139 deceased
Alberta - 6.901 cases - 22 new - 139 deceased
Britsh Columbia - 2.541 cases - 11 new - 161 deceased
Nova Scotia - 1.052 cases - 2 new  - 59 deceased
Saskatchewan - 634 cases - new  - 8 deceased
Newfoundland and Labrador  - 260 cases - 0 new - 3 deceased
Manitoba - 292 cases - 0 new - 7 deceased
New Brunswick - 122 cases - 1 new
Prince Edward Island - 27 cases - 0 new 
Northwest Territories -  5 cases - 0 new
Yukon -  11 cases - 0 new
Nunavut  -  0 case - 0 new

Izvor - Source

Srbija - 11.227 slučaja - 34 novih - 239 preminulo
Slovenija - 1.469 slučaja - nov - 108 preminulo
Hrvatska - 2.244 slučaja - nova - 101 preminulo
BiH - 2.416 slučaja - 4 novih - 149 preminulo
S. Makedonija - 2.014 slučaja - 3 novih - 116 preminulo
Crna Gora - 324 slučaja - 0 novih - 9 preminulo
Izvor - Source


Toronto - Utorak, 26. maj 2020.

I političke stranke traže pomoć za plate svojih zaposlenih

Četiri najveće političke stranke, Liberalna, Konzervativna, Zelena i Nova demkratska, našle su se na listi onih koji traže državnu pomoć za period u vreme pandemije.

Portparoli ovih stranaka kažu da su se prijavili kako bi obezbedili pomoć za plate zaposlenih, i to zato što donacije presušuju.

Jedino su u Bloku Kvebekva rekli da neće aplicirati za subvencije.

U strankama nema previše zaposlenih, oko dve stotine stalno angažovanih, uz još određen broj honorarnih. U svim strankama se obavezuju da će svojim radnicima platiti ostatak od 25 odsto, kolika je razlika između onoga što pokriva država i plate koju su dobijali pre pandemije.

Premijer i lider Liberalne stranke Džastin Trudo opravdava zahtev svoje stranke za federalnu pomoć za subvenciju plata, uz napomenu da je program namenjen za pomoć ljudima u svim sektorima privrede.


OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo rekao je da je šokiran, rastužen, razoačaran i ljut kada je saznao da vojna lica, koja su bila raspoređena da nadziru stanje i pomažu u domovima za stare i bolesne u Ontariju i Kvebeku, izveštavaju o izuzetno teškim slučajevima zanemarivanja starijih osoba u Ontariju. Problemi zahtevaju hitno delovanje svih nivoa vlasti. Premijer Trudo kaže i da su obe provincije zatražile produžetak ove vojne pomoći, koja ide od distribucije hrane, pa do medicinskih zahteva.

OTAVA – Dr Tereza Tem, šefica službe za javno zdravlje, izjavila je u ponedeljak da, na sreću, prvi talas pandemije nije dostigao razmere koje prevazilaze kapacitete nacionalnog zdravstvenog sistema. Ona je takođe upozorila da se Kanada mora pripremiti za potencijalni drugi talas pandemije.

OTAVA – U Kanadu je stiglo preko 40 aviona sa zaštitnom opremom, ali se očekuje da će potažnja rasti sa povratkom sve većeg broja ljudi na posao i sa najavama da zdravstvo treba da se pripremi za moguć drugi talas pandemije. Anita Anand, ministarka resorno zadužena za nabavku opreme, kaže da pristiže još maski, rukavica, odela i sredstava za dezinfekciju ruku, iako je tržište te robe veoma nesigurno. Navedeno je da su, na primer, od 29.570 poručenih respiratora, pristigla svega 203.

TORONTO – Zbog visokih temperatura i velike vlažnosti, u Torontu su danas otvoreni centri za hitno rashlađivanje.

TORONTO – Sa otvaranjem parkova u Torontu, pojavili su se i predlozi da grad u njima obeleži krugove na propisanoj fizičkoj distanci, poput onih kakvi su primećeni u Njujorku i San Francisku. Obeleženi prostori sprečili bi potencijalno preveliko približavanje ljudi i neželjene kontakte.

MONTREAL – Osnivač Sirk d soleja gaj Laliberte sada je raspoložen da kupi ovaj internacionalno poznati cirkus i ponovo postane njegov vlasnik. On je prodao poslednje svoje akcije u Sirku u februaru, ali sada želi da ponovo postavi na noge kompaniju koja mu je toliko značila. I vlada Kvebeka voljna je da pomogne, a direktori Franko Dragone i Robert Lepejdž žele da ponovo aktiviraju Sirk. Kompanija duguje preko 1,25 milijardi kreditorima i ne radi od početka pandemije.

OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo u ponedeljak je izrazio spremnost da sa provincijama dogovora o plaćenom bolovanju za zaposlene u trajanju od deset dana. To je ključni zahtev lidera demokrata Džagmita Singa, za davanje podrške predlogu liberala za nastavak ograničavanja broja sednica u Donjem domu, tokom letnjeg perioda.

TORONTO – Premijer Dag Ford najavio je da bi tokom ove sedmice trebalo da se saopšti detaljna strategija testiranja u različitim sektorima i žarištima na virus korona. Ford kaže da je testiranje jedan od najboljih načina odbrambene strategije protiv virusa, do trenutka dok se ne obezbedi vakcina.

TORONTO – Postupno otvaranje pojedinih delatnosti donelo je iznenađenje u vidu stavke označene kao kovid nadoknada. To podrazumeva pokrivanje troškova zaštite zaposlenih, povećanih sanitarnih mera ili pak prihoda, izgubljenog zbog smanjenog broja mušterija koje mogu da opsluže u istom momentu. Ove stavke prvo su se pojavile u frizerskim salonima u Britanskoj Kolumbiji, a građani su podeljeni, dok jedni razumeju i odobravaju, drugi su ogorčeni.

ST. DžONS – U Njufaundlendu i Labradoru već osamnaest dana nema ni jednog novog slučaja kovida-19.


City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - May 26, 2020

City of Toronto update on COVID-19

The City of Toronto continues to respond to COVID-19. While healthy residents are encouraged to get fresh air and exercise outside, they’re reminded that provincial Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act orders and the City bylaw on physical distancing remain in effect.

There are 10,373 cases of COVID-19 in the city, an increase of 161 cases since yesterday. There are 365 cases in hospital, with 89 in ICU. In total, 7,627 people have recovered from COVID-19, an increase of 118 cases since yesterday. To date, there have been 768 COVID-19 deaths in Toronto. Case status data can be found on the City’s reporting platform at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-news/covid-19-status-of-cases-in-toronto/.   

The City’s coordinated COVID-19 Enforcement Team remains focused on providing education about the physical distancing bylaw and provincial orders. Ensuring compliance through education and awareness remains the preferred method of engagement, but enforcement continues to take place if necessary. 

Yesterday, the City received 134 complaints involving people using outdoor amenities that remain closed or not practising physical distancing in parks or squares. Police and bylaw officers issued 11 tickets. Enforcement officers have spoken to almost 5,500 people in City parks about the closures and public health measures. The City also received 71 complaints about gatherings and police issued three gathering-related tickets. 

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Sreda, 20. maj 2020.

City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - May 20, 2020

City of Toronto update on COVID-19

Mayor John Tory, Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa, and Fire Chief and General Manager of the Office of Emergency Management Matthew Pegg today provided an update on the City’s continuing response to COVID-19.

With additional park amenities reopening today, residents are reminded of the importance of adhering to public health advice to practise physical distancing or wear a face covering or non-medical mask to protect others when in settings where physical distancing cannot be maintained.  

There are 9,129 cases of COVID-19 in the city, an increase of 263 cases since yesterday. There are 413 cases in hospital, with 92 in ICU. In total, 6,735 people have recovered from COVID-19, an increase of 119 cases since yesterday. To date, there have been 716 COVID-19 deaths in Toronto. Case status data can be found on the City’s reporting platform at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-news/covid-19-status-of-cases-in-toronto/.  

As the weather warms, residents are encouraged to head outside in their local neighbourhood for fresh air and exercise to support physical and mental well-being, but are reminded that physical distancing requirements remain in effect. People who are not from the same household must maintain a physical distance of two metres in a park or public square.

The COVID-19 enforcement team will continue responding to complaints and proactively patrolling parks and other public spaces, in an effort to ensure public understanding of the need to limit social interactions. Officers are out educating residents on the City’s physical distancing bylaw and the provincial Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act orders, and only issuing tickets in circumstances where education efforts have failed.

Yesterday, the City received 64 complaints involving people using outdoor amenities or not practising physical distancing in parks or squares. Bylaw officers issued three tickets for physical distancing. This month, bylaw and police officers have spoken to more than 4,000 people in City parks about the closures and public health measures.

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Petak, 15. maj 2020.


TORONTO – Sve veći broj velikih trgovinskih lanaca zahteva da kupci nose zaštitne maske. Počev od utorka, biće otvorene prodavnice van šoping molova, u koje se ulazi direktno.

OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo pozvao je građane da kupuju kanadsku hranu, kako bi pomogli svim radnicima u poljoprivredi i ribarstvu da ostanu u poslu i u vreme pandemijske krize. On je, takođe, najavio da se federalna pomoć zaposlenima u najteže pogođenim delatnostima produžava barem do kraja avgusta, umesto kako je prvobitno bilo do početka juna. Pomoć dobijaju i i istraživači u medicinskim institutima, koji prethodno nisu bili obuhvaćeni subvencijama.

TORONTO – Ministarka zdravlja Kristin Eliot najavila je da Ontario proširuje program testiranja na koronavirus, koji će od sada obuhvatati sve sa simptomima infekcije, bez obzira da li pripadaju prioritetnim grupama ili ne.

OTAVA – Prodaja stambenog prostora u aprilu je bila na nivou iz 1984. godine, ali cene nisu pratile taj pad prometa, saopštila je nacionalna Asocijacija za nekretnine.

OTAVA – Procena Banke Kanade je da hitne mere federalne vlade za umanjivanje posledica pandemije pokazuju pozitivne pomake, ali da je budućnost privrede i dalje neizvesna. Guverner Stiven Poloz kaže da je dobro što se u ovu globalnu krizu ušlo sa osnaženom privredom i otpornim finansijskim sistemom, no važnu ulogu u daljem oporavku ima i odgovarajuća kombinacija ekonomskih mera. Problem se može javiti u delatnostima sa velikim padom prihoda, i dugovima domaćinstava čiji prihodi nisu obnovljeni zbog krize.

OTAVA – Federalna vlada izdvojila je 2,3 miliona dolara za pomoć u borbi protiv kovida-19 u severnom delu Saskačuana, gde žive starosedelački narodi.

TORONTO – Ontario je saopštio da će pratiti zapaljenske bolesti kod dece sa kovidom-19. Ministarska zdravlja Kristin Eliot kaže da će provincijska definicija slučaja, od sada, obuhvatati i multisistemski inflamatorni vaskulitis, koji se može javiti kod dece.

MONTREAL – Premijer Kvebeka Fransoa Lego saopštio je da će škole u regionu Montreala biti ponovo početi da rade tek na jesen.

FREDERIKTON – U atlanskom delu zemlje počinje sezona jastoga, pa pomoć stiže sa dve strane. Prva je od federalne vlade, novčana, u iznosu od 470 miliona dolara, a potrebna radna snaga, koju obično čine radnici iz inostranstva, ove godine stiže od studenata i učenika iz lokalnih škola koji će se uključiti u akciju od ponedeljka.

OTAVA – Ministar za životnu sredinu Džonatan Vilkinson najavio je da će nacionalni parkovi ponovo biti otvoreni od 1. juna, ali da neće odmah biti moguće sve aktivnosti u njima. Za sada se zna da će kampovanje biti biti zabranjeno bar do 21. juna, do ponovne procene koju će izvršiti federalna vlada.

TORONTO – Kako se najavljuje iz torontskog Zoološkog vrta, uskoro će posetioci moći kolima da obilaze životinje rutom od 3,4 kilometra.

TORONTO – Gradonačelnik Džon Tori najavljuje da bi, kada budu ponovo proradili, tamo gde je to moguće, neki restorani mogli da dobiju bašte proširene ka ulici, u kojima bi gosti mogli da drže propisanu prostornu distancu.

MONTREAL – Montreal je najveće žarište kovida-19 u Kanadi, a u svetu drži neslavno sedmo mesto po broju smrtnih slučajeva, iako se u gradu poštuju mere predostrožnosti. Objašnjenje je u tome da je četiri petine preminulih među korisnicima domova za stare, i da je ogromna većina starija od 60 godina, ali i u činjenici da grad ima emigrantski Severni Montreal, jedno od najsiromašnijih naselja u čitavoj zemlji, gde je zaražen skoro svaki četvrti stanovnik.



City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - May 15, 2020

City of Toronto update on COVID-19

Mayor John Tory, Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa, and Fire Chief and General Manager of the Office of Emergency Management Matthew Pegg today provided an update on the City’s continuing response to COVID-19. Moving forward, City briefings will occur on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 3:45 p.m. There will be no briefing on Victoria Day, Monday, May 18. 

Toronto Public Health continues to see new infections in the city. There are 8,257 people infected with COVID-19 in Toronto, an increase of 160 since yesterday. There are also 6,034 people who have recovered from the virus, an increase of 183 since yesterday. Additional case status information can be found on the City’s reporting platform at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-news/covid-19-status-of-cases-in-toronto/.  

The Medical Officer of Health continues to encourage healthy residents to get fresh air and exercise. City parks are important for respite, serenity, and as an escape to nature and green space. While park amenities remain closed, many activities are permitted. At this time, City parks are open for the following activities:
•       Walking, running, and biking in parks and ravine green spaces and along beaches, trails, and boardwalks
•       Resting or reading a book in green space
•       Picnicking in the park or sitting on a blanket and enjoying the park setting with members of your household while remaining two metres away from others 
•       Walking dogs on-leash
•       Fishing with a licence
•       Boating, kayaking and canoeing 

While those who are not ill are encouraged to use parks, provincial orders and the City bylaw on physical distancing remain in effect, requiring people who are not from the same household to maintain a physical distance of two metres in a park or public square. 

The City’s coordinated COVID-19 Enforcement Team is continuing their important work across the city, educating residents on the City's physical distancing bylaw and provincial Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act orders. This month, the enforcement team has issued 97 tickets related to the use of amenities or gatherings in parks or squares and spoken to more than 2,800 people.

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Sreda, 13. maj 2020.

City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - May 13, 2020

City of Toronto update on COVID-19

Mayor John Tory, Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa, and Fire Chief and General Manager of the Office of Emergency Management Matthew Pegg today provided an update on the City’s continuing response to COVID-19.

Toronto Public Health continues to see new infections in the city. There are 7,944 people infected with COVID-19 in Toronto, an increase of 169 since yesterday. There are also 5,655 people who have recovered from the virus, an increase of 206 since yesterday. Additional case status information can be found on the City’s reporting platform at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-news/covid-19-status-of-cases-in-toronto/.  

The City continues to experience significant global supply chain issues in response to the extraordinary demand for personal protective equipment (PPE) in response to COVID-19 around the world. The present PPE inventory levels, based upon current consumption rates, are a:
•       15 day supply of N-95 Respirators
•       751 day supply of surgical masks
•       245 day supply of isolation gowns, and 
•       20 day supply of face shields.

A number of PPE orders have been placed and the City is awaiting delivery of those items. Should delivery be delayed, such that current inventory is depleted, there are contingency plans in place that include deploying the pandemic stockpile of N-95 respirators. PPE is being monitored on a daily basis.

The COVID-19 Enforcement Team is continuing their important work across the city, educating residents on the City's physical distancing bylaw and provincial Emergency Measures and Civil Protection Act orders. The City received 34 complaints yesterday related to non-essential businesses remaining open. Since March 24, 132 tickets and 275 notices have been issued to non-essential businesses. There have been no complaints related to new retail business curbside pickup.

Yesterday, the City received 65 complaints involving people using outdoor amenities or not practising physical distancing in parks or squares. Bylaw officers issued four tickets ­ bringing the total number of tickets issued since May 1 to 59 tickets. This month, bylaw and police officers have spoken to nearly 2,300 people in City parks about the closures and public health measures. 

Residents are reminded that parks amenities, including parking lots, remain closed at this time. Dogs must be kept on leash at all times in City parks.

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Utorak, 12. maj 2020.

City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - May 12, 2020

City of Toronto update on COVID-19

Mayor John Tory, Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa, and Fire Chief and General Manager of the Office of Emergency Management Matthew Pegg today provided an update on the City’s continuing response to COVID-19.

Toronto Public Health continues to see new infections in the city. There are 7,775 people infected with COVID-19 in Toronto, an increase of 218 since yesterday. There are also 5,449 people who have recovered from the virus, an increase of 109 since yesterday. Additional case status information can be found on the City’s reporting platform at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-news/covid-19-status-of-cases-in-toronto/.  

The COVID-19 Enforcement Team is continuing their important work across the city, educating residents on the City's physical distancing bylaw and provincial Emergency Measures and Civil Protection Act orders. The City received 24 complaints yesterday related to non-essential businesses remaining open. Since March 24, 132 tickets and 269 notices have been issued to non-essential businesses. There have been no complaints related to new retail business curbside pickup.

Yesterday, the City received 78 complaints involving people using outdoor amenities or not practising physical distancing in parks or squares. Bylaw officers issued four tickets ­ bringing the total number of tickets issued since May 1 to 55 tickets. This month, bylaw and police officers have spoken to 2,141 people in City parks about the closures and public health measures. 

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Ponedeljak, 11. maj 2020.

Ontario izlazi iz restrikcije u tri faze i nekoliko etapa

U Ontariju, gde se upravo razmatra mogućnost produženja vanrednog stanja do 2. juna, donet je plan u tri faze o izlasku iz restrikcije posle nekoliko nedelja izolacije zbog pandemijske krize.
Primetno je da nisu dati precizirani datumi za prelazak iz jedne u drugu fazu, ali to je bilo očekivano zato što uslove nameće kretanje zdravstvenog stanja stanovnika. Svaka od faza trajaće dve do četiri sedmice, s tim da će prelazak na narednu odobravati ili odlagati zdravstveni zvaničnici, u zavisnosti od trenutne situacije. Ove procene nastaviće se do završetka pandemije, sve dok se ne pronađe vakcina ili lek za kovid-19.

Upravo je u toku prva faza, koja se bavi zaštitom zdravlja i blagostanja pojedinaca i porodica, kao i podrškom svim zdravstvenim radnicima koji su na prvoj liniji borbe protiv kovida-19. U ovom periodu ne rade svi radnici koji ne spadaju u grupu neophodnih, i na snazi su ograničenja o okupljanju i boravku u otvorenim prostorima, rekreativnim zonama i javnim mestima.

Druga faza odvijaće se u tri etape, kako bi se obezbedio brižljiv pristup ublažavanju restriktivnih mera i ponovnom aktiviranju privrede u provinciji, uz istovremeno očuvanje zdravlja i sigurnosti građana.

Prva etapa doneće otvaranje određenih poslova, u kojima se mogu primenjivati preporučene zdravstvene mere, potom dozvoljavanje pristupa pojedinim parkovima i sličnim prostorima na otvorenom, i okupljanje malo većih grupa ljudi. Ova etapa podrazumeva i postupno vraćanje zdravstvene službe na staro, i obavljanje intervencija koje ne spadaju u hitne.

Tokom druge etape nastaviće se pokretanje dodatnih delatnosti, pristupanje dodatnim otvorenim prostorima i okupljanja većeg broja ljudi, dok se u trećoj etapi otvaraju sva radna mesta i dalje ukidaju restrikcije na javna okupljanja. No, kako se naglašava, velika okupljanja, poput koncerata i sportskih nadmetanja i dalje će biti zabranjena.

Treće faza uvodi u novu normalnost, što podrazumeva stvaranje novih radnih mesta širom provincije, uz obavezno poštovanje strogih zdravstvenih uputstava.
Premijer Dag Ford nekoliko puta je ponovio da se ovde radi o okvirnom planu načina otvaranja, a ne o kalendaru.


Provincije se bude različitim tempom

Federalna vlada ostavila je svakoj provinciji da sama odredi okvirne planove ukidanja restriktivnih mera. I premijer Džastin Trudo je naglasio da svaki region ima specifičnu zdravstvenu situaciju, te da treba da ponaša u skladu sa svojim i interesima svojih građana.

Najsporniji je plan Kvebeka, u kome zdravstvena situacija najnepovoljnija. Danas je premijer Fransoa Lego najavio da će osnovne škole i vrtići u čitavoj provinciji početi da rade 11. maja, sem regiona Montreal gde se otvaraju dve nedelje kasnije. Uvedena su ograničenja broja učenika, pa tako neće moći da ih bude više 15 u učionici, klupe razmaknute i druge mere opreza kako bi se očuvala fizička razdojenost. Obavezne su i kontrole zdravlja učenika. Srednje škole, koledži i univerziteti ponovo rade tek od kraja avgusta.

Pojedine provincije sačinile su preciznije planove. Saskačuan, tako, svoje buđenje u pet faza započinje 4. maja, a otvaranje prodavnica odeće, frizerskih i salona za masažu predviđeno je dve nedelje nakon toga. Ostatak mera nema preciznu vremensku odrednicu, već zavisi od razvoja zdravstvene situacije u provinciji.

U Nju Brunsviku, gde su lansirali interesantan koncept da građani, pored svog domaćinstva, mogu izabrati još jedno, partnersko, sa kojim formiraju ‘dvočlani mehur’, već su otvoreni parkovi, plaže i tereni za golf. Za dve do četiri sedmice moglo bi dozvoliti okupljanja do deset osoba,ukoliko budu održavali fizički razmak od dva metra. U provinciji ne planiraju održavanje koncerata ili festivala bar do kraja godine, a barovi ili organizovani sport neće početi pre nego što se pojavi vakcina.

U Britanskoj Kolumbiji planiraju kako da u narednom periodu omoguće bezbedne posete korisnicima domova za negu.

Manitoba bi trebalo da predstavi svoj plan tokom ove nedelje, a očekuje se to u skoroj budućnosti učine i Njufaundlend i Labrador, Nova Skotija, Alberta, Severozapadne teritorije, Nanavut i Jukon. Ipak, u pojedinim provincijama se, bez obzira na to što planovi nisu precizirani, polako ublažavaju mere restrikcije.

Do daljeg ostaju u čitavoj zemlji zabrane svih prekograničnih i drugih putovanja koja nisu neophodna.
Turizam će biti deo poslednje faze vraćanja u normalu.



MONTREAL – Fabrika za preradu mesa Kargil, koja se nalazi južno od Montreala, novo je žarište koronavirusa, pa će privremeno biti zatvorena. Najmanje 64 radnika u ovoj fabrici, što je oko 13 odsto od ukupnog broja zaposlenih, pozitivno je na kovid-19.

TORONTO – Ontarijska policija uhvatila je, blizu Brlingtona, devetnaestogodišnjeg vozača koji je vozio očev automobil brzinom od 308 kilometara na sat, na putu sa ograničenjem od 100 kilometara. Policajci su prokomentarisali da se radi o neverovatnoj brzini, najvećoj na kanadskim putevima.

TORONTO – Ontarijski ministar prosvete Stiven Lekej kaže da provincija pokušava da finalizuje plan o načinu za završetak školske godine, i očekuje da će narednih dana biti poznati detalji.

TORONTO – Ontarijski premijer Dag Ford ponovo jedno govori, a drugo radi. Prvo je, dok je sugerisao građanima da ostanu kod kuće, otišao do svoje vikendice, a tokom ovog vikenda su se on i supruga družili sa svoje četiri ćerke. To ne bilo sporno da dve ćerke više ne žive u istoj kući sa ostatkom porodice, i da Ford nije preporučio građanima da se još malo strpe i ostanu samo u porodičnom krugu. On se brani da su bile prisutne samo ćerke, a ne njihovi muževi ili momci. Inače, Ministarstvo zdravlja ograničava skupove na maksimum pet osoba.


City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - May 11, 2020

City of Toronto update on COVID-19

Mayor John Tory, Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa, and Fire Chief and General Manager of the Office of Emergency Management Matthew Pegg today provided an update on the City’s continuing response to COVID-19.

Dr. de Villa stated that, while we are making progress in Toronto’s battle against COVID-19, Toronto Public Health continues to see new infections in the city. There are 7,557 infected with COVID-19 in Toronto, an increase of 144 since yesterday. There are also 5,340 people who have recovered from the virus, an increase of 148 since yesterday. Unfortunately, today Dr. de Villa reported the first COVID-19 death within the city’s emergency shelter system. Additional case status information can be found on the City’s reporting platform at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-news/covid-19-status-of-cases-in-toronto/.  

The COVID-19 Enforcement Team is continuing their important work across the city educating residents on the City's physical distancing bylaw and the Emergency Measures and Civil Protection Act orders. Enforcement is ongoing, where necessary. 

Yesterday, the City received 28 complaints involving people using outdoor amenities or not practising physical distancing in parks or squares. Police issued seven tickets – bringing the total number of tickets issued since May 1 to 51 tickets. This month, bylaw and police officers have spoken to more than 2,000 people in City parks about the closures and public health measures. 

 The City received no complaints yesterday related to non-essential businesses remaining open. Three tickets were issued to non-essential businesses yesterday. Since March 24, 132 tickets and 267 notices have been issued to non-essential businesses. 

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Četvrtak, 8. maj 2020.

Različit pristup ukidanju restrikcija po provincijama

Provincije koje ukidaju mera ograničenja su pred dilemom, da li da se pridržavaju zajedničkog okvira, ili da se proces razlikuje po regionima i lokalnim sredinama.

Tako, premijer Alberte Džejson Kenej, osvrćući se na dešavanja u fabrikama za preradu mesa, najavljuje da bi oni mogli da primene lokalni princip.

Slično razmišljaju i u Kvebeku, najvećem žarištu u Kanadi sa preko polovine od ukupnog broja potvrđenih i sumnjivih, kao i smrtnih slučajeva. Tu se već primenjuje jedan tempo za Montreal, a drugi za ostatak provincije jer, kako objašnjava premijer Fransoa Lego, u ovom gradu se još uvek nisu stekli potrebni uslovi.

Ontarijski premijer Dag Ford, pak, kaže da će se provincija pridržavati jedinstvenog plana. Takav pristup dogovoren je i u Britanskoj Kolumbiji, iako su oni prvobitno razmatrali drugačiju mogućnost.



OTAVA – Autoprevoznik Grejhaund Kanada je, uz izvinjenje svima koji zbog toga imaju probleme, najavila da će stopirati sve svoje autobuske linije u zemlji zbog koronavirusa. Kompanija je u zapadnom delu zemlje prestala da prevozi 2018. godine, a od početka pandemije prodaja karata u istočnom delu zemlje pala je za 95 odsto. Zbog ove odluke će oko 400 zaposlenih privremeno ostati bez posla, ali se naglašava da su bili prinuđeni da donesu takvu odluku.

OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo najavio je da će vladin fond za subvencije na plate nastaviti i posle juna da pomaže preduzećima i organizacijama. Pomoć se sastoji u subvencionisanju do 75 odsto plata zaposlenih, ukoliko oni ne budu skinuti sa platnog spiska. Federalna vlada postigla je dogovor sa provincijama i teritorijama, kojim se predviđa da one obezbede milijardu dolara, dok iz državnog budžeta za te namene idu tri milijarde. Premijr Trudo je naglasio da se radi o zajedničkoj akciji, u kojoj je potrebno samo još finalizovati detalje.

OTAVA – Statistička služba saopštila je da u Kanadi u aprilu izgubljeno skoro dva miliona radnih mesta, čime je taj broj premašio tri miliona od početka pandemijske krize. Stopa nezaposlenosti sada je 13 odsto, dok je u martu bila 7,8. Najteža situacija je u Kvebeku, gde je bez posla 18,7 odsto, a slede Njufaundlend i Labrador, Alberta i Nju Brunsvik, dok je najpovoljnije na Ostrvu princa Edvarda, sa stopom od 10,8 odsto. Deo izgubljenih radnih mesta je privremen, tako da to delimično olakšava situaciju.

VANKUVER – Povodom skidanja pojedinih restrikcija i namere mnogih da prošire svoje društvne kontakte, šefica provincijske zdravstvene službe dr BoniHenri upozorava da je budućnost u našim rukama koje treba da nastavimo da peremo.

OTAVA – Asocijacija farmaceuta, koja je prvi put početkom marta, sa epidemijom kovida -19 u Kini, upozorila na moguće nestašice lekova, ponovo se oglasila. Oni objašnjavaju da je sada smanjena isporuka lekova razlog za nestašicu, pa pacijentima preporučuju da pokušaju da se prilagode okolnostima(?!).

MONTREAL – Kanadska vojska je angažovala najveći deo svog medicinskog personala za pomoć domovima za negu starih i obolelih lica u Kvebeku, koji su najteže pogođeni pandemijom. Ogromnu pomoć Kvebek je dobio i od tražilaca azila, koje je i premijer Fransoa Lego nazvao anđelima čuvarima, jer su radili bez obzira što nemaju nikakvu garanciju da im to može osigurati ostanak u Kanadi. Borci za prava imigranata zalažu se da vlada sagleda njihovu situaciju i odobri im boravak. Među njima je veliki broj obolelih, zbog neadekvatnih uslova života.

MONTREAL – Provincijska policija istražuje požare na tornjevima za mobilnu telefoniju u okolini Montreala. Postoje, naime, naznake da bi barem dva mogla biti povezana sa teorijama zavere da 5G tehnologija može biti uzrok pandemije koronavirusa. Uhapšeni su jedan mladić i devojka, pod sumnjom da su izazvali dva požara i pričinili štetu.

OTAVA – Federalna vlada je pomogla da se oko 25 hiljada kanadskih državljana vrati u zemlju iz 81 zemlje sveta, od početka pandemijske krize, ali i dalje ima zainteresovanih za povratak. Budući da su neki od njih u zabačnim delovima sveta, država se obratila stranim aviokompanijama za pomoć, ali i dalje ne veruje da će svima biti omogućen povratak pre završetka pandemije.


City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:

News Release - May 8, 2020

City of Toronto update on COVID-19

Mayor John Tory, Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa, and Fire Chief and General Manager of the Office of Emergency Management Matthew Pegg, today, provided an update on the City’s continuing response to COVID-19.

As of yesterday afternoon, there are 7,114 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto, including 4,717 recovered cases and180 new COVID-19 cases. We continue to see COVID-19 deaths; as of yesterday, 532 people in Toronto have died from COVID-19. Case status data can be found on the City’s reporting platform at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-news/covid-19-status-of-cases-in-toronto/. 

Dr. de Villa reminded all residents that the best way to protect yourself against COVID-19 is washing your hands frequently, avoiding touching your face as much as possible, and maintaining a physical distance of two metres from others. In a retail environment where physical distancing cannot be maintained and individuals are in close contact, a cloth mask or face covering is strongly recommended to keep germs from spreading to others. 

Enforcement of the City's physical distancing bylaw and the Province’s Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act orders is ongoing. Yesterday, the City received 103 complaints involving people using outdoor amenities or not practising physical distancing in parks or squares. Bylaw and police officers issued four tickets ­ bringing the total number of tickets issued since May 1 to 36 tickets. This month, bylaw and police officers have spoken to more than 1,800 people in City parks about the closures and public health measures. 

Enforcement officers continue to encounter individuals with off-leash dogs in parks. Off-leash dog parks are a park amenity that are closed by provincial order. Dog owners are reminded that dogs should be kept on-leash at all times until off-leash areas reopen.

The City also received 15 complaints yesterday related to non-essential businesses remaining open. No tickets were issued to non-essential businesses yesterday. Since March 24, 127 tickets and 247 notices have been issued to non-essential businesses. 



City of Toronto announces plan to support retail stores re-opening for pickup and delivery service

As the Province of Ontario moves towards re-opening businesses, services and public spaces in stages, the City of Toronto today announced its plan to support retail stores as they re-open for curbside pickup and delivery on Monday.

Starting tomorrow, Saturday, May 9, hardware stores and safety supply stores will be permitted to open for in-store payment and purchases. On Monday, May 11, all retail stores with a street entrance can also begin to offer curbside pickup and delivery. Garden centres and nurseries are already permitted to be open for in-store payment and purchases and are operating under the same guidelines that grocery stores and pharmacies have been following.

The Emergency Operations Centre has worked with Toronto Public Health, the Toronto Office of Recovery and Rebuild, Transportation Services, and other City divisions to help draft guidelines for businesses to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and encourage physical distancing. 

Examples of how business owners can help keep employees and customers safe include: 
•       Actively managing entry into their stores by placing employees, signage and visual cues such as cones or tape 
•       Encouraging employees and customers to wear face coverings, such as non-medical masks or scarves
•       Managing lines inside the store by placing tape every two metres (six feet)
•       Allowing for online or over the phone orders 
•       Scheduling pickup times for customers
•       Defining a process for how employees interact with customers ­ especially related to loading vehicles and payments 
•       Where possible, only accepting payments by credit card, debit or gift card

As businesses in Toronto consider how to allow curbside pickup, they should continue to follow advice from public health experts by planning to manage physical distancing for customers and employees, both inside and outside their stores; support proper hand hygiene; keep surfaces and objects clean; and find ways to limit contact between people. Tips for businesses are available on toronto.ca at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-economic-support-recovery-for-businesses/covid-19-business-sector-resources/?accordion=retail-sector-support-curbto-zones-and-noise-bylaw. 

While the curbside pick-up accommodation is meant to help businesses get going again, business should be carried out in a manner that is consistent with the continuing public health challenge. Business owners should not initiate sales or promotions designed to attract big crowds and should adhere to all public health guidelines.

In April, the City of Toronto launched CurbTO to identify sidewalk hot spots and pinch points to help reduce sidewalk crowding in front of essential businesses and support increased demand for pickup and delivery services. This program will be expanded to support additional retail locations throughout Toronto.

Learn more about CurbTO at http://www.toronto.ca/covid19BusinessTO.

Employers can reference guidelines provided by Workplace Safety & Prevention Services at https://www.wsps.ca/WSPS/media/Site/Resources/Downloads/covid-19-delivery-service-health-and-safety-guidance.pdf?ext=.pdf.

The City of Toronto remains focused on fighting COVID-19 and continuing to provide the essential and critical City services that residents and businesses rely on. At this same time, the City is looking ahead to the restart and recovery period. Like other municipalities, the City of Toronto is working to protect livelihoods while also protecting lives in a post-COVID world.


“It is critical that the opening of more businesses and shops is done in a safe way that doesn’t allow for further spread of this deadly virus. Much of that ­ as always has been the case ­ will rely on individual residents continuing to do the right thing and keeping their distance from others. And it will absolutely rely on businesses continuing to do the right thing and following the provincial regulations and public health recommendations. I strongly encourage all businesses that are permitted to open to closely follow the advice and guidance of public health experts by ensuring physical distancing measures are in place, and to diligently plan for their re-opening in advance so that they keep their employees and customers safe and prevent any further spread of COVID-19."
- Mayor John Tory

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Sreda, 6. maj 2020.

City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:

News Release - May 6, 2020

City of Toronto update on COVID-19

Mayor John Tory, Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa, and Fire Chief and General Manager of the Office of Emergency Management Matthew Pegg, today, provided an update on the City’s continuing response to COVID-19.

As of this afternoon, there are 6,665 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto. Cases include 6,019 confirmed cases and 646 probable cases. There are 391 cases hospitalized, with 99 in intensive care units. We continue to see COVID-19 deaths; to date, 504 people in Toronto have died from COVID-19. Case status data can be found on the City’s reporting platform at toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-news/covid-19-status-of-cases-in-toronto.

The decreasing number of COVID-19 cases represents residents’ commitment to public health measures and protecting the community, but we need to continue remaining diligent and continue to practise physical distancing when outside.

Dr. de Villa continues to encourage active modes of transportation such as walking or biking during the COVID-19 outbreak. These activities can significantly reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improve mental health. While the risk for becoming infected with the virus when quickly passing someone on a walking trail or bike path is low, Dr. de Villa reminds residents to work together to maintain physical distancing by stepping aside or passing others quickly and courteously.

The fight against COVID-19 continues and the majority of Toronto residents are doing their part to help stop the spread of this virus. Yesterday, the City received 210 complaints involving people using outdoor amenities or not practising physical distancing in parks. Bylaw and police officers issued one ticket ­ bringing the total number of tickets issued under City's physical distancing bylaw and the Province’s Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act to 621 since April 3. Bylaw and police officers have spoken to more than 14,000 people in City parks about the closures and public health measures. 

The City also received 27 complaints yesterday related to non-essential businesses remaining open. Since March 24, Municipal Licensing & Standards and Toronto Public Health have issued 113 tickets and 236 notices to non-essential businesses.

An important note for residents in the Beach: there is a family of foxes under the boardwalk and the public is reminded to never interfere with, handle or feed wildlife. Wildlife that lose their fear of humans can pose dangers to people, as well as themselves. Barricades have now been erected near the fox den and bylaw officers are patrolling the area and encouraging people to not stop to look at the foxes. Dog owners are also reminded to keep their dogs on a leash at all times.

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Ponedeljak, 4. maj 2020.

Računi se gomilaju - Plaćanje rente ne čeka

Već drugi mesec za redom mnogi su suočeni sa problemom plaćanja zakupnine za stan. Smanjeni prihodi, da li zbog gubitka radnog mesta ili privremenog prestanka rada nekih delatnosti, mnoge je dovelo u dilemu da li da kupe hranu ili plate rentu.
Istraživanje koje je uradio CIBC, pokazuje da je u Kanadi 75 odsto stanara platilo puni iznos rente, a svaki deseti tek samo deo.

U većini provincija i teritorija uvedena je zabrana izbacivanja zakupaca dok traje pandemijska kriza.
Dejvid Hatniak, direktor Lendlord BK, koja predstavlja stanodavce u Britanskoj Kolumbiji, kaže da će se problem na relaciji stanodavac-zakupac pogoršavati kako vreme odmiče. On smatra da bi federalna vlada trebalo da donese program subvencije stanarina.

Međutim, premijer Džastin Trudo je, pominjući ovu temu, rekao da pitanje renti treba da rešavaju provincije.
Hatnijak kaže da je program u Britanskoj Kolumbiji neadekvatan, jer je nedovoljan i ne podmiruje troškove koje imaju stanodavci, a ne podmiruje ni potrebe stanara.
Slična, ako ne i lošija, situacija je i u drugim delovima zemlje.
U Ontariju je tek petina stanara platila pun iznos rente, dok su ostali platili delimično, sklopili planove za otplatu ili uopšte nisu platili.


OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo izjavio je da su naučnici u Kanadi pronašli antitela koja mogu da se koriste za pravljenje leka protiv koronavirusa i da bi klinička ispitivanja mogla započeti veću julu. Vlada je namenila i 175 miliona za pomoć vankuverskoj biološkoj kompaniji Abselera, koja se bavi tim istraživanjem. Takođe, premijer Trudo je najavio izdvajanje 240 miliona dolara za unapređenje onlajn pristupa zdravstvenim službama u primarnom zdravstvu.

HALIFAKS – RCMP u Novoj Skotiji je izložen kritikama zbog toga što, pre dve sedmice, nisu objavili uzbunu na opasnost dok se, u ruralnoj oblasti te provincije, dešavalo najmasovnije ubistvo u kanadskoj istoriji. Oni napominju da sada nema nikakvog uputstva, koje važi za čitavu zemlju, koje nalaže kada policija treba da koristi sistem za upozoravanje na opasnost i emituje ga preko mobilne telefonije i televizije, pa nameravaju da ustanove nacionalnu politiku za delovanje u takvim situacijama.

OTAVA – Kompanija Spartan biosejens povlači oko pet hiljada primeraka brzih testova za kovid-19, nakon što je Helt Kanada izrazila sumnju u njihovu efikasnost, ali ističe da će u najkraćem roku izvršiti provere i isporučiti testove tržištu u zemlji.

MONTREAL – Kompanija Er Kanada prijavila je gubitak od 1,05 milijardi za prvi kvartal ove godine, kao posledicu pandemijske krize.

VINIPEG – U okviru skidanja restrikcija uvedenih povodom pandemije, u Manitobi se od danas može ići, između ostalog, u frizerske salone, muzeje, bašte restorana, ali uz poštovanje svih mera za očuvanje zdravlja stanovništva. Neke mere se ukidaju i u Saskačuanu, Ontariju, Kvebeku, Novoj Skotiji i Ostrvu princa Edvarda.

FREDERIKTON – U Nju Brunsviku već petnaest dana nije zabeležen ni jedan novi slučaj osobe zaražene koronavirusom, a u Njufaundlendu i Labradoru, Severozapadnim teritorijama i Jukonu, tokom vikenda nije bilo novoobolelih.

OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo je u nedelju obećao da će mere protiv vatrenog oružja biti proširene i na pojačavanje pogranične kontrole, kada zakon bude pred parlamentarnim poslanicima. Donošenje zabrane ne zahteva saglasnost Parlamenta, već samo objavljivanje u službenom glasilu.

TORONTO – Ontarijski premijer Džon Tori je, u intervjuu za CP24, najavio da je došlo vreme da prihvatimo da će planiranje određenih aktivnosti unapred i njihovo zakazivanje, predstavljati novi vid normalnosti. Delatnosti koje počinju sa radom, od restorana pa nadalje, primaće ograničen broj ljudi, pa će rezervisanje mesta biti neophodno.



City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - May 4, 2020

City of Toronto update on COVID-19

Mayor John Tory, Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa, and Fire Chief and General Manager of the Office of Emergency Management Matthew Pegg, today, provided an update on the City’s continuing response to COVID-19.

As of yesterday afternoon, there are 6,278 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto. Cases include 5,641 confirmed cases and 637 probable cases. There are 387 cases hospitalized, with 105 in intensive care units. We continue to see COVID-19 deaths; to date, 449 people in Toronto have died from COVID-19. Case status data can be found on the City’s reporting platform at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-news/covid-19-status-of-cases-in-toronto/

Enforcement of the City's physical distancing bylaw and the Province’s Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act orders is ongoing. Yesterday, the City received 184 complaints involving people using outdoor amenities or not practising physical distancing in parks or squares. Bylaw and police officers issued four tickets ­ bringing the total number of tickets issued since May 1 to 11 tickets. This month, bylaw and police officers have spoken to almost 1,000 people in City parks about the closures and public health measures. 

The City also received 19 complaints yesterday related to non-essential businesses remaining open. Toronto Public Health issued seven tickets to non-essential businesses yesterday.



City of Toronto to begin opening community gardens and allotment gardens  

On April 25, the Province of Ontario announced amendments to an Order under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act that permit the use of allotment gardens and community gardens. To help increase the resiliency of and food security for Toronto’s residents during the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Toronto will open its community and allotment gardens for the 2020 gardening season. The City will follow a phased approach in opening its 81 community gardens and 12 allotment gardens to ensure public safety while providing access to an essential source of fresh food.

Community gardens will begin to open this week on a location-by-location basis. Allotment gardens will begin to open during the week of May 11. 

Each year, the City’s community gardens and their volunteers support more than 25 community agencies and provide them with 1,133 to 2,267 kilograms (2,000 to 5,000 pounds) of fresh, Toronto-grown produce. Annually, more than 1,300 people use the City’s allotment gardens to grow their own food and plants. The gardens typically open in early May for planting activities but were previously included in the Province’s ordered closure of all recreation amenities in Ontario.

As part of the amendment, the Province directed local Medical Officers of Health to provide advice and instructions that gardens must meet in order to operate safely, both for the benefit of those using the garden and for the general public. These guidelines include details on infection prevention and control measures, including how to achieve physical distancing at each location and guidance on the cleaning and disinfection of commonly used equipment and surfaces. The guidelines are available at: https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/8d67-COVID-19-Directions-Community-and-Allotment-Gardens.pdf.

Since the provincial order was amended on April 25, site readiness activities have been underway including supplying water service, as well as maintenance and spring cleanup work to get the gardens ready to open. Handwashing station equipment has been procured and will begin to be installed. 

The City’s community gardens are initiated through proposals from local volunteer community groups and utilize unused green space which allows them to be spread out amongst Toronto’s many communities. They are also operated and organized by volunteer groups who can ensure they meet both provincial orders on gatherings and public health guidelines. 

Garden plots in the City’s allotment gardens are within close proximity to one another and many resources, including water service and tools and equipment are shared. The allotment gardens were designed to make the best use of space for an extremely popular City program in an urban environment. Allotment gardens are accessed through a fee-based permit for individual use. To date, 1,357 permits have been issued for 2020 season. 

City staff have reached out to permit holders and community groups to confirm that gardens will open and will continue to connect with them to provide confirmation of when their garden will open and critical public health information. 

Details about urban agriculture in Toronto, including the City’s community and allotment gardens can found at: https://www.toronto.ca/explore-enjoy/parks-gardens-beaches/gardens-and-horticulture/urban-agriculture/. 

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice and information about City services, social supports and economic recovery measures. More information about the City’s community and allotment gardens is available at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-news/affected-city-services/. 


"Toronto Public Health and Parks, Forestry & Recreation staff are working diligently to open the City’s community and allotment gardens under the expert advice of Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Eileen de Villa. I am pleased we will be able to open these amenities for the 2020 season to provide Torontonians with an essential source of fresh food while ensuring the safety of our residents and our staff." 
- Toronto Mayor John Tory 

“Community gardens are an integral part of our local food production, providing fresh affordable food to families, food banks, and communities. They are also more important than ever as the COVID-19 pandemic and economic uncertainty create new food challenges, particularly for members of our community who already face inequitable access to food.”
- Councillor Joe Cressy, Spadina-Fort York (Ward 10), Chair of the Board of Health

“Access to safe, nutritious food is critical to a person’s health and wellbeing. These gardens provide an essential source of fresh food for families and community groups, including those who face food insecurity. I am very happy our Parks, Forestry & Recreation staff have worked with Toronto Public Health to safely open these important community resources.” 
- Councillor James Pasternak, York Centre (Ward 6), Chair of the Infrastructure and Environment Committee


City of Toronto reopens debenture to help fund capital projects

Following 2019 success, the City of Toronto is reopening one of its recently settled debenture offerings for an additional $200 million. The City issues long-term debt to help fund a variety of key capital projects.

This $200 million bond issue has a fixed coupon of 2.65 per cent and a maturity of November 9, 2029. This reissuance brings the bond's outstanding amount to $600 million. 

Investors paid a price of $108.92 to yield 1.631 per cent, which is the lowest borrowing cost the City of Toronto has ever secured.

These bonds will help fund critical capital projects for a number of City divisions, including:
• Toronto Transit Commission
• Toronto Public Health
• Long-Term Care Homes
• Solid Waste Management Services
• Toronto Public Library
• Toronto’s Sustainable Energy Plan and many others.

Toronto has one of the largest municipal borrowing programs in Canada. It is a regular issuer in the public Canadian debt market, with several sinking fund debentures each year.

Debenture issues are initially distributed and traded by several Canadian investment dealers. Retail investors can contact their financial institutions to inquire about investing in the City of Toronto’s debentures.

More information about the City’s debenture programs can be found at https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/budget-finances/city-finance/.


“Expressions of interest are more than double for the $200 million being sold. The ability to launch a successful deal under these challenging market conditions is a positive indication how investors feel about the City of Toronto.”
- Mayor John Tory

“The low cost of borrowing will help us to finance more key capital projects and grow our economy. It is also an important tool that will help the City deliver tangible and sustainable outcomes.”
- Councillor Gary Crawford, Budget Committee Chair, Scarborough-Southwest (Ward 20)

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

- 30 -

Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Sreda, 29. april 2020.

City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - April 29, 2020


Special City Council meeting to happen April 30

Tomorrow, due to the current COVID-19 restrictions on public gatherings, Toronto City Council will meet virtually for the first time in its history. Mayor John Tory called the special City Council meeting to be held Thursday, April 30 at 10 a.m. 

City Council will meet using an online video conferencing platform. The public can view the live stream of the meeting at https://www.youtube.com/TorontoCityCouncilLive.

The Mayor's report on the COVID-19 Emergency is on the agenda and can be found at http://app.toronto.ca/tmmis/viewAgendaItemHistory.do?item=2020.CC20.3.

The full agenda, which includes urgent items only, can be found online at toronto.ca/council.

City of Toronto reports on COVID-19 cases and enforcement initiatives

Mayor John Tory, Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa, and Fire Chief and General Manager of the Office of Emergency Management Matthew Pegg provided an update on the City’s continuing response to COVID-19.

Today marks the 50th day of continuous Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) operations ­ 44 of which have been at Level 3, the highest level of activation. This is the longest continuous activation of the City's EOC to date.

As of this afternoon, there are 5,360 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto. Cases include 4,845 confirmed cases and 515 probable cases. There are 354 cases hospitalized, with 111 in intensive care units. We continue to see COVID-19 deaths; to date, 347 people in Toronto have died from COVID-19. Case status data can be found on the City’s reporting platform at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-news/covid-19-status-of-cases-in-toronto/. 

Enforcement of the City's physical distancing bylaw and the Province’s Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act orders is ongoing. Yesterday, the City received 395 complaints involving people using outdoor amenities or not practising physical distancing in parks. Bylaw and police officers issued 18 tickets ­ bringing the total number of tickets issued since April 3 to 578. Bylaw and police officers have spoken to more than 12,250 people in City parks about the closures and public health measures. 

The City also received two complaints yesterday related to non-essential businesses remaining open. Since March 24, Municipal Licensing & Standards and Toronto Public Health have issued 79 tickets and 172 notices to non-essential businesses.

Officers continue to observe people participating in prohibited activities in City parks, including gathering in groups larger than five, not practising physical distancing, allowing dogs to run off leash in public areas and using closed parks amenities, such as playgrounds and skateboard parks.


City of Toronto taking action to fight COVID-19 by providing interim housing to people sleeping in encampments

As part of the ongoing fight against COVID-19 and to help stop the spread of the virus, the City of Toronto is providing interim housing for people sleeping outdoors. 

The new interim housing is located in two vacant apartment buildings in Midtown Toronto. The buildings are being leased by the City from a local developer.

This welcome partnership allows the City to provide temporary housing with supports for vulnerable clients for up to six months. The property, owned by the Times Group, is slated for demolition as part of a revitalization project and is available until the issuance of construction permits resumes. 

The new program is located in two connected, vacant mid-rise apartment buildings. There is a total of 125 furnished units for clients. The City thanks DelSuites for donating furniture and housewares for 40 of these units. There is a kitchen available in each unit, and clients will have access to laundry, free wi-fi and cable television. The building is accessible and pet-friendly. Each unit will cost the City $55 per day to rent, plus HST and utilities. There is no cost to clients.

Clients will be provided with on-site supports including meals, 24/7 staff support, security and case management focused on long-term housing and other immediate needs, including harm reduction supports. This interim housing will help act as a bridge to more permanent housing options for these residents.

Health and safety are a priority: active and ongoing screening for COVID-19 symptoms, infection prevention and control measures, and enhanced room and common area cleaning will be undertaken.

The City’s Streets to Homes outreach team, working with community partners, will approach individuals and couples who are sleeping outdoors for an opportunity to move into these units. Access to units will be prioritized for clients in encampment sites that present health and safety concerns and are identified as higher risk to COVID-19 related harms. 

The City gained temporary possession of the building this week and has quickly mobilized to:

•       work with Toronto Fire Services, Toronto Building and other divisions to ensure buildings and units are safe;
•       furnish the buildings;
•       secure contracts for linens, security, food, laundry and cleaning;
•       engage individuals and couples who are experiencing homelessness and sleeping outdoors and work with those who want to move; and
•       arrange for transport of clients, pets and their belongings into the program.

There has been a suspension on the clearing of encampments since the start of the pandemic. Beginning today, clients staying in outdoor locations identified for this program will be offered access to a variety of indoor spaces including this interim housing program and will be notified of clearing of the encampment sites they are on. Outreach teams will continue to engage with clients at these sites after these encampment clearing notices have been posted.

Access to units will be prioritized for clients who are chronically homeless and identified as having a higher risk to COVID-19, and in encampment sites that are located in areas that lack sanitary and food resources and present health and safety concerns to them and the general public.

The goal of this innovative new program is to provide a safe space for clients who are sleeping outdoors that is conducive to physical distancing to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and save lives. It will also reduce the number of clients in encampments and bedded down outside across the city and provide them with health and well-being supports. This is part of a rapid, overall strategy to open 23 new sites with more than 1,400 spaces for isolation, physical distancing, recovery and housing. 

For more information on housing and shelter supports visit https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-news/affected-city-services/.



"The City of Toronto is doing everything we can as a municipal government to help our most vulnerable residents during the pandemic. This is an innovative plan to help house those most in need."

- Mayor John Tory

"Ending chronic homelessness is not a slogan, it's possible. Everyone deserves to have a safe and affordable home, and access to services that help individuals achieve housing stability. The fact is we need a range of housing options that meet the different and unique needs of people experiencing homelessness.  Programs like this that expand access to housing in our city and community mark a positive step forward in our goal of ending homelessness".

-Councillor Joe Cressy, Chair, Board of Health, Spadina-Fort York (Ward 10)

“The Shelter, Support and Housing Administration division is working around the clock on wonderful initiatives like this one with the Times Group to temporarily house clients who sleep outdoors in up to 125 spaces where they will have their own self-contained unit on a temporary basis. This program provides the safety and stability they need while our housing workers assist them to develop a plan for permanent housing. This is part of a much larger plan that SSHA has implemented rapidly in the last few weeks to move more than 1,400 people who are experiencing homelessness into new locations by the end of April.”

- Mary-Anne Bédard, General Manager, Shelter Support and Housing Administration

“Our partnership with the City at this unprecedented time in history enables us to provide living space for the most vulnerable when it is needed most. Additionally, with the lease proceeds, we have committed to donating $500,000 to Toronto’s food banks. Speaking for my partners and our entire staff, we feel it’s our duty as citizens to help.”

- Hashem Ghadaki, President of Times Group.

"Homelessness is inextricably linked to health. This partnership helps advance the housing needs and protection for people through COVID-19. And hopefully enables more lasting solutions for the improved health and well-being of our most disadvantaged patient populations."

- Dr. Andrew Boozary, Executive Director, Health and Social Policy at University Health Network


Implementation plan for up to 250 modular supportive housing units released, CMHC’s Affordable Housing Innovation Fund to cover 40 per cent of capital costs for Phase I

Today, Mayor John Tory announced the proposed implementation plan for a modular supportive housing initiative to create 110 modular homes on two City-owned sites. The new modular homes are expected to be ready for occupancy by September 2020 and will provide stable, affordable housing and support services to individuals experiencing homelessness. 

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, City of Toronto staff were preparing to bring forward a report to the March 23 Planning and Housing Committee meeting outlining the proposed implementation plan. However, as a result of the pandemic, regular committee and council meetings have been cancelled and the need for supportive housing, while significant before, increased considerably.

Now, more than ever, an increased effort has been made to move ahead on the modular pilot and expedite delivery. Staff are recommending entering negotiations with Horizon North for the manufacturing, design and installation of up to 110 modular homes in two, three-storey developments ­ representing Phase I of the City’s modular housing pilot. The terms of the proposed contract will be reviewed and considered by City Council at its April 30 meeting. A full request for proposal (RFP) will be issued in the summer of 2020 for the second phase of the pilot, representing an additional 140 modular supportive homes to be completed by April 2021.

The full capital costs for Phase I of the pilot is estimated at $20.9 million. Funding would come from the City's Development Charges Reserve Fund for Subsidized Housing, and from the Government of Canada through Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Affordable Housing Innovation Fund, which has committed $8.25 million in grants and recoverable loans. 

Operating funding for health-related support services and housing subsidies will be requested from the Province, so that deeply affordable supportive homes can be delivered at the sites. 

Modular housing, prefabricated in a factory and then transported to the site where it is assembled, can be implemented at a lower cost and shorter timeframe than traditional housing construction models. While this would be the first modular housing project by the City of Toronto, it has been used in many other jurisdictions in North America. Modular housing provides a unique opportunity to respond rapidly to the city's urgent homelessness situation, while also reducing pressure on the City's shelter system. 

The guiding principles for the pilot are: 

•       Provide a rapid, dignified response to connect people experiencing homelessness with homes and appropriate supports to help them achieve housing stability.
•       Develop a supportive housing model based on partnerships with other orders of government, the non-profit and the private sectors.
•       Create permanent, high quality, energy-efficient modular homes to ensure that people can establish housing stability and connect to their local community.
•       Prioritize the selection of sites that are close to both public transit and community and social services.
•       Prioritize the retention of City-owned sites by negotiating long-term land leases.
•       Achieve the highest possible public benefits from City-owned land.
•       Commit to meaningful public consultation and engagement.

Staff are in the process of identifying City-owned/controlled sites appropriate for the development of modular housing. As part of a future report, subject to Council approval, the City will offer the identified sites through 35-year leases for nominal sums to non-profit operators selected as part of a request for proposals process.

More details on the proposed implementation plan can be found in the staff report: http://app.toronto.ca/tmmis/viewAgendaItemHistory.do?item=2020.CC20.6 


"We know helping people with supportive housing is good for everyone and modular housing is a way to make that happen faster. The pandemic has heightened the need for supportive housing and I have asked City staff to move this project at an urgent pace. This partnership model for building and operating new supportive homes, through support from all orders of government and community partners, is critical to supporting the health, socio-economic and environmental well-being of residents. I continue to work with the other orders of government to ensure this initiative and the entire HousingTO Action Plan is fully funded and delivered."
- Mayor John Tory 

"The bold vision and targets outlined in our City's HousingTO 2020-2030 Action Plan are moving forward with significant steps only months after the HousingTO plan was approved by Council. These 110 modular homes will provide stable and affordable homes as well as support services to individuals experiencing homelessness, while also reducing pressure on the City's shelters particularly at a time when there is urgency to fast implement these innovative housing approaches and manage this crisis with long lasting solutions. It is a cost effective approach that delivers better health and housing outcomes. We’re moving forward on our commitment to ensure that Toronto is a place where families and individuals can live in safe, well-maintained and affordable housing."
- Deputy Mayor Ana Bailão, (Ward 9 Davenport), Planning and Housing Committee Chair 

"Every Canadian deserves a safe and affordable place to call home. Today's announcement will build new housing quickly for those individuals experiencing homelessness. Projects like these are even more important as we work together to address the COVID-19 pandemic. This announcement builds on the over $150 million the Government of Canada provided to help cities across Canada deal with the impacts of COVID-19 on the homeless population."
- The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development


Residents can experience virtual cherry blossom bloom during closure of High Park 

Based on the recommendations of the Medical Officer of Health to stop the spread of COVID-19 and save lives, the City is taking action to prevent crowding and gathering in High Park during the cherry blossom bloom.

With the peak bloom period about to begin, the City of Toronto is closing High Park starting tomorrow, Thursday, April 30. During the park closure, residents will be able to enjoy the cherry blossom bloom virtually.

Throughout the closure period, the City will provide a continuous livestream of the cherry tree grove in High Park, plus multiple live events and videos featuring virtual walk-throughs of the blossoming Sakura (cherry blossom) trees. 

BloomCam, the continuous live stream, is now live. The timing of live events is weather-dependent and will be announced on the City’s website and corporate social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. For more information and links to the videos visit https://www.toronto.ca/cherryblossoms.

The City would like to thank its virtual experience partners, the Toronto Public Library Bookmobile and Rogers, for powering the internet connectivity needed to bring this year's High Park cherry blossom bloom into viewers’ homes.

During two 30-minute livestream events, Indigenous Knowledge Keeper André Morrisseau will recognize the traditional territories of the Indigenous Peoples through a Land Acknowledgement and experts from the High Park Nature Centre will guide viewers through nature and history walks focused on Toronto's cherry blossom trees.

Every year, thousands of people visit High Park to view the cherry blossom trees in bloom. The blossoms typically last between four and 10 days, depending on weather. The peak bloom period traditionally occurs from late April to early May. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, High Park is closed during the bloom period, as maintaining proper physical distancing will not be possible. This closure follows similar responses that have occurred in Japan, Korea, Europe and Washington, D.C. The closure will continue until the bloom period is completed. An end closure date will be communicated once it is confirmed.

The allotment gardens in High Park will not be open or accessible during this closure. More details about the garden allotments will be announced later this week.

A coordinated team of Parks, Forestry & Recreation staff, Municipal Licensing & Standards bylaw enforcement officers and members of the Toronto Police Service will be in and around High Park to ensure residents are complying with the closure. Municipal bylaws give the General Manager of Parks, Forestry & Recreation the authority to close a park in the interest of public safety. Violations related to accessing a closed City park can result in a set fine of $750 if a ticket is paid voluntarily, but the maximum fine can be $5,000.

The cherry blossoms area at Trinity Bellwoods Park is now enclosed by fencing, with enforcement patrols occurring during bloom period. If required, City enforcement officials and Toronto Police Services may patrol other smaller sites of cherry blossoms in Toronto.


"We made the difficult decision to close the entire park because it is the only way we can keep people from gathering to see the blossoms and risking further spread of COVID-19. This is about protecting public health and saving lives. I know this will be particularly frustrating for High Park residents who use the park daily for exercise. Thank you for your ongoing understanding that we are following public health advice and we appreciate your sacrifice over the next few days."
- Mayor John Tory 

“As with many experiences during COVID-19, this virtual presentation of the blossoms shows that we can always find new ways to come together as a community."
- Councillor Gord Perks, Parkdale-High Park (Ward 4)

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

- 30 -

Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Utorak, 28. april 2020.


OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo kaže da se pokazalo da su restriktivne mere delotvorne za suzbijanje širenja kovida-19, ali je upozorio da bi prebrzo ukidanje ograničenja moglo biti kontraproduktivno.

VANKUVER – Šef Agencije za javno zdravlje Britanske Kolumbije dr Boni Henri kaže da je provincija približava trenutku kada će biti ukinute neke od restrikcija, uvedenih zarad suzbijanja kovida-19.

VINIPEG – Manitoba je od petka zabranila zaposlenima u domovima za negu da rade u više takvih objekata, kako bi smanjila rizik od širenja koronavirusa.

TORONTO – Iako je Ontario najavio plan za ukidanje restrikcija u tri faze, premijer Dag Ford naglašava da će proći još puno vremena pre nego što se steknu uslovi za odlazak na velike koncerte ili sportske manifestacije.

KALGARI – Svaka četvrta novootkrivena osoba inficirana koronavirusom u Alberti povezana je sa fabrikom za pakovanje mesa u Kargilu. Zaraza je krenula da se širi ka obližnjem naselju Prvih naroda, gde je već petnaestoro zaraženih, pa su uvedeni policijski čas i blokada puteva.

FREDEROKTON – Dr Dženifer Rasel, šef Agencije za javno zdravlje Nju Brunsvika, kaže da je moguće da nošenje maski postane obavezno u određenim prilikama, pa se treba na to naviknuti.

MONTREAL – Margaret Trudo, majka premijera Džastina Trudoa, smeštena je u bolnicu nakon požara koji je sinoć buknuo u zgradi u kojoj ona živi. Kako prenosi Radio-Kanada, očekuje se da će se gospođa Trudo brzo oporaviti, pošto se nagutala dima.

KALGARI – Kanadske naftne kompanije počele su da iznose podatke o ozbiljnosti situacije u kojoj su se našle zbog pandemije koronavirusa. Posle ostvarenog profita u prva dva meseca ove godine, a od marta dolazi do kraha. Proizvodnja ne staje, ali potražnje gotovo da nema, a nema ni dovoljno prostora za skladištenje. U povoljnojoj situaciji je proizvodnja zemnog gasa, gde cene nisu toliko pale kao za naftu.

OTAVA – Posle nedeljne humanitarne akcije u emisiji sa gostima pevačima, glumcima, književnicima, sportistima i drugim poznatim ličnostima, Banka hrane Kanada sakupila je preko šest miliona dolara u donacijama. Kako se očekuje, do kraja sedmice bi prilozi trebalo da dostignu iznos od deset miliona dolara što bi obezbedilo mnogo efikasniju pripremu i distribuciju obroka najugroženijima. Broj korisnika uvećan je za petinu u poslednjih mesec dana.

TORONTO – Servis za isporuku obroka iz restorana Fudora (Foodora) najavljuje da će prestati sa radom u Kanadi 11. maja, posle pet godina rada na ovim prostorima. Ova firma je poslovnica nemačke kompanije Deliveri hirou, koja radi u 44 zemlje sveta. Po poslednjim podacima, Fudora je radila u deset kanadskih gradova i imala ponudu iz preko tri hiljade restorana, ali je potražnja manja zbog konkurencije nekoliko sličnih servisa.

HALIFAKS – Eksperti kažu da će istraga o najmasovnijem ubistvu, u kojem su tokom 13 sati, na 16 lokacija u rasponu od stotinu kilometara ubijene 22 osobe, biti jedna od najkompleksnijih istraga ikada sprovedenih na ovim prostorima. Budući da je i ubijen i počinilac, neće biti sudskog procesa, ali policija još uvek pokušava da ustanovi kako je ubijao i zbog čega.


City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - April 28, 2020

City of Toronto updates total COVID-19 cases

Mayor John Tory, Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa, and Fire Chief and General Manager of the Office of Emergency Management Matthew Pegg, today, provided an update on the City’s continuing response to COVID-19.

As of this afternoon, there are 5,128 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto. Cases include 4,647 confirmed cases and 481 probable cases. There are 319 cases hospitalized, with 109 in intensive care units. We continue to see COVID-19 deaths; to date, 305 people in Toronto have died from COVID-19. Case status data can be found on the City’s reporting platform at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-news/covid-19-status-of-cases-in-toronto/. 

The City’s Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) has been mobilized for 49 days in response to COVID-19. The EOC remains at a level three activation, with operations continuing seven days per week to ensure critical services continue to be provided without interruption. Chief Pegg noted that, while the response is still very much underway, EOC staff are connecting proactively with the new Toronto Office of Recovery and Rebuild to start work on a well-coordinated transition to recovery. 

Enforcement of the City's physical distancing bylaw and the Province’s Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act orders is ongoing. Yesterday, the City received 441 complaints involving people using outdoor amenities or not practising physical distancing in parks. Bylaw and police officers issued 16 tickets ­ bringing the total number of tickets issued since April 3 to 555. Bylaw and police officers have spoken to more almost 12,000 people in City parks about the closures and public health measures. 

The City also received 41 complaints yesterday related to non-essential businesses remaining open. Since March 24, Municipal Licensing & Standards and Toronto Public Health have issued 76 tickets and 159 notices to non-essential businesses.

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Ponedeljak, 27. april 2020.

Anketa - Mentalno zdravlje u doba korone

Zbog kućne izolacije, gubitka posla, finansijske nesigurnosti ili nekih drugih razloga, polovina učesnika u anketi Instituta Angas Rajd je priznala da im se tokom pandemijske krize pogoršalo stanje mentalnog zdravlja.
Svaki deseti učesnik kaže da se mentalno oseća mnogo gore, a svaki šesti da je depresivan.
Manje od petine anketiranih kaže da su optimisti, a šest odsto ocenilo je sebe kao srećne tokom ovog perioda.
Takođe, 11 odsto smatra da je bez problema, 14 odsto se oseća normalno, a devet odsto je bez osećanja.

Među anketiranima je izuzetno prisutna dosada, čak gotovo svaki treći učesnik ankete je navodi kao nešto što ih muči.

Inače, muškarci stariji od 55 godina su najmanje pogođeni trenutnim stanjem, dok su se žene iz starosne grupe 18-54 najčešće požalile na posledice po svoje mentalno zdravlje.
Izmenjeni uslovi života odrazili su se i na suživot, ali ne u meri u kojoj se to možda očekivalo. Većina kaže da se nisu izmenili odnosi sa osobama sa kojima dele životni prostor, svaki četvrti ocenjuje da su se poboljšali, dok tek 14 odsto smatra da su se pogoršali.

Onlajn anketa sprovedena je između 15. i 17. aprila, a učestvovalo je skoro dve hiljade odraslih.



TORONTO – Mnogi ontarijski farmeri snašli su se i ponudili su svoje proizvode onlajn, kako bi stigli do svojih kupaca, ali i zaradili i izbegli bacanje plodova svog rada. Kako ističu, to funkcioniše bolje nego što su očekivali, pa su zadovoljni i oni, i njihove mušterije.

OTAVA – Od danas su preduzeća otpočela sa prijavljivanjem za federalne pakete pomoći za subvenciju plata svojih zaposlenih. Mogu se prijavljivati sve poslovne, neprofitne i humanitarne organizacije, ukoliko su njihovi prihodi pali za najmanje 30 odsto tokom pandemije.

OTAVA – Ministar za kulturno nasleđe Stiven Gilbo očekuje da će novac iz fonda za subvenciju plata zaposlenima ubrzo početi da pristiže i u već pogođeni sektor novinarstva. Mnogi smatraju da će pomoć stići prekasno, budući da ova pandemijska kriza samo dodatno nagomilala gubitke i otkaze novinarima u štampanim i drugim medijima.

TORONTO – Ontarijska vlada predstavila je plan oživljavanja provincijske privrede u tri faze. Prvo bi došlo do otvaranja određenih delatnosti i dozvoljavanja manjih okupljanja, potom bi se postupno vraćale u funkciju dodatne delatnosti, otvorene površine i veći skupovi, dok bi se u trećoj fazi nadalje skidale restrikcije na okupljanje građana i otvorila sva radna mesta, uz odgovorno ponašanje. Svaka od ovih faza uslovljena je konzistentnim padom broja inficiranih i hospitalizovanih pacijenata u provinciji.

OTAVA – Uprkos tome što neke provincije već uveliko pripremaju planove za oživljavanje privredne aktivnosti, premijer Džastin Trudo kaže da sve to treba primiti sa rezervom. On naglašava da se ni vodeći kanadski stručnjaci i zdravstveni zvaničnici ne slažu oko toga da li se imunitet obavezno stiče posle preležane bolesti, i upozoravaju da se ne treba oslanjati ni na stvaranje kolektivnog imuniteta, te preporučuje da fokus i dalje ostane na obaveznom držanju fizičke distance i nošenju lične zaštitne opreme.

FREDERIKTON – Zdravstveni zvaničnici Nju Brunsvika već osmi dan za redom, nisu prijavili ni jedan novi slučaj inficiranog koronavirusom, dok ih na Ostrvu princa Edvarda nije bilo još od 8. aprila.

OTAVA – Upućeni smatraju da bi federalna vlada trebalo već sada da počne pripreme za narednu sezonu gripa koja, zbog koronavirusa, može biti složenija nego inače. To podržavaju i u Agenciji za javno zdravlje, i napominju da će vakcinacija protiv gripa biti izuzetno značajna i mnogo agresivnija nego inače, iz tri razloga, kapaciteta bolnica, mogućnosti dvostruke infekcije i ograničene količine testova na kovid. Posebno će se obratiti pažnja na imunizaciju rizičnih grupa stanovništva, seniora i osoba sa oslabljenim imunim sistemom i bolestima.

MONTREAL – Premijer Fransoa Lego je rekao da zbog dobrobiti dece, posebno one sa poteškoćama u učenju, provincija sprovodi plan o ponovnom početku rada škola. Osnovne škole i vrtići počinju da se otvaraju od 11. maja van Montreala, a od 19. maja u Montrealu, naravo ukoliko broj hospitalizovanih pacijenata sa kovidom-19 ostane stabilan. Sve druge škole, srednje, koledži i univerziteti, neće nastaviti rad pre kraja avgusta.

TORONTO – Vodeće kanadske telefonske kompanije Bel, Rodžers i Telus, navode da se broj poziva primetno povećao u vreme pandemijske krize. U Belu kažu da je saobraćaj u mreži povećan za 200 odsto, a konferencijski pozivi za 250, dok u Rodžersu kažu da je, kao i u Telusu, sa uvećanjem od četrdesetak odsto, u proseku bilo više od 50 miliona poziva dnevno.

TORONTO – Ontarijski ministar prosvete Stiven Lekej saopštio je da će državne škole u provicniji ostati zatvorene barem do 31. maja. Odluka je doneta na osnovu saveta dr Dejvida Vilijemsa, šefa provincijskog štaba za borbu protiv kovida-19, o potrebi da se očuva zdravlje učenika, roditelja i nastavnika.

OTAVA – Veliki broj najpoznatijih kanadskih pevača, glumaca, sportista, književnika, aktivista i čak astronauta, učestvovao je u velikoj dobrotvornoj televizijskoj akciji, koju su nedelju emitovale engleske i francuske TV stanice, striming i radio platforme. Oni su se uključili u veliku kampanju za prikupljanje 150 miliona dolara za Banku hrane koja, tokom pandemijske krize, ima povećani broj korisnika.

OTAVA – Ministarka za žene i rodnu jednakost Marjam Monsef kaže da je kućna izolacija doprinela porastu porodičnog nasilja, posebno u pojedinim delovima zemlje, a problem je tim već što su sada, zbog zatvaranja sigurnih kuć, ograničenije mogućnosti za pomoć. Žrtve se, takođe, ređe javljaju nadležnim službama, jer neretko ne pronalaze priliku, vreme i mesto da se izadju. Monsef kaže da njeno ministarstvo radi na novom planu akcije.


City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - April 27, 2020

City of Toronto officials seeing promising signs public health measures are working

Mayor John Tory, Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa, and Fire Chief and General Manager of the Office of Emergency Management Matthew Pegg, today, provided an update on the City’s continuing response to COVID-19.

As Toronto moves into week seven of this pandemic, officials are seeing promising signs that public health measures are working. Dr. de Villa stressed the need to continue to practise social distancing and only leave the house for essential reasons, noting restrictions will be eased sooner if people continue to heed public health advice. Dr. de Villa shared five practices that can promote mental health and resilience for the duration of our local pandemic outbreak: 

1.      Connect with others
2.      Be active 
3.      Keep learning 
4.      Be mindful 
5.      Give back

More advice and information on mental health supports is available at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-protect-yourself-others/covid-19-mental-health-resources/. 

As of this afternoon, there are 4,973 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto. Cases include 4,493 confirmed cases and 480 probable cases. There are 308 cases hospitalized, with 104 in intensive care units. We continue to see COVID-19 deaths; to date 297 people in Toronto have died from COVID-19. Today, Dr. de Villa reported 2,670 people have now recovered from COVID-19 in the city. Case status data can be found on the City’s reporting platform at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-news/covid-19-status-of-cases-in-toronto/. 

Chief Pegg acknowledged the important role of 311 in helping residents navigate the City’s COVID-19 response. Over the weekend, 311 received and processed 3,427 calls. The service performance target for 311 is to answer incoming calls within 75 seconds or less, no less than 80% of the time. The average length of time required for 311 to answer incoming calls was 76 seconds on Saturday and only 53 seconds on Sunday. Most incoming calls were wildlife concerns, solid waste collection questions, and questions about City services during COVID-19.

Enforcement of the City's physical distancing bylaw and the Province’s Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act orders is ongoing. Yesterday, 311 also received 40 complaints involving people using outdoor amenities or not practising physical distancing in parks. Bylaw and police officers issued three tickets ­ bringing the total number of tickets issued since April 3 to 536. Bylaw and police officers have spoken to more than 11,500 people in City parks about the closures and public health measures. 

The City also received 46 complaints yesterday related to non-essential businesses remaining open. Since March 24, Municipal Licensing & Standards and Toronto Public Health have issued 76 tickets and 159 notices to non-essential businesses.


City of Toronto launches CurbTO plan to address more than 100 hot spots

Today, Mayor John Tory today announced a new program developed by Toronto Public Health and Transportation Services to help the City's ongoing efforts to protect public health and save lives.

Although pedestrian traffic has dropped dramatically across the city as people follow public health advice to stay home as much as possible there are hot spots on some sidewalks in some areas. Over the last several weeks, Toronto Public Health, Transportation Services, and Toronto Police have been working with the Mayor's office and Councillors' offices on a common sense approach to these hot spots that will help further encourage physical distancing in areas where it is challenging due to lineups for essential businesses.

City staff have worked to identify key hot spots where there are lineups or pinch points on sidewalks that public health and transportation officials have determined need to be addressed to continue to encourage physical distancing and protect overall public health. While this work will continue, the City will be rolling out fixes at an initial 10 spots across the city starting today.

The program will initially target hotspots along 10 busy retail main streets for curb lane installations, including: 

1. Carlton Street and Church Street ­ Pedestrian zone
2. Danforth Avenue and Broadview Avenue ­ Pedestrian & Parking zones
3. Dupont Street and Lansdowne Avenue ­ Pedestrian zone
4. Bay Street and Yorkville Avenue ­ Parking Zone
5. Front Street East and Berkeley Street ­ Pedestrian & Parking zones
6. Gerrard Street East and Parliament Street ­ Pedestrian zone
7. Gerrard Street East and Broadview Avenue ­ Pedestrian & Parking zones
8. King Street West and Spadina Avenue ­ Parking zone
9. Bloor Street West and Bathurst Street ­ Pedestrian & Parking zones
10. Queen Street East and Carlaw Avenue ­ Pedestrian zone

Primarily the hot spots are where there is sidewalk crowding and temporary parking concerns around essential businesses. Grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants/bars and community agencies are increasingly offering pick-up, take-out and delivery services and have created store access queues to maintain physical distancing requirements as recommended by Toronto Public Health. 

This initiative ­ which will expand to more than 100 locations across the city - is one more way the City government is working to protect public health and stop the spread of COVID-19.

CurbTO Program Initiatives

1. Curb Lane Pedestrian Zones will increase space for pedestrians trying to get around line-ups outside essential businesses and other pinch points as identified by Toronto Public Health and Transportation Services. 

2. Temporary Parking Pick-Up Zones will provide an opportunity for drivers and delivery agents to expedite medicine and food pick-ups by allowing them to temporarily park for up to 10 minutes in close proximity to the desired essential business in otherwise restricted parking areas. 

Both initiatives will use signs to identify the temporary conditions, as well as provide signs for operators who would like to remind patrons to maintain appropriate physical distancing while waiting in line.

Each location will have unique conditions that will be assessed carefully by Toronto Public Health and Transportation Services staff to develop the most appropriate solution. In some cases, city staff may be able to suggest line-up configurations to the business operator that alleviates crowding concerns. In other cases, a temporary curb lane closure may be the most effective response.

The message from Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health remains the same: The best way to stop the spread of COVID-19 is for residents to stay home unless they need essentials such as food or medication. However, the City recognizes that there are challenges in allowing for appropriate physical distancing outside some essential businesses and community agencies, and many are now offering new or increased delivery and pickup services that require nearby temporary parking options.

Businesses can apply and learn more about eligibility criteria and program guidelines at http://www.toronto.ca/covid19BusinessTO


“CurbTO is a common sense initiative which starts with 10 sites right now and will expand to more than 100 locations across the city. This is one more way the City government is working to protect public health and stop the spread of COVID-19. Transportation and mobility in all forms will be key parts of the city's recovery and restart process. I have made it clear to Toronto Public Health and Transportation Services that we want those options fully examined and included where appropriate as we implement the plan to reopen our city once we have reached the appropriate thresholds with respect to the virus itself.
- Mayor John Tory 

“As everyone comes together to help protect public health and save lives, it’s important we continue to look for creative ways to use the space we have to support physical distancing in a way that aligns with the clear direction of the Medical Officer of Health. While transportation and mobility will play an important role in planning to eventually restart the city, using curb space outside essential businesses now can help keep residents safe.”
- Councillor James Pasternak (Ward 6 York Centre), Chair of the Infrastructure and Environment Committee

“Thank you to Toronto Public Health and our Chief Medical Officer for taking steps to address the concerns of our residents, community groups and business owners. Everyone is trying to do the right thing by keeping their physical distance but it’s difficult on narrow sidewalks. Making more room on our sidewalks around busy essential businesses and services will help to keep our neighbourhoods safer.”
- Councillor Paula Fletcher (Ward 14 Toronto-Danforth)


The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca



Toronto - Četvrtak, 22. april 2020.

City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - April 23, 2020

City of Toronto asks residents to continue staying home and practising physical distancing to help stop the spread of COVID-19

Mayor John Tory, Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa, and Fire Chief and General Manager of the Office of Emergency Management Matthew Pegg provided an update on the City’s continuing response to COVID-19 today.

As of this afternoon, there are 4,347 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto. Cases include 3,933 confirmed cases and 414 probable cases. There are 293 cases hospitalized, with 106 in intensive care units. In the city, 222 people have died of COVID-19. Case status data can be found on the City’s reporting platform at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-new...

As the weather warms, the City is urging residents to remain at home, leaving only for essential reasons. To continue stopping the community spread of this deadly virus, we must reduce all contact with others as much as possible.

The COVID-19 Enforcement Team continues to monitor popular parks across the city and issue tickets to individuals and groups using closed park amenities and not practising physical distancing. Officers are still observing residents participating in prohibited activities, including dogs off-leash at Ledbury Park and Dieppe Park, and the use of parks amenities at King’s Mill Park and North York Civic Soccer Fields.

Enforcement of the City's physical distancing bylaw and the Emergency Measures and Civil Protection Act orders is ongoing. Yesterday, the City received 459 complaints involving people using outdoor amenities or not practising physical distancing in parks. Bylaw and police officers issued five tickets ­ bringing the total number of tickets issued since April 3 to 477. Bylaw and police officers have spoken to more than 10,650 people in City parks about the closures and public health measures. 

In addition, the City received 44 complaints yesterday related to non-essential businesses remaining open in contravention of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. Since March 24, Municipal Licensing & Standards and Toronto Public Health have issued 64 tickets and 133 notices to non-essential businesses.


City of Toronto marks one month into COVID-19 State of Emergency

Today marks one month since Mayor John Tory declared a State of Emergency in the City of Toronto following advice from Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health and the Office of Emergency Management.

The Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) was first activated 44 days ago on March 12 to support the local response to COVID-19. Originally activated at a Level One, it escalated to a Level Three on March 17 to better respond to the emerging situation.

Over the past month, the City has acted and responded quickly to the pandemic, working together with other levels of government, agencies, corporations, businesses, and community organizations to ensure that the City is best positioned to stop the spread of COVID-19, while providing support to those who need it most.

Throughout the month, all emergency services ­ including police, fire and paramedic services, have continued to operate normally. Toronto Water has ensured that the City’s drinking water is reliable and safe. Toronto Hydro has continued to operate.

The Medical Officer of Health and Toronto Public Health have taken a number of critical actions over the last month, including:
•       Conducting more than 3,820 investigations into cases of COVID-19 to prevent further virus spread;
•       Redeploying hundreds of staff to respond to this unprecedented situation;
•       Issuing a class order under the Health Protection and Promotion Act requiring self-isolation for those with confirmed and suspected cases of COVID-19 and their close contacts;
•       Collaborating with City Information Technology Division to develop the Coronavirus Rapid Entry Case and Contact Management System (CORES);
•       Developing, in collaboration with community scientists, enhanced expertise in epidemiological modeling to enable better understanding of the pandemic outbreak in our community;
•       Promoting physical distancing by closing all park amenities, and cancelling recreation programs, City-led events and permits for events on streets and in City facilities; and
•       Responding to nearly 18,000 calls to Toronto Public Health.

Under the Declaration of Emergency, the City has also taken several important actions, which include:
•       Continued emergency planning efforts, including establishing dedicated operational taskforces, securing supplies of important personal protective equipment for frontline workers, and simultaneously preparing to address other environmental risks such as flooding; 
•       Enforcing the provincial Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act and the orders issued by the Medical Officer of Health under the Health Protection and Promotion Act. This includes issuing:
o       64 tickets to non-essential businesses, 133 notices and educating 60 people.
o       477 tickets for non-compliance in parks, 728 notices and educating 10,654 people. 
o       49 tickets for gatherings of more than five people.
•       Creating more capacity for physical distancing within the shelter system which includes opening 11 new shelter facilities with more than 470 new spaces, securing 11 hotels with more than 1,020 rooms, and establishing one hotel with 200 rooms as a dedicated recovery site;
•       Developing an innovative solution to promote physical distancing for Ontario Works recipients picking up their cheques;
•       Implementing the Food Access Strategy, developed with community groups to ensure continued food access for Toronto’s seniors and most vulnerable people. This strategy included opening temporary food banks in 11 Toronto Public Library branches and activating additional community resources to deliver food hampers to those in need;
•       Opening six emergency child care centres to offer free child care 24/7 for frontline healthcare workers and essential City employees. This program has provided care for nearly 300 children and helped more than 200 families;
•       Providing support for businesses through the newly launched BusinessTO Support Centre, tripling funding for Digital Main Street to help businesses develop expand their businesses online, and leveraging the expertise of the business and technology sector to launch Distantly.ca, an online donation tool where people can donate to their favourite small businesses;
•       Launching DonateTO, an online portal which allows businesses and residents to make donations of products, services and funds in support of the City’s pandemic relief efforts. So far, more than $1.7 million in donations has been received;
•       Maintaining service levels for organic, garbage and recycling collection, and resuming yard waste collection;
•       Redeploying approximately 500 City staff to provide much-needed support for critical City service areas such as shelters and long-term care homes;
•       Highlighting mental health resources to support people experiencing distress during this time; 
•       Prioritizing communications with both the public and our employees with 311 responding to approximately 102,000 calls, holding regular news briefings and live streaming these on YouTube, and having more than 8,000 staff participate in a virtual Town Hall with the City Manager;
•       Developing plans to host the first-ever virtual Toronto City Council meeting so that Council can continue to work together to serve the public; and much more.

Toronto’s State of Emergency remains in place in order to continue to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our community. Residents are urged to continue to take every precaution to protect themselves and others by continuing to stay home, stay safe and only venturing out to buy essential supplies once a week.

Insights shared by Dr. de Villa earlier this week into Toronto’s outbreak comparing the situation in the city to other jurisdictions, including the provincial and national outbreak curves, suggest that Toronto’s strong public health measures and residents’ adherence to those measures are beginning to be reflected in Toronto’s curve. 

Residents must continue to abide by public health orders in order to realize the benefits of these measures and the City will continue to act and make decisions based on the expert advice of public health officials.

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

- 30 -

Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Sreda, 22. april 2020.

City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - April 22, 2020

City of Toronto provides update on response to COVID-19

Mayor John Tory, Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa, and Fire Chief and General Manager of the Office of Emergency Management Matthew Pegg, today, provided an update on the City’s continuing response to COVID-19. 

As of this afternoon, there are 4,069 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto. Cases include 3,685 confirmed cases and 384 probable cases. There are 290 cases hospitalized, with 106 in intensive care units. In the city, 210 people have died of COVID-19. Case status data can be found on the City’s reporting platform at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-news/covid-19-status-of-cases-in-toronto/. 

Enforcement of the City's physical distancing bylaw and the Emergency Measures and Civil Protection Act orders is ongoing. Yesterday, the City received 408 complaints involving people using outdoor amenities or not practising physical distancing in parks. Bylaw and police officers issued four tickets ­ bringing the total number of tickets issued since April 3 to 472. Bylaw and police officers have spoken to nearly 10,500 people in City parks about the closures and public health measures. 

The City also received 57 complaints yesterday related to non-essential businesses remaining open in contravention of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. Since March 24, Municipal Licensing & Standards and Toronto Public Health have issued 53 tickets and 131 notices to non-essential businesses.

The COVID-19 Enforcement Team continues to observe prohibited activities, including gatherings at Parma Park, Liberty Village Park, Humber Bay Shores Park and Home Smith Park. There are also issues with dogs off-leash at a number of parks across the city.



City of Toronto launches BusinessTO Support Centre to help support Toronto businesses during COVID-19 pandemic 

Today, Mayor John Tory announced that the City of Toronto has launched the BusinessTO Support Centre to provide virtual one-on-one support to Toronto businesses during this unprecedented time.  

The City's new BusinessTO Support Centre will be available for all sectors, including not-for-profit, creative/cultural, manufacturing, technology, retail, hospitality, tourism, main street businesses and consulting services. 

The centre will help businesses apply for government support programs such as: 
•       Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Program
•       Canada’s Work-Sharing Program
•       Canada’s Emergency Business Account Program

In addition to this virtual one-on-one support, the BusinessTO Support Centre will offer a weekly webinar series to provide information about these available government programs and the requirements to apply. 

The centre will also inform businesses about how they can support the City's COVID-19 response and provide general business support and information about other City programs. 

The BusinessTO Support Centre is available at https://www.toronto.ca/covid19BusinessTO. Sign up to schedule a conversation with a business advisor by video or phone, and a business advisor will be in contact within 24 hours.

The launch of the BusinessTO Support Centre is part of the Mayor's Economic Support and Recovery Task Force's short-term economic support and recovery plan for Toronto's businesses.


"The launch of the BusinessTO Support Centre, along with our expansion of the Digital Main Street Program and establishment of a one-stop information portal in partnership with the Toronto Region Board of Trade, are just a few examples of how the City is working hard to help businesses get through the COVID-19 pandemic." 
- Mayor John Tory 

"The multi-sectoral diversity of Toronto's economy is one of our great strengths. For the City’s economic recovery efforts to succeed, it is essential that the BusinessTO Support Centre assists organizations in all sectors of our economy, including not-for-profit and creative organizations, as well as the full range of private sector businesses.”
- Deputy Mayor Michael Thompson, Scarborough Centre (Ward 21), Chair of the Economic and Community Development Committee

"Thankfully numerous government support programs are now available, but it can be confusing for businesses to stay up-to-date with daily announcements and changing program rules. This is exactly the kind of support Toronto's businesses have been asking for since the pandemic began affecting our daily life, and it's yet another important step from the City to help businesses through this crisis."
- Councillor Brad Bradford, Beaches-East York (Ward 19)


High Park cherry blossom festival going virtual during park closure to stop the spread of COVID-19  

Based on the recommendations of the Medical Officer of Health to stop the spread of COVID-19 and save lives, the City of Toronto is working to make the High Park cherry blossoms available online during the upcoming park closure.

Every year tens of thousands of people visit High Park to view the blossoming Sakura (cherry blossom) trees. The blossoms typically last between four and 10 days, depending on weather. The peak bloom time period traditionally occurs from late April to early May.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, High Park will be closed during the pre-bloom and peak bloom period of the cherry blossom trees, as maintaining proper physical distancing will not be possible. The park closure dates are weather-dependent and will be announced when the bloom period is determined. 

To encourage residents to stay home and stay safe, the City is working on a virtual walk-through of the blossoming trees in High Park. Residents will be able to experience this year's cherry blossom season through multiple livestream events and videos. More details will be announced soon.

High Park is already closed to vehicle traffic. Roads through the park were closed off when the City moved to close park amenities based on public health's advice.

This closure follows similar cherry blossom crowd control responses that have already occurred in Japan, Korea, Europe and Washington, D.C. 

Park enforcement City bylaw officers and the Toronto Police Service will ensure residents are complying with the closure. Municipal bylaws give the General Manager of Parks, Forestry & Recreation the authority to close a park in the interest of public safety. Violations related to accessing a closed City park can result in a set fine of $750 if a ticket is paid voluntarily, but the maximum fine can be $5,000.

While we understand many residents use High Park every day, a partial closure of the park isn't possible given the number of cherry blossom trees throughout the park and the size and layout of the park itself. Health and parks staff believe this is the best plan to discourage gathering and protect public health.

The cherry blossoms area at Trinity Bellwoods Park will be enclosed by fencing with enforcement patrols during the bloom period. City enforcement officials and Toronto Police Services may patrol other smaller sites of cherry blossoms in Toronto.

During the closure, Parks staff will undertake extensive work on the park that includes: 
•       Removal of litter, debris, branches and other material that accumulates over the winter;
•       Grass cutting, turf maintenance, tree cutting and horticultural bed maintenance, and
•       Animal care, repairs to benches and maintenance activities, such as painting.

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311.


"I know this closure will be tough for local residents who enjoy High Park year-round and those who look forward to seeing the cherry blossoms every year. This virtual event and the proactive closure is meant to ensure the traditional overcrowding that happens at High Park during the annual cherry blossom bloom does not occur this year to further stop the spread of COVID-19. We are following the advice of our professional public health officials to protect the health and safety of all residents and park visitors. Thank you in advance to the vast majority of residents who will respect this closure and understand this is needed to save lives. I look forward to joining residents in High Park in future years ­ after we have won the war against COVID-19 ­ to enjoy the cherry blossoms again." 
- Mayor John Tory

“This will be disappointing both for people who love the Cherry Blossoms, and people who regularly use the park. But, our first duty is to keep each other safe."
- Councillor Gord Perks, Parkdale-High Park (Ward 4)

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Utorak, 21. april 2020.


OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo danas je saopštio da se izdvaja 350 miliona dolara pomoći za komunalne grupe i nacionalne humanitarne organizacije koje pomažu seniorima, beskućnicima i drugim ugroženim grupama, koji su zbog pandemije u još nepovoljnijem položaju. Novac će ovim organizacijama omogućiti da finansiraju, između ostalog, obuku i transport volontera.

ŠARLOTAUN – Šef zdravstvene službe na Ostrvu princa Edvarda dr Heder Morison istakla je da se mora naći pronaći balans između očuvanja sigurnosti građana i povratka normalnom životu. Na Ostrvu, kao ni u Nju Brunsviku i Njufaundlendu i Labradoru, nije prijavljen ni jedan novi slučaj u ponedeljak.

EDMONTON – Fabrika za pakovanje mesa Kargil, na jugu Alberte, privremeno se zatvara, zato što je, od ukupno dve hiljade, 360 tamošnjih radnika inficirano koronavirusom, a jedna osoba je preminula.

OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo je rekao da bi cene mesa mogle biti povećane zbog prestanka rada fabrike za preradu mesa u Alberti, ali ne veruje da može doći do nestašica na domaćem tržištu zato što je snabdevanje građana prioritet. On je istakao i da se izuzetno vodi računa o primeni svih mera koje se tiču očuvanja zdravlja građana.

VINIPEG – Premijer Manitobe Brajan Palister kaže da je cilj Manitobe da predvodi u oživljavanju i vraćanju na normalne tokove, ali samo ukoliko svi preduslovi oko testiranja i protokola ukažu na bezbednost.

TORONTO – Broj inficiranih osoba u domovima za dugotrajno zbrinjavanje u Ontariju i dalje raste.

MONTREAL – Kako bi se obezbedio smeštaj za one koji nemaju gde da odu, u Montrealu je za beskućnike otvorena arena Moris Rišar.

OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo saopštio je da su dva aviona bila prinuđena da se iz Kine vrate prazna, bez zaštitne medicinske opreme po koju su poslati. Jedan od aviona je bio federalni, a drugi jedne od provincija i oni nisu mogli duže da čekaju na prijem robe. Premijer Trudo je naglasio da, u ovom trenutku, na tržištu zaštitne opreme vlada izuzetno velika konkurencija, te da kanadske fabrike pokušavaju da preusmere proizvodnju ka najnužnijim artiklima.

OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo je apelovao na građane da iskažu podršku Novoj Skotiji, koja u ovom teškom trenutku, uz pandemiju, pokušava da se izbori i sa najmasovnijim ubistvom u kanadskoj istoriji. On je istakao da je šokantno da se ovaj težak zločin dogodio u seoskoj sredini, gde vlada toliko međususedsko poverenje da se i ulazna vrata ne zaključavaju. Trudo je rekao i da, po povratku na normalan način funkcionisanja Parlamenta, vlada namerava da radi na uvođenju strožih mera za kontrolu oružja.

OTAVA – Lideri političkih stranaka, članovi vlade i poslanici izrazili su najdublje saučešće porodicama žrtava u masovnom ubistvu u Novoj Skotiji i pozvali sve na zajedništvo, solidarnost i saosećanje.

OTAVA – Poslanici federalnog Parlamenta formalno su otkazali sednice do 25. maja, a poslanici su usvojili predlog da se dva puta sedmično održavaju virtuelni i a jednom sastanci sa ličnim prisustvom, za rešavanje pitanja u vezi sa pandemijskom krizom.

TORONTO – Direktor Lablavsa Galen Veston je, u saopštenju, najavio da će u ovom trgovinskom lancu zdravstveni radnici tokom čitavog radnog dana imati prednost u odnosu na druge kupce i, uz legitimisanje, biti usluženi preko reda. Gradonačelnik Džon Tori kaže da bi ovaj pozitivan primer, koji su neki već usvojili, trebalo da primenjuju svi trgovinski objekti.

TORONTO – Ontarijski premijer Dag Ford kaže da sa svih strana vrše pritisak na njega da dozvoli pokretanje privrede, ali on insistira da se treba strpeti. Obećao je da će u narednim danima biti obelodanjen okvirni provincijski plan za oživljavanje privrede.

TORONTO – Er Kanada je najavila suspenziju letova između SAD-a i Kanade, nakon što su se dve zemlje dogovorile o produženju zabrane prekograničnog saobraćaja za još 30 dana. Aviokompanija je saopštila da će poslednji komercijalni let biti 26. aprila, a saobraćaj biti ponovo uspostavljen 22. maja, osim ukoliko vlade ponovo ne produže restrikcije. Vestdžet takođe produžava obustavu svih prekograničnih i međunarodnih letova, i to do 4. juna.

OTAVA – Kada se govori o krizi oko pandemije kovida-19, Kanađani najviše veruju zdravstvenim radnicima, počev od svojih porodičnih lekara, pa nadalje. U anketi koju je za Asocijaciju za kanadske studije sproveo Leger, poverenje lekarima ide i do 92 odsto, Svetskoj zdravstvenoj organizaciji 68 odsto, dok premijeru veruje 54 odsto anketiranih.

TORONTO – Gradonačelnik Toronta Džon Tori poziva kompanije za dostavu hrane da smanje svoje provizije, kako bi pomogli restoranima da se lakše nose sa posledicama smanjenog prometa u vreme krize.


City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - April 21, 2020

City of Toronto encourages residents to keep staying home and practising physical distancing

Mayor John Tory, Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa, and Fire Chief and General Manager of the Office of Emergency Management Matthew Pegg, today, provided an update on the City’s continuing response to COVID-19. 

As of this afternoon, there are 3,820 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto. Cases include 3,462 confirmed cases and 358 probable cases. There are 281 cases hospitalized, with 109 in intensive care units. In the city, 190 people have died of COVID-19. Case status data can be found on the City’s reporting platform at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-new...

Dr. de Villa shared insights into Toronto’s outbreak and compared the situation in the city to other jurisdictions, including the provincial and national outbreak curves. The presentation looks at number of cases, hospitalizations, and demographics. The full presentation is available online: https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/9715-covid-19-moh-slides-april-21.pdf. 

Enforcement of the City's physical distancing bylaw and the Emergency Measures and Civil Protection Act orders is ongoing. Yesterday, the City received 345 complaints involving people using outdoor amenities or not practising physical distancing in parks. Bylaw and police officers issued 32 tickets ­ bringing the total number of tickets issued since April 3 to 468. Bylaw and police officers have spoken to more than 10,000 people in City parks about the closures and public health measures. 

The City also received 57 complaints yesterday related to non-essential businesses remaining open in contravention of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. Since March 24, Municipal Licensing & Standards and Toronto Public Health have issued 48 tickets and 126 notices to non-essential businesses.



TTC and Toronto Paramedics partner to repurpose decommissioned buses for emergency transport

The City of Toronto is supporting the evolving medical needs of our community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Working together, the TTC and Paramedic Services have repurposed five decommissioned TTC buses to safely transport both ambulatory and stretcher-bound patients, including those on ventilators.

Each bus can transport three stretcher-bound patients, eight to ten ambulatory patients (dependant on spacing for physical distancing), plus three paramedics and one driver.  

The converted buses represent a key component of the City's contingency planning to support seamless, efficient, and timely patient care, while also providing important surge capacity during the COVID-19 pandemic. These vehicles provide a variety of multi-patient options, including inter-facility patient transfers, the provision of a staging area for large incidents, and shelter for facility evacuations.

Modifications to three vehicles were completed yesterday and they will soon be on the road, responding to calls as needed. Modifications to two additional buses are underway. Vehicles will be driven by TTC drivers with paramedics seeing to medical needs of patients. 

Toronto Paramedic Services is the largest municipal ambulance service in Canada, responding to more than 400,000 calls for emergency service each year. The TTC serves some 500 million customers each year and has grown to become one of the most visible and vital public service organizations in the Greater Toronto Area. As this situation continues to change, so too do the needs of the community. The City will continue to explore innovative solutions to adapt and be flexible in its response to COVID-19.


“I am extremely proud of the innovation and cooperation across our City government to fight COVID-19. This project by the TTC and Paramedics, brought together at wartime speed, responds to an urgent need and will help the ill and vulnerable in Toronto immediately. We are all working together to do our part in stopping the spread of this deadly virus and take care of everyone in our community.” 
- Mayor John Tory

“Now, more than ever, the TTC is providing a critical service to keep our city running in this precarious time. Essential workers, first responders, and healthcare professionals at the forefront of our fight against COVID-19 rely on the TTC get to and from work safely every day. This innovative partnership with Toronto Paramedics is one more way the TTC is committed to helping our city stop the spread of COVID-19.”
- Councillor Jaye Robinson, Don Valley West (Ward 15)

“For months, our paramedics and other health care workers have worked tirelessly to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Toronto. Partnering with the TTC has given paramedics additional capacity to help those who need emergency transportation and respond to the continuing spread of the virus in our congregate facilities. This great idea from the TTC and Toronto Paramedic Services is commendable and serves as an example of what we can accomplish by working together.” 
- Deputy Mayor Michael Thompson, Scarborough Centre (Ward 21), Chair of the Economic and Community Development Committee 


City of Toronto receives shipment of three million surgical masks primarily for long-term care homes and shelters

The City of Toronto is committed to ensuring our frontline staff, including emergency responders, those working with individuals experiencing homelessness, and staff in long-term care homes, have the personal protective equipment (PPE) they need to stay safe and protect their health and the health of the community. 

Today, Mayor John Tory announced that the City of Toronto has received three million ATSM Level 2 surgical masks. The masks, ordered from Canadian distributor AMG Medical Inc. in late March, arrived in two shipments with the final shipment of two million masks delivered to the City earlier today. The new masks have been inspected and staff have confirmed masks are as ordered and have passed inspection. 

Surgical masks are used extensively by staff in the City's emergency shelters and long-term care facilities. Prior to receiving the shipments, as of April 14, the City of Toronto had enough surgical masks for 52 days at current consumption and 25 days in the worst-case scenario. This new inventory adds approximately 127 days of stock at current consumption and would provide 60 additional days of protection in the worst-case scenario. 

Yesterday, Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Eileen de Villa explained that while Toronto is currently in the peak period for reported COVID-19 cases, the situation in congregate facilities is very different with higher-rates of COVID-19 infection expected to continue. This new influx of PPE will ensure staff can continue to help the most vulnerable Torontonians in our shelters and long-term care facilities. 

The City is continuing to source PPE to support frontline workers responding to COVID-19. The Emergency Operations Centre includes a PPE Task Force responsible for monitoring and allocating the City’s PPE, projecting PPE needs, implementing PPE conservation strategies, and investigating alternative PPE options and procurement strategies. 


“The COVID-19 fight is not over. We need to keep working to ensure all people in the city are protected from this deadly virus. This new order of 3 million surgical masks will greatly help the people on the frontlines of the fight in our City's long-term care homes and shelters. We are working non-stop to secure PPE for the employees who need it. While we continue to support staff and vulnerable residents, it is important everyone else do what they can: Stay home as much as possible and keep their distance from others.”
- Mayor John Tory

“Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, I have been impressed with the work of the Emergency Operations Centre’s PPE Task Force. The men and women working on securing PPE for the City understand the critical role their work plays in ensuring our frontline first responders, long-term care workers, and shelter and support workers can safely do their jobs, care for the city’s most vulnerable, and keep the community safe.”
- Fire Chief Matthew Pegg, General Manager of the Office of Emergency Management

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Ponedeljak, 20. april 2020.


OTAVA – Od danas je stupio na snagu novi propis o nošenju nemedicinskih maski u domaćem vazdušnom saobraćaju. Po njemu, putnici treba da ih obavezno nose preko nosa i usta kada prolaze kroz kontrolne punktove i skenere, ili su na drugim mestima na kojima nije moguće držati propisanu distancu, ili kada im to nalože nadležni lekar, član posade, ili ako je u pitanju naredba.

OTAVA – Kanada i SAD postigle su dogovor o produžavanju pograničnih restrikcija između dve zemlje za još trideset dana. Po prvobitnom dogovoru, od 21. marta, granica je na mesec dana otvorena samo za trgovinski i komercijalni promet, dok se ostali saobraćaj može obavljati samo u hitnim slučajevima i za potrebe zdravlja građana. Sada su dve strane se dve strane saglasile za dodatnih mesec dana ograničenja saobraćaja. Premijer Džastin Trudo smatra da je to važna odluka koja će učiniti da ljudi sa obe strane granice budu bezbedni.

MONTREAL – Pripadnici vojske osposobljeni za rad u zdravstvu došli su tokom vikenda u Kvebek, gde će pomagati u domovima za dugotrajnu negu koji imaju probleme da se izbore sa epidemijom kovida-19. Kvebek je trenutno najteže pogođena provincija, pa je vlada zatražila pomoć i od penzionisanih negovateljica, medicinskih sestara i lekara specijalista, u pokušaju da se izbore sa deficitom osoblja za negu korisnika.

OTAVA – Federalna vlada postigla je načelni dogovor sa NDP-om i Blikom Kvebekva o uslovima pod kojima bi Parlament mogao ponovo da uspostavi rad ove nedelje. No, pošto su konzervativci odbili dogovor, to bi moglo do ponedeljka odložiti nastavak rada.

VANKUVER – Ministar za javnu bezbednost Britanske Kolumbije Majk Femvort rekao je da pripadnik snaga reda i zakona može za prekomerno naplaćivanje ili preprodaju osnovnih medicinskih potrepština, prekršioca kazniti do dve hiljade dolara.

OTAVA – U Njufaundlendu i Labradoru, Ostrvu princa Edvarda, Nju Brunsviku i Manitobi u nedelju nije prijavljen ni jedan novooboleli od kovida-19.

TORONTO – Gradonačelnik Toronta Džon Tori upozorio je da bi se vraćanje grada na uobičajeno funkcionisanje moglo protegnuti na period od nekoliko meseci. On je istakao da se tek razrađuju detalji o tome, a da proces neće početi sve dok zdravstveni zvaničnici ne daju zeleno svetlo.

TORONTO – Asocijacije koje predstavljaju ontarijske lekare ističu da pomoć provincijske vlade nije dovoljna za rad klinika tokom pandemije kovida-19. Provincijska vlada nudi mesečnu pomoć za pokrivanje gubitaka zbog manjeg broja pacijenata, a uvećanih troškova za nabaku zaštitne opreme za osoblje. Asocijacije smatraju da im treba dati bespovratna sredstva, a ne zajmove, zato što lekari neće moći da nadoknade deficit po okončanju pandemije.

PORTAPIK, Nova Skotija – U jednom od najtežih zločina ikada počinjenih u Kanadi, u nedelju je u Portapiku i okolnim mestima stradalo najmanje 19 osoba i ubica Gabrijel Vortman, koji je koristio automobil nalik policijskom. Među ubijenima je i policajka RCMP-a Hajdi Stivenson, kao i jedna tročlana porodica. Po prvim saznanjima, veruje se da je napadač imao inicijalni motiv, koji se potom pretvorio u nasumični. Policijska potraga za ubicom trajala je oko dvanaest sati.

OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo izjavio je da je zločin u Novoj Skotiji bezuman i strašan i izrazio saučešće i podršku svima koji su izgubili najmilije. On je rekao da nasilju nema mesta u Kanadi.

HALIFAKS – Premijer Nove Skotije Stiven Meknil rekao je da je ovo jedan od najtežih oblika nasilja u istoriji. Građani iz provincije i čitave zemlje traže načine da odaju počast žrtvama.


City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - April 20, 2020

City of Toronto seeing progress in fight against spread of COVID-19

Mayor John Tory, Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa, and Fire Chief and General Manager of the Office of Emergency Management Matthew Pegg, today, provided an update on the City’s continuing response to COVID-19. 

Today’s update followed the Province of Ontario’s release of updated COVID-19 projections and announcement that the curve of community-spread cases of COVID-19 in the province has peaked. Dr. de Villa confirmed Toronto is currently in the peak period for reported cases in the city but there is cause for cautious optimism. She urged residents that the only way we will continue to be successful is if we continue to keep these measures in place for more time, and for everyone to continue to do their part by staying at home. All residents are asked to stay home as much as possible and practise physical distancing whenever possible. Mayor Tory stressed the need for Toronto to stay the course and continue to follow public health recommendations and government orders implemented to save lives. 

As of this afternoon, there are 3,682 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto. Cases include 3,343 confirmed cases and 339 probable cases. There are 262 cases hospitalized, with 99 in intensive care units. In the city, 181 people have died of COVID-19. Case status data can be found on the City’s reporting platform at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-news/covid-19-status-of-cases-in-toronto/. 

While public health officials are optimistic about trends observed in cases of community spread and the success of public health measures, cases in congregate settings remain a concern. Increased COVID-19 testing in the province has confirmed vulnerabilities in many of our city’s long-term care and retirement facilities. Toronto Public Health continues to work with long-term care homes and other congregate facilities, such as emergency shelters for individuals experiencing homelessness, to address COVID-19 outbreaks. 

Enforcement of the City's physical distancing bylaw and the Emergency Measures and Civil Protection Act orders is also ongoing. Yesterday, the City received 59 complaints involving people using outdoor amenities or not practising physical distancing in parks. Bylaw and police officers issued 24 tickets ­ bringing the total number of tickets issued since April 3 to 433. For a second day in a row, nearly 200 vehicles were turned away from Bluffer’s Park, where the parking lot remains closed. 

The City also received 38 complaints yesterday related to non-essential businesses remaining open in contravention of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. Since March 24, Municipal Licensing & Standards and Toronto Public Health have issued 46 tickets and 126 notices to non-essential businesses.

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Petak, 17. april 2020.

Federalna pomoć i za energetiku, kulturu i umetnost

Premijer Džastin Trudo najavio je pomoć za sektor energetike, ruralna preduzeća i zaposlene u sportu, kulturi i umetnosti.

Samo za čišćenje napuštenih izvora nafte namenjeno je 1,7 milijardi dolara. Ova pomoć posebno je značajna za Albertu, Saskačuan i Britansku Kolumbiju. Samo u Alberti trebalo bi da omogući da 5.200 radnika ostane na svojim radnim mestima. Po Trudoovim rečima, pored toga, pomoći će i kompanijama da izbegnu bankrot, uz podržavanje nacionalnih ciljeva za zaštitu životne sredine.

Što se tiče ruralnih preduzeća, njima je namenjeno 962 miliona, za preduzetnička i industrijska istraživanja 270 miliona, i za 500 miliona za pomoć zaposlenima u sektoru umetnosti, kulture i sporta.

Premijer Trudo je upozorio da bi prerano aktiviranje privrede moglo povećati opasnost od širenja koronavirusa, međutim, premijeri nekih provincija već razmatraju načine za postupno vraćanje radnika na posao.


OTAVA – Zdravstveni zvaničnici kažu da je preko 90 odsto osoba umrlih od kovida iz starosne grupe preko 60 godina. No, dr Tereza Tam, šef službe za javno zdravlje, kaže da su i beskućnici i osobe sa nestabilnom stambenom situacijom takođe ugrožene, te je izuzetno važno da se u prihvatilištima obavlja valjana i stalna kontrola na virus i da se tako u njima zaštite i zaposleni i korisnici.

MONTREAL – Premijer Kvebeka Fransoa Lego rekao je da je oko dve hiljade lekara specijalista potpisalo saglasnost da pomogne u nezi starijih osoba. On je, ipak, primetio da taj proces neće ići bez poteškoća, pre svega zbog trenutnih vanrednih uslova u kojima smo sada, ali da će, uz dobru volju, sve to uspeti da funkcioniše.

OTAVA – Guverner Banke Kanade Stiven Poloz veruje da je kanadska privreda dobro pripremljena za šok izazvan pandemijom i da će se oporaviti brže nego drugih razvijenih zemalja. Ali, bez obzira na čvrste osnove i dobru podršku kroz privredne programe, on smatra da će, od početka oporavka, privredi trebati godinu dana za povratak na staro. U najgorem slučaju, moglo bi doći do deflacije i zastoja u otplati dugovanja. Guverner Poloz predviđa sporo i neravnomerno restartovanje privrede po provincijama, koje bi moglo početi krajem maja.

VINIPEG – U Vinipegu je primećeno da je smanjen pritisak pacijenata na hitnu službu. Dr Pol Duset, lekar Hitne pomoći, smatra da neki ljudi izbegavaju bolnice iz straha da mogu doći u dodir sa koronavirusom.

TORONTO – Ontarijski premijer Dag Ford predstavio je nove mere koje, počev od 22. aprila, nalažu zaposlenima u domovima za stara lica da rade samo u jednom objektu takve vrste. Druga vanredna mera omogućava lokalnim zdravstvenim jedinicama da lakše vrsše preraspoređivanje radnika između domova za dugotrajnu negu, bolnica i drugih komunalnih objekata.

OTAVA – Federalna vlada je, zbog važeće zabrane okupljanja zbog koronavirusa, najavila i započela pravljenje planova sa umetnicima za virtuelno obeležavanje 1. jula, Dana Kanade.

TORONTO – Zdravstveni i politički zvaničnici istočno i južno od Otave pozivaju na strpljenje za vreme pandemije, i upozoravaju da bi mogle biti uvedene dodatne restriktivne mere.

TORONTO – U Ontariju je propisima omogućeno da kompanije za osiguranje vozila daju popust na plaćanje premija, i to do 12 meseci od završetka vanrednog stanja zbog pandemije.
Detaljnije:  https://www.cp24.com/news/ontario-allows-auto-insurance-companies-to-provide-rebates-due-to-pandemic-1.4899311

OTAVA – Tokom videokonferencije sa, koju je organizovao predsednik SAD-a Donald Tramp, Kanada i druge zemlje članice G7 nisu se složile sa Trampovom odlukom da ukine finansiranje Svetske zdravstvene organizacije, jer smatraju da je solidarnost ključna u vreme pandemije.

EDMONTON – Kanadski proizvođači nafte i gasa zatražili su od federalne vlade da zamrzne takse na ugljenik i odloži regulativu o klimatskim promenama, dok ovaj privredni sektor ne ublaži posledice nastale zbog pandemije.

TORONTO – Brojni zoološki vrtovi i akvarijumi širom zemlje započeli su akciju prikupljanja donacija od građana za hranu i negu životinja tokom pandemijske krize. Zoovrtovi nemaju dovoljan priliv novca, jer su već dva meseca zatvoreni.


City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - April 17, 2020

City of Toronto Medical Officer of Health stresses importance of data in public health response

Mayor John Tory and Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa provided an update on the City’s continuing response to COVID-19.

As of this afternoon, there are 3,145 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto. Cases include 2,818 confirmed cases and 327 probable cases. There are 244 cases hospitalized, with 97 in intensive care units. In the city, 154 people have died of COVID-19. Case status data can be found on the City’s reporting platform at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-news/covid-19-status-of-cases-in-toronto/.
Toronto Public Health is working to increase the amount of data available on the COVID-19 situations in vulnerable congregate facilities, including long-term care homes, retirement homes, and shelters. 

Dr. de Villa shared insight on COVID-19 patterns in Toronto. In the city, 23 per cent of COVID-19 cases are in residents over 80 years of age. In hospital, 35 per cent of cases are residents between 40 and 59 years of age. Looking at transmission, 35 per cent of cases are the result of being a close contact of a confirmed case, underscoring the importance of strict isolation for those that are ill or may have been exposed to COVID-19.
Trends and patters in data help public health officials understand how and where the virus is spreading and inform and evaluate the public health response. Dr. de Villa’s full remarks are available at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-news/covid-19-official-statements/

Enforcement continues to be an essential part of keeping our community safe and remains a priority for the City. Yesterday, the City received 530 complaints involving people using outdoor amenities or not practising physical distancing in parks. Bylaw and police officers issued 17 tickets ­ bringing the total number of tickets issued since April 3 to 319.
The City received 54 complaints yesterday related to non-essential businesses remaining open in contravention of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. Since March 24, Municipal Licensing & Standards and Toronto Public Health have issued 35 tickets and 105 notices to non-essential businesses.


"We have come a long way. I know the weekend is here and many people will want to enjoy it. We cannot take our foot off the gas. Stay home as much as possible. Keep your distance from others outside your own home. Connect with friends and relatives online or by phone. On Saturday, I am meeting with senior City officials to talk about how we would safely restart the city and what has to go into what will be a very careful plan. When we restart the city depends on each and every one of us. All the efforts so many of you are taking right now to stop the spread of COVID-19 will bring that restart as soon as safely possible."
- Mayor John Tory


City of Toronto provides update on financial impacts of COVID-19

Toronto Mayor John Tory provided an update today to the City finances as the City continues to monitor and address the impacts of COVID-19, as the pandemic emergency continues to exert major financial stresses locally, nationally and globally.

The City is experiencing financial pressure estimated at $65 million per week. The pressure is driven primarily by lost revenues due to the pandemic lockdown, coupled with increased costs responding to the emergency. Revenues are decreased due to a drop in TTC ridership, closures, decreased service demands, and property tax and utility payment deferrals. Increased costs are a result of COVID-19 related needs, such as additional personal protective equipment, cleaning, additional shelter space and staff overtime.

As announced on April 3, the City assembled a COVID-19 financial impact working group, which continues to assess the financial implications that may result from this emergency and focused on a plan for stabilization and rebuilding. Through research and modelling, the group has created impact projections under various scenarios. 

A best-case scenario for the City is a projected total pressure of $1.5 billion for 2020: $938 million is estimated for the direct impacts relating to lockdown impacts and $590 million for a six-month recovery period, once restrictions are eased. This pressure may be driven higher if there is a significant real-estate market impact, the physical distancing measures are extended beyond 12 weeks or there continues to be additional waves of COVID-19 throughout the remainder of the year.

The City will continue to adjust recovery assessments, based on the guidelines and recommendations from Toronto’s Medical of Health, Dr. Eileen de Villa.

Work is already underway, led by the Mayor's Economic Support and Recovery Task Force, to begin the rebuilding efforts after the City transitions into the recovery phase, with a focus on growth and building resiliency. The recovery of the local economy will need ongoing stable sources of funding and new fiscal relationships with other levels of government.

These financial impacts are not unique to Toronto. The Mayor has been working with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to request relief funding from the federal and provincial governments to offset the cumulative financial impact to City expenditures and revenues as a result of the emergency.


Gardiner Expressway's westbound Sherbourne/Jarvis off-ramp to reopen this weekend; Yonge-Bay-York off-ramp to close

The Gardiner Expressway's westbound Sherbourne/Jarvis off-ramp will reopen on Sunday, April 19, at 12:01 a.m. The off-ramp, closed since October 2019, was replaced as part of Gardiner Expressway Strategic Rehabilitation Plan. 

On Saturday, April 18, beginning at 12:01 a.m., crews will work to readjust construction staging to prepare for the reopening of the westbound off-ramp to Lower Sherbourne/Lower Jarvis Streets and the simultaneous closure of the westbound off-ramp to Yonge-Bay-York Streets. 

During this time, two lanes will be closed on the southbound Don Valley Parkway (DVP) and westbound Gardiner Expressway starting from just south of the Richmond Street East exit on the DVP to the Jarvis Street on-ramp on the Gardiner Expressway.

On Saturday, April 18, to ensure a safe transition of the construction staging: 
•       both westbound off-ramps (Lower Sherbourne/Jarvis and Yonge-Bay-York) will be fully closed
•       two lanes will be closed on the southbound Don Valley Parkway (DVP) and westbound Gardiner Expressway starting from just south of the Richmond Street East exit on the DVP to the Jarvis Street on-ramp on the Gardiner Expressway
•       the on-ramp to the westbound Gardiner Expressway from Lake Shore Boulevard East near Logan Avenue will be closed
•       the westbound Jarvis Street on-ramp will be the first opportunity for traffic on Lake Shore Boulevard East to access the westbound Gardiner Expressway

Work taking place on and near the Yonge-Bay-York off-ramp includes the replacement of the concrete deck and steel girders of the westbound expressway lanes near the ramp. The ramp is expected to be closed until late summer 2020 when construction will move to the final phase for the replacement of the southern half (eastbound lanes) of the expressway deck.

Drivers should consider using other westbound off-ramps such as Sherbourne Street or Spadina Avenue or consider alternate routes to access downtown including exiting the DVP onto Richmond Street; exiting the westbound Gardiner at Jarvis Street or at Spadina Avenue; or travelling westbound on Lake Shore Boulevard to access Yonge, Bay or York Streets.

Crews will primarily work around-the-clock on a 24/7 basis to accelerate the project and reduce the length of construction. The majority of the most disruptive work should be completed by 11 p.m. most days. However, in some instances disruptive work must be performed overnight for the safety of crews and the travelling public. 
The renewal of the Gardiner Expressway between Jarvis Street and Cherry Street is part of the first project of the Gardiner Expressway Strategic Rehabilitation Plan. The Gardiner Expressway Strategic Rehabilitation Plan addresses the immediate and long-term rehabilitation needs of the entire expressway from Highway 427 to the Don Valley Parkway to ensure it remains in a safe and operable condition, now and in the future.

More information about this work is available at http://www.toronto.ca/JarvisToCherry.

Residents, businesses and visitors are encouraged to use the City's web-based map at
http://www.toronto.ca/roadrestrictions to help plan their travel and avoid road closures.

Information about the City's planned capital construction work is available at http://www.toronto.ca/inview.

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca



Toronto - Četvrtak, 16. april 2020.


Zajmovi i najamnine - Federalna pomoć malim preduzećima

Premijer Džastin Trudo najavio je novi program pomoći malim preduzećima za nadoknadu najamnine za april, maj i juni.
Otava će sarađivati sa provincijama u sprovođenju programa, budući da je on pod njihovom jurisdikcijom.

Novim programom će, takođe, preduzeća moći da konkurišu za zajam. On je predviđen za preduzeća sa platnim spiskovima vrednim između 20 hiljada i 1,5 miliona dolara, s tim da će zajmovi do 10 hiljada biti bespovratni.

U Federaciji samostalnih delatnosti zameraju što i dalje fondovima za pomoć ne mogu da pristupe nove firme, samostalni preduzetnici i preduzeća koja plaćaju dividendama.

Trudo je takođe rekao da će sa premijerima razgovarati o povećanju plata za pomoćno osoblje u domovima za dugotrajno zbrinjavanje, kao i o povećanju plata za sve koji rade u službama od vitalnog značaja, a zarađaju manje od 2.500 dolara mesečno.


Vestdžet daje otkaze svojim pilotima

Budući da zastoj u saobraćaju, posebno avionskom, nastavlja da traje, aviokompanija Vestdžet uputila je svojim pilotima 1.700 obaveštenja o otkazu.

No, u kompaniji kažu da su se prijavili za federalni program subvencija na plate, CENjS, i da će piloti biti u neaktivnom statusu i na platnom spisku, sve dok je program na snazi.
Otkazi će stupiti na snagu 1. maja ili 1. juna.

U kompaniji kažu da je odluka teška, ali neophodna, zato žele da iz krize izađu redukovani i spremni za brzi oporavak i kompanije, i države.
Vestdžet je u martu najavio otpuštanje gotovo polovine, od 14 hiljada zaposlenih, ali su prošle sedmice rekli da će ponovo angažovati blizu 6.400, uz pomoć vladinih subvencija.



OTAVA – Šefica službe za javno zdravlje dr Tereza Tem, koja je ndavno rekla da je otprilike polovina smrtnih slučajeva od kovida-19 povezana sa domovima za dugotrajno zbrinjavanje, sada je dodala da su posebno ugrožene osobe u domovima za seniore, beskućnici i oni koji žive u nebezbednim uslovima. Ona je iskazala ‘oprezni optimizam’, budući da se broj novih slučajeva sada udvostručuje na deset, umesto kao što je bilo, na svaka tri dana.

OTAVA – Ministru za javnu bezbednost Bilu Bleru sinoć je upućen zahtev da vlada pošalje u pomoć lekare i pripadnike vojske koji su prošli medicinsku obuku. Premijer Džastin Trudo za sada nema detalje o pomoći, budući da se radi o neuobičajenom zahtevu u neuobičajenoj situaciji.

OTAVA – Iako je predsednik SAD-a Donald Tramp najavio da bi uskoro moglo doći do smanjivanja ograničenja na kanadsko-američkoj granici, premijer Džastin Trudo kaže da će restrikcije najverovatnije potrajati još poprilično. uvedene su 21. marta, i trebalo bi o njima da se razmatra 19. aprila.

OTAVA – Lider konzervativaca Endru Šir izjvio je juče da ima velike rezerve prema onome šta radi Svetska zdravstvena organizacija u vezi sa pandemijom, i njenim odnosima sa komunističkim režimom u Kini. Ali, ministarka zdravlja Peti Hajdu ističe da vlada i dalje ima poverenje u SZO i da će nastaviti da doprinosi organizaciji.

VANKUVER – Dr Boni Henri ne očekuje da će se restrikcije ukinuti u sledeće dve do tri nedelje.

OTAVA – Nakon istraživanja CBC njuza o načinu upravljanja i propustima u Nacionalnom sistemu za zalihe za hitne potrebe, ministarka zdravlja Peti Hajdu je rekla da će biti izvršena kontrola. CBC njuz je izvestio da je prošle godine, vlada bila prinuđena da baci dva miliona maski N95 i 440 hiljada rukavica, kada je zatvoreno skladište u Ridžajni. Portparol Agencije za javno zdravlje, koja vrši nadzor rezervi, u e-mejlu je obavestio da je toj opremi pre pet godina istekao rok upotrebe, a mnogi se pitaju kako je uopšte dozvoljeno da do toga dođe.

TORONTO – Ontario je promenio način brojanja testova, pa umesto da računa koliko je osoba testirano, sada računa koliko je uzoraka obrađeno na dnevnom nivou.

MONKTON – Više od 6.400 testova isporučenih Nju Brunsviku prošle sedmice bilo je kontaminirano i, samim tim, neupotrebljivo. Dr Rišar Garso, mikrobiolog i infektolog iz Univerzitetskog bolničkog centra u Monktonu, procenjuje da je slična situacija sa preko 300 hiljada testova koji su distribuirani širom zemlje.

TORONTO – Gradonačelnik Toronta Džon Tori kaže da grad radi na nabavci lične zaštitne opreme za sve radnike u vitalnim sektorima kojima je oprema potrebna. Ovo je njegov odgovor na zahteve više od 30 operatora saobraćaja u TTC-u, koji su u sredu prekinuli da rade jer nisu imali maske.

HALIFAKS – Domovi za dugotrajno zbrinjavanje u Novoj Skotiji prave planove kako se izboriti sa povećanim broj slučajeva obolelih od kovida-19. U pojedinima se formiraju zasebne jedinice za izolaciju obolelih.

ST. DžONS – Na Ostrvu princa Edvarda obnovili su stanje vanredne opasnosti po zdravlje za dodatnih 30 dana. Svako ko dolazi u provinciju moraće da iznese razloge svoje posete, da bi se utvrdilo da li se radi o nečem bitnom.

TORONTO – TTC najavljuje da će početi da stavlja blokadu između sedišta u nekim od svojih vozila, kako bi omogućio bolje poštovanje fizičke distance.



City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:

News Release -  April 16, 2020

Toronto Public Health launches new data system to enhance local COVID-19 response

Today, Toronto Public Health launched a new technology solution to enhance case and contact tracing work. Case and contact tracing is a critical component of Toronto Public Health's (TPH) COVID-19 response and work to reduce the spread of infectious diseases, including COVID-19.    

As of 12:30 p.m. today there are 2,881 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto. This includes 2,559 confirmed cases and 322 probable ones. There are 230 cases hospitalized, and there are 88 in intensive care units. In total 147 people have died of COVID-19 in Toronto.

Case and contact follow-up is routine public health work for COVID-19 and other commonly reportable infectious diseases including measles, mumps and hepatitis A. Case and contact tracing information provides insight in how COVID-19 spreads from one person to another, the extent of community spread and how long the virus can incubate. It also provides information on the overall impacts on our health and what we can to do further protect our residents. Other important data sources are symptoms, testing results, hospitalizations, deaths and what other jurisdictions are experiencing and what we can learn from them. 

CORES will allow TPH to quickly and easily document each individual case investigation efficiently and share data with the provincial Ministry of Health. It will allow TPH to better keep up with the volume of new reports and prioritize individual cases that require urgent follow-up such as healthcare workers as the local COVID-19 evolves. Importantly, this system also allows more of our front-line staff to work remotely from home.  

Previously, TPH was inputting our case and contact tracing data into the provincial integrated public health information system also known as iPHIS that all local public health departments are required to use to report infectious disease information. This system has served TPH well during routine public health work. However, it is not equipped to deal with a health emergency of this magnitude and the scale and speed of data entry required to provide up-to-date data.


"I’m pleased to launch this new CORES information system to enhance our critical case and contact tracing work and during our local COVID-19 response. This new information system enables our team to quickly and easily document each individual case investigation efficiently, and share data with the provincial Ministry of Health. It will allow us to keep up with the increasing volume of work as our local situation continues to evolve.  This new system will also enable my team to provide more detailed data to the public. I would like to sincerely thank my team and our City partners for this unprecedented and innovative collaboration during this emergency." 
- Dr. Eileen de Villa, Toronto's Medical Officer of Health  

“Contact tracing is a core feature of our ability to effectively contain and prevent transmission of infectious diseases. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Toronto Public Health and the City of Toronto designed, built, and implemented our very own new data management system. It’s been road tested, it’s now been implemented, and it will have a significant effect in our COVID-19 response” 
- Joe Cressy, Chair of the Board of Health and City Councillor, Spadina-Fort York


City of Toronto expands Digital Main Street program to help local businesses during COVID-19 pandemic

Today, Mayor John Tory announced the expansion of the Digital Main Street program to help local businesses develop or expand their online services during this unprecedented time.

Digital Main Street was created by the City of Toronto and the Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas (TABIA) in 2016 to assist main street businesses in growing their operations through technology with easy to use tools and resources. The program is also supported by Google, Mastercard, Shopify and Microsoft. 

Working with TABIA and other community partners, the program has helped small businesses with everything from websites and social media, to launching ecommerce platforms and using data to drive new business opportunities. 

Digital Main Street offers a range of ways for businesses to embrace digital transformation virtually, including online tools, connections to trusted digital vendors, structured online learning and a Digital Service Squad, who provide one-on-one assistance to help businesses grow and manage their operations. 

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, funding for Digital Main Street in Toronto has been tripled. The budget for the program will go from $240,000 to $825,000 this year. The funding will be used to expand the Digital Service Squad to support Toronto’s main street businesses through one-on-one virtual support.

Since its launch, the Digital Main Street program has engaged more than 6,000 Toronto businesses and provided direct one-on-one support to 2,159 businesses, delivering more than 9,200 hours of support, training and education. Prior to working with the Digital Main Street program, 30 per cent of businesses had no online presence. These businesses now do and an additional 66 per cent of businesses expanded their existing online presence. 

The expansion of the Digital Main Street program is a part of the Mayor's Economic Support and Recovery Task Force's short-term economic support and recovery plan for Toronto's businesses.

Local businesses can complete the Digital Main Street onboarding process and receive a free Digital Assessment and recommended to-do list at https://digitalmainstreet.ca/toronto/.


City of Toronto continues to protect staff, residents in its long-term care homes 

COVID-19 has been particularly virulent with elders in our community, especially in long-term care home settings. Despite best efforts and proven measures to contain outbreaks, this virus has had a devastating impact on those who work and reside in long-term care homes, nursing homes and other institutions where our most vulnerable receive care.

The City of Toronto operates just 10 of the more than 80 long-term care homes in Toronto. 
In mid-March, the City of Toronto’s Seniors Services and Long-Term Care (SSLTC) division, which cares for approximately 2,600 residents, began asking staff to choose the City as their primary employer in order to limit work locations and, therefore, minimize COVID-19 exposure for both themselves and residents.

In the long-term care sector, workers sometimes work in multiple locations, including other long-term care homes, as well as acute care and community care settings. SSLTC employs approximately 1,300 full-time and 2,200 part-time staff.

On Tuesday, recognizing that this sector-wide challenge required additional measures, an order was issued by the Province of Ontario restricting long-term care staff from working in more than one long-term care home, retirement home or health care setting effective 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday, April 22, 2020.

To assist staff in their decision to work for City long-term care homes, SSLTC has offered additional hours (up to full-time hours) for part-time staff, and posted an 18 week schedule. Today, SSLTC staff working in one of the 10 long-term care homes will be asked to confirm their decision to work solely for the City. For those unable to commit to the City, they will be placed on an unpaid leave of absence, for the length of the emergency order. Their position of employment remains secure following the end of the pandemic.

SSLTC has identified staffing shortages in all of its departments arising from staff illness, international travel and childcare needs. On March 14, SSLTC stopped all non-essential services and redirected resources to the essential long-term care operations, maximizing part-time frontline staff and using overtime to meet staffing needs during outbreaks. The City has also hired 50 nursing students and Personal Support Worker-certified individuals to support and backfill positions. 

More than 80 City employees from across the organization have been redeployed to SSLTC, and another 80 will be starting soon, with additional staffing support requested from the Emergency Operations Centre.

The City of Toronto began measures when COVID-19 was first identified to protect staff and residents. To date, there are outbreaks in three of the 10 homes operated by the City.

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Sreda, 15. april 2020.

City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - April 15, 2020

City of Toronto provides update on COVID-19 enforcement

Mayor John Tory, Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa, and Fire Chief and General Manager of the Office of Emergency Management Matthew Pegg provided an update on the City’s continuing response to COVID-19 today.

Toronto Public Health is reporting there are now 2,670 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto. Of the cases, 2,369 cases are confirmed and 301 are probable, 243 are in hospital with 94 in ICU. In Toronto, there have been 121 deaths to-date. This data was extracted from the Integrated Public Health Information System. The numbers may differ from other sources as data are extracted at different times.

The City continues to focus on stricter enforcement, monitoring popular parks across the city and issuing tickets to individuals and groups using closed park amenities and not practising physical distancing. The COVID-19 Enforcement Team continues to observe prohibited activities, including permit holders ignoring “closed” signage at allotment gardens, dogs off leash at High Park and gatherings at Barbara Hall Park.

Any two or more people who are not members of the same household, and who fail to keep at least two metres of distance between them in a park or public square, can receive a $1,000 ticket ­ which is the applicable set fine for the City’s Physical Distancing Bylaw. In addition, failing to identify oneself to an officer investigating a matter under the Emergency Measures and Civil Protection Act carries a set fine of $750.

Yesterday, the City received 396 complaints involving people using amenities or not practising physical distancing in parks. Bylaw and police officers cautioned 470 individuals regarding the closure of park amenities and physical distancing, and issued 35 tickets ­ bringing the total to 252 tickets since April 3. The City received 49 complaints yesterday related to non-essential businesses remaining open in contravention of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. Since March 24, Municipal Licensing and Standards has issued 12 tickets, 12 summons and 70 notices to non-essential businesses.

The response to the current COVID-19 pandemic has been dynamic and based on the best advice from public health experts. New legislation and bylaws have been put in place, which have not existed in the past. This advice has been clear and consistent: To stop the community spread of this deadly virus, we must reduce all contact with others as much as possible by staying home, except for essential outings.


City of Toronto urges drivers to obey rules of the road

The City of Toronto is urging drivers to slow down, stay alert and obey the rules of the road to save lives, keep streets safe and accessible, prevent traffic-related collisions and reduce the strain on the city’s healthcare system during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Toronto's medical officer of health and all City officials continue to urge all residents to stay at home as much as possible to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Drivers should stay off the road as much as possible and only travel for essential reasons.

While the City has seen a dramatic drop in traffic volumes, Toronto Police report that from March 15 to March 31, there was a 35 per cent increase in speeding tickets and an almost 200 per cent increase in stunt driving compared to the same period last year.

Starting this week, officers from the Toronto Police Service’s Vision Zero Enforcement Team will begin rotating in daily shifts across the city and patrol for motorists who are speeding or stunt driving. All red light cameras in the city are active and tickets are being issued to motorists who disobey traffic signals.

For more info about the COVID-10 impacts to road, sidewalk and bikeway maintenance, visit https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/affected-city-services/?accordion=road-sidewalk-and-bikeway-maintenance 

“Taking advantage of low traffic volumes by speeding or stunt driving is not only illegal but threatens the lives of those around you and places an unnecessary pressure on our healthcare system. I continue to encourage all residents to stay home as much as possible to help stop the spread of COVID-19.”
- Toronto Mayor John Tory 

“The Toronto Police Service continues to proactively enforce traffic laws in high-collision areas. Our officers will be focused on stopping those drivers who are speeding or stunt driving and making our streets unsafe for other users.” 
- Toronto Police Service Chief Mark Saunders


City of Toronto launches new DonateTO: COVID-19 portal to support pandemic relief efforts, More than $1.5 million of goods and services already donated

Today, Mayor John Tory announced the launch of the City’s DonateTO: COVID-19 portal which allows businesses and residents to make donations of products, services and funds in support of the City’s pandemic relief efforts. 

The City of Toronto is working hard to support everyone impacted by COVID-19 and there are many ways the community can support the relief efforts, including donations of personal protective equipment, other goods and services, food and financial gifts. All donations help the City, in coordination with our community partners to enhance much needed services and supports, especially for the most vulnerable and those who support them.  

Residents and business wanting to help support the City's COVID-19 response and recovery efforts can visit www.toronto.ca/covid-19 to make their gift or find out more about volunteer opportunities.

Residents, business and academic institutions have already reached out to the City asking how they can help support Toronto's front-line efforts. Over the last few weeks donations valued at more than $1.5 million have been received, including Hudson's Bay’s donation of 2,117 units of cookware, dinnerware, towels and bed linens and mattresses with a value of $335,000 and Sleep Country Canada’s donation of more than $150,000 worth of mattresses, adjustable bases, bed frames, sheets, pillows and mattress protectors, both donated to the City’s Rapid Rehousing Shelter project. Additionally, personal care products and cleaning products for vulnerable residents valued at $330,000 from GlobalMedic in partnership with Procter & Gamble and more than 50,000 masks from Dr. Wong and the Stop Covid-19 volunteer group have also been received.

The City’s Donation Coordination Task Force, led by the Toronto Office of Partnerships working closely with Emergency Operations Centre and Purchasing and Materials Management Division, will manage and allocate all donations under the guidance and direction of the City’s Senior Leadership Team.

Any questions about donations can be directed to donate@toronto.ca.


"Our daily lives have changed but one constant is that Torontonians care about their community and want to help.  Many have already reached out to the City asking how they can contribute.  From food security and support for homeless persons and seniors to mental health services and the purchase of personal protective equipment, donations will help the City's ongoing efforts to support the most vulnerable in our city, along with the programs and our community partners who support them.”
- Mayor John Tory 

"All donations to the City will be directed to the highest priority needs in this evolving situation. Seeing our businesses and residents come together to help out reminds us that while we are a place of great diversity, we are united, compassionate and generous in times of crisis."
- Deputy Mayor Michael Thompson, Scarborough Centre (Ward 21), Chair of the Economic and Community Development Committee

“In the midst of these very difficult and uncertain times it is wonderful to know how businesses and residents alike are seeking a way to connect and support others. This is a strong demonstration of shared commitment for the safety, health and wellness of our families, loved ones and the whole community.”
- Councillor Mike Colle, Eglinton-Lawrence (Ward 8)


The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Utorak, 14. april 2020.

Džastin Trudo: Privredne delatnosti će se postupno otvarati

Premijer Džastin Trudo je rekao da će se, posle pandemije, privreda postepeno vraćati u funkciju, kroz postupno otvaranje delatnosti, ali je istakao da nam do tada treba verovatno još poprilično vremena i strpljenja.

Sa provincijama se stalno diskutuje o tome, zato što postoje evidentne regionalne razlike u jačini epidemije, a važno je da se uspostavi što je moguće veća koordinacija u delovanju. Premijer Saskauana Skot Mou izjavio je, tako, da pravi planove za ‘obazrivo, metodično i postepeno’ otvaranje privrednih delatnosti u provinciji, ukoliko broj slučajeva inficiranih i obolelih i dalje bude mali.

Premijer Trudo kaže da se, u pojedinim sektorima, radnici mogu ranije vratiti na posao, zato što su izloženi manjem riziku nego drugi.

Što se tiče ponovnog otvaranja granice sa SAD-om za putovanja, Trudo kaže da se vode pregovori, ali da će restrikcije verovatno biti na snazi još nekoliko sedmica. Zamenica premijera Kristija Frilend objasnila je da je restrikcija putovanja u u interesu očuvanja zdravlja i sigurnosti građana.



OTAVA – Banka Kanade apeluje na trgovce da, iako se naglašava da se kontakti sa kupcima svode na minimum, primaju i gotovinu kao vid plaćanja. Odbijanje gotovine dodatno bi opteretilo one koji jedino tako mogu da plate za svoje osnovne potrebe. Zdravstveni zvaničnici, sa svoje strane, kažu da nema posebnog rizika da se preko novca prenese koronavirus, kao što su rizične neke druge površine i materijali.

OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo rekao je da se izdvaja 130 miliona dolara za pomoć u borbi protiv kovida-19 na severu zemlje.

KALGARI – Alberta proširuje testiranje na koronavirus, pa će provera da se vrši kod svih koji pokažu neki od simptoma inficiranosti. Dr Dina Hinšo, šefica zdravstvene službe, kaže da će počev od danas, biti testirani svi koji imaju temperaturu, curenje iz nosa, crveno grlo, kašalj ili problem sa disanjem.

OTAVA – Farmaceuti kažu da su i oni kao i lekari preopterećeni, zato što sada i savetuju i, neretko, leče pacijente, koji izbegavaju da idu na klinike ili u hitnu pomoć. Čitav zdravstveni sistem je zaokupljen koronavirusom i u mnogim službama nema dovoljno lekara, što zbog preraspodele, što zbog drugih problema, pa su farmaceuti vrlo često prinuđeni da preuzimaju njihovu ulogu.

ST. DžONS – Finansijski problemi zbog smanjenog obima posla kompanije Oušeneks (Oceanex) koja doprema potrepštine na ostrvo, mogle bi izazvati nestašicu hrane u Njufaundlendu i Labradoru. Kompanija najavljuje da će skoro sigurno morati da otkaže jednu od svojih nedeljnih tura iz Montreala, usidriti brod i otpustiti radnike. Premijer provincije Dvajt Bol upozorava da imaju zalihe hrane za samo pet dana, a ministar za prirodne resurse Simus O’Regan uverava žitelje da će se, uz Marin Atlantik, iznaći rešenje za ovaj problem.

OTAVA – I premijer Džastin Trudo i lider konzervativaca Endru Šir našli su se na meti žestokih kritika zato što, oni i članovi njihovih porodica, nisu poštovali mere koje traže da građani poštuju zbog pandemije. Premijer Trudo je za vikend otputovao iz Otave u Kvebek, kako bi sa svojom porodicom proveo praznik u rezidenciji Harington Lejk, dok je Šir vladinim malim avionom, idući na sednicu Parlmenta, doveo suprugu i njihovo petoro dece iz Ridžajne u Otavu, i sve to u vreme kada se isključuje putovanje, i zagovara držanje odstojanja.

TORONTO – Toronto je otvorio centar za smeštaj beskućnika obolelih od kovida-19, kako bi sprečio dalje širenje virusa unutar sistema prihvatilišta za one koji žive na ulici. Ovaj centar će za sada biti na privremenoj lokaciji, dok se ne obezbedi stalno rešenje.

KALGARI – Postoje naznake da bi čuveni Stampedo u Kalgariju, koji se održava svake godine u julu, ove godine mogao biti otkazan.

TORONTO – Ontarijski premijer Dag Ford namerava da produži vanredno stanje u provinciji za još 28 dana. Odluka o tome biće doneta na vanrednoj sednici provincijskog Parlamenta, zakazanoj za danas, na kojoj će poslanici odlučivati još i o setu mera koje se tiču obrazovanja, brige o deci i opštinskih stanova. Na sednici će biti svega 28 poslanika, kako bi se mogla ispoštovati pravila o držanju propisane fizičke razdaljine.

OTAVA – Počev od ponoći, svi koji se vrate u Kanadu kopnenim morskim ili vazdušnim putem, a nemaju zadovoljavajući plan za samoizolaciju, koji obuhvata i snabdevanje hranom i lekovima, moraće da borave u hotelu ili drugom objektu posebno namenjenom za te svrhe. Ove osobe neće smeti da budu zajedno sa pripadnicima osetljivih grupa, starijima od 65 godina ili sa određenim zdravstvenim problemima i bolestima.

TORONTO – Gradonačelnik Toronta Džon Tori kaže da nadležni već prave planove za vraćanje grada u uobičajeni ritam, bez obzira što će u provinciji najverovatnije biti produženo vanredno stanje. Planovi se odnose na redosled podizanja restrikcija i otvaranja privrednih aktivnosti.


City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - April 14, 2020

City of Toronto supports launch of Distantly.ca to help main street businesses 

Today, Mayor John Tory highlighted the launch of an online donation platform that allows community members to make direct donations to small businesses to help lessen the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This platform allows customers to continue to support local main street businesses impacted by non-essential closures, such as coffee shops, restaurants and hair salons. 

Local businesses can visit https://distantly.ca/ to set up their free account today or contact their local Business Improvement Association for assistance. Toronto residents who are able, can make a secure online donation to their favourite local business. These contributions will help to alleviate expenses, such as rent and payroll.

Distantly.ca was founded by Susan McArthur, a former partner at a venture capital fund, and Daniel Spataro and Moe Katib, co-founders of Buildable Technologies, in response to Mayor Tory's call at a recent TechTO event that asked Toronto companies to come forward with ideas to help the City respond to this crisis. 

The platform was developed in partnership with the Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas (TABIA), a non-profit umbrella organization working with Toronto's 83 Business Improvement Areas, representing more than 40,000 business and property owners, and Digital Main Street, a City and TABIA initiative to help brick and mortar main street businesses open an online presence. Other partners included David McArthur, Enterprise, Totum Life Science, and Migeotte and Migeotte.

City staff are continuing to develop a range of solutions with partners in the community, to help small businesses while also continuing to advocate for additional support from the provincial and federal governments.


"Toronto’s main street businesses are critical to the success of our city. They are the backbones of our residential neighbourhoods, an important contributor to our quality of life, and are a part of what makes Toronto attractive for businesses to invest in. I want to thank Daniel, Susan and Moe for their civic minded work to develop technology solutions to support Toronto’s main streets."
- Mayor John Tory 

"We are working hard with our community partners to develop a range of solutions to support Toronto businesses, their employees and residents, while also advocating for additional support from the provincial and federal governments to ensure our small business community is supported through this pandemic."
- Deputy Mayor Michael Thompson, Scarborough Centre (Ward 21), Chair of the Economic and Community Development Committee

"Our main streets and mom and pops have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. The outpouring of support has been heartwarming. Ideas and collaborations like distantly.ca will help us come together while keeping apart. This initiative builds on the incredible work already being done by our BIAs and I encourage everyone to get involved any way they can: order locally, donate, or share.”
- Councillor Brad Bradford, Beaches-East York (Ward 19)

“Local businesses are important to the fabric and well-being of every community. I wanted to find a scalable solution so that other Canadians could easily help their local businesses by providing some needed cash flow to help ensure that our vital local businesses survive and continue to serve our communities for years to come.”  
- Susan McArthur, former venture capital fund partner

"When non-essential businesses were closed, we felt compelled to use the resources, technology and team at our disposal at Buildable to help fellow business owners. You can’t serve food or give someone a haircut over Zoom, and yet, without these types of businesses, our city, and our country, wouldn’t look and feel the same.” 
- Daniel Spataro, Buildable co-founder


City of Toronto provides update on personal protective equipment supply

Mayor John Tory, Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa, and Fire Chief and General Manager of the Office of Emergency Management Matthew Pegg, today, provided an update on the City’s continuing response to COVID-19.

Toronto Public Health is reporting there are now 2,543 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto. Of the cases, 2,257 cases are confirmed and 286 are probable, 223 are in hospital with 90 in ICU. In Toronto, there have been 115 deaths to-date. This data was extracted from the Integrated Public Health Information System. The numbers may differ from other sources as data are extracted at different times. The most up-to-date COVID-19 case status data can be found on the City’s reporting platform at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/media-room/covid-19-status-of-cases-in-toronto/.

The City of Toronto is committed to ensuring our frontline staff, including emergency responders, those working with individuals experiencing homelessness, and staff in long-term care homes, have the personal protective equipment (PPE) they need to stay safe and protect their health and the health of the community. The PPE used most by City staff are surgical masks, N95 respirators, isolation gowns, face shields, and medical gloves. Respirators are used primarily by first responders, while other PPE is used largely in support of shelter and long-term care home operations.

Chief Pegg provided a detailed updated on the City’s PPE supply and projections for City PPE use. The City’s Emergency Operations Centre includes a PPE Task Force responsible for monitoring and allocating the City’s PPE, projecting PPE needs, implementing PPE conservation strategies, and investigating alternative PPE options and procurement strategies. 

The City’s current PPE inventory is:
• N-95 respirators: 107 days at current consumption, 33 days at worst-case scenario consumption 
• Surgical masks: 52 days at current consumption, 25 days at worst-case scenario consumption
• Isolation gowns: 51 days at current consumption, 18 days at worst-case scenario consumption
• Face shields: 26 days at current consumption, 8 days at worst-case scenario consumption
• Surgical gloves: constant inventory available 

The availability of quality PPE continues to be a global challenge. The City is working with the Province to ensure our PPE needs continue to be met. Businesses or individuals that are able to contribute PPE to the City’s COVID-19 response are asked to reach out to donate@toronto.ca. Chief Pegg’s full remarks on PPE inventory are available at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/media-room/covid-19-fire-chief-gene...

The City’s Enforcement Team continues to monitor popular parks around the city and issue tickets to individuals and groups using closed park amenities and not practising physical distancing. Yesterday, 311 received 324 complaints related to activity in parks and bylaw enforcement officers issued 26 tickets. More than 130 tickets were issued from Friday to Monday, 61 per cent of the 217 tickets issued since the start of enforcement on April 4. The team continues to observe problematic behaviour; many dogs off-leash at Woodbine Beach and Christie Pitts Parks and people continue to try to park vehicles at Humber Bay and Bluffer’s Parks. The team turned away more than 110 vehicles over the course of the day.

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contacts:
Erin George, Strategic Communications, Erin.George@toronto.ca
Lawvin Hadisi, Office of the Mayor, Lawvin.Hadisi@toronto.ca 


Prirucnik o prevenciji i lecenju COVID-19 infekcije 
The First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine 
Prirucnik napisan na osnovu klinickog iskustva 



Toronto - Ponedeljak, 13. april 2020.


OTAVA – Blizu šest miliona građana prijavilo se za materijalne pomoći koje je država obezbedila od početka pandemije, a blizu 5,4 miliona zahteva je do sada procesuirano.

OTAVA – U čitavoj zemlji je veliki hrišćanski praznik Uskrs obeležen više simbolično, nego uobičajeno svečano i u porodičnom okruženju, Mnoge porodice nisu mogle da se okupe fizički, već samo virtuelno, a nekima nije bilo do slavlja zbog iznenadne nepovoljne zdravstvene situacije, ili gubitka najmilijih zbog pandemije.

OTAVA – Federalna vlada najavila je 50 miliona dolara za pomoć farmerima, prerađivačima ribe i drugima koji angažuju radnike iz inostranstva za sezonske poslove. Oni će moći da se prijave za nadoknadu od 1.500 dolara, po radniku, za nadoknadu obavezne dvonedeljne samoizolacije. Poslodavci su u obavezi da obezbede smeštaj i platu za radnike, tokom tog perioda.

OTAVA – Zahvaljujući kanadskom ambasadoru u Kini Dominiku Bartonu, koji je na funkciju došao iz poslovnog sveta, kineskoj dijaspori u Kanadi, globalnoj firmi za transport i logistiku Balor ložistik i jednoj multinacionalnoj mendžmentskoj firmi, ostvaruju se kontakti za stabilnije i kvalitetnije snabdevanje zaštitnom personalnom opremom iz Kine.

MONTREAL – Zdravstveni zvaničnici Kvebeka vrše inspekciju svih privatnih domova za stara i bolesna lica, kako bi proverili da li se u njima sprovode sve potrebne mere zaštite štićenika. Ova predostrožnost je uvedena kako se ne bi ponovila situacija iz doma u Dorvalu, gde je u poslednjih mesec dana preminuo 31 štićenik, od toga bar petoro od kovida-19.

VINIPEG – U Manitobi u nedelju nije bilo novootkrivenih slučajeva osoba pozitivnih na koronavirus, ali zvaničnici upozoravaju da to nikako ne znači da ima prostora za opuštanje. Oni, naprotiv, ističu da se i dalje treba pridržavati svih mera o fizičkom distanciranju.

TORONTO – Najnovije ispitivanje javnog mnjenja, obavljeno ovih dana, ukazuje da je sve manje građana ubeđeno da će se život vratiti u normalu bar za još šest meseci. Svega 14 odsto učesnika veruje da će se za mesec do dva sve vratiti na staro, dok otprilike podjednak broj, po dve petine, zastupaju stav da će za to trebati između tri i šest i meseci, kao i onih koji smatraju da će biti potrebno više vremena.

MONTREAL – Veliki letnji festival u zapadnom delu Kvebeka, Festival L’Outaouais en Fete, zakazan za juni, kao i poljoprivredni sajam Shawville Fair, predviđen da se po 164. put održi prvog vikenda u septembru, otkazani su. Što se tiče sajma poljoprivrede, njega i sve slične manifestacije otkazalo je nadležno Ministarstvo za poljoprivredu, hranu i ribarstvo.

OTAVA – Ministarstvo zdravlja odobrilo je da kompanija Spartan biosajns distribuira svoje priručne testove za brzo testiranje na koronavirus.

TORONTO – Grad je najavio planove da otvori dva nova centra za čuvanje dece zaposlenih u vitalnim službama, jer je za prva četiri objekta prijavljeno preko 800 dece.


City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - April 13, 2020

City of Toronto continues to encourage residents and businesses to practise physical distancing and help stop the spread of COVID-19 

To help stop the spread of COVID-19, the City of Toronto’s COVID-19 Enforcement Team ­ a partnership between Toronto Police Service and the City ­ continues to carry out stricter enforcement in parks across the city. Toronto Public Health is also educating essential businesses on physical distancing, cleaning and disinfection on their premises.

Toronto Public Health is reporting there are now 2,362 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto. Of the cases, 2088 cases are confirmed and 274 are probable, 210 are in hospital with 80 in ICU. In Toronto, there have been 92 deaths to-date.
This data was extracted from the Integrated Public Health Information System at 12:30 p.m. The numbers may differ from other sources as data are extracted at different times.
The most up-to-date COVID-19 case status data can be found on the City’s new reporting platform at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/media-room/covid-19-status-of-cases-in-toronto/.

The City’s Enforcement Team is focused on stricter enforcement in City parks and squares. This weekend, the team moved from issuing warnings to almost exclusively issuing tickets in order to convey the seriousness of the City’s measures and increase compliance. 

Yesterday, Municipal Licensing & Standards (MLS) officers issued 40 tickets for the use of closed park amenities and not practising physical distancing. This brings the total to 107 tickets issued over the long weekend, which accounts for 56 per cent of the total tickets issued since April 4. Any two people who don’t live together, who fail to keep two metres of distance between them in a park or public square, can receive a $1,000 ticket ­ the maximum set fine available. 

While officers reported lighter use of some busy parks this weekend, tickets were issued for using park amenities such as lingering on Muskoka chairs and benches. Individuals who need to physically rest while out on walk are permitted to use benches to recover, however lingering and use of benches beyond necessary resting purposes is prohibited. 

In an effort to stop the community spread of this deadly virus, Toronto Public Health is visiting essential businesses to provide these open businesses with advice, recommendations, and instructions on physical distancing, cleaning, and disinfection. These visits are currently for education purposes to raise awareness of the important practises essential businesses must take to help protect workers and patrons as a result of orders under the Province of Ontario’s Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. 

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Nedelja, 12. april 2020.


OTAVA – Parlament je sinoć usvojio federalni zakon o subvencijama za plate od 73 milijarde dolara, koji je namenjen za finansijsku podršku kompanijama sa velikim gubicima zbog pandemije. Kompanije i organizacije koje ispune predviđene uslove dobiće do 75 odsto sredstava za isplatu plata zaposlenima. Poslanici su pozdravili saradnju između svih političkih stranaka, a generalna guvernerka Džulijet Pajet je odobrila zakon u 9:30, na kraju tog ‘izuzetnog dana usred izuzetnih vremena’, kako je rekao predsedavajući Parlamenta Entoni Rota.

MONTREAL – Policija ispituje vlasnike privatnog doma za starija lica u Dorvalu, blizu Montreala, nakon što je ustanovljeno da je tamo, od sredine marta, preminuo 31 štićenik. Premijer Kvebeka Fransoa Lego je juče rekao da je očigledno da je pitanju veliki nemar, kao i da je makar kod petoro od njih uzrok smrti kovid-19. Sestre zaposlene u domu izjavile su da higijena nije održavana redovno, da mnogi štićenici nisu dobijali ni hranu ni vodu više od 24 sata, zato što osoblje nije dolazilo.

ŠARLOTAUN – Na Ostrvu princa Edvarda treći dan za redom nije otkriven ni jedan novi slučaj osobe inficirane koronavirusom.

VANKUVER – Premijer Alberte Džejson Kenej najavio je, u subotu, da nameravaju da pomognu drugim provincijama sa određenom količinom lične zaštitne opreme. On je naglasio da je Alberta na vreme preduzela potrebne pripreme za pandemiju, pa je sada u prilici da pomogne Kvebeku, Ontariju  Britanskoj Kolumbiji.

OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo i lideri provincija danas su imali slobodan dan. Premijer Trudo nije se, kao obično, obratio medijima, već je u pisanom saopštenju pomenuo sve žrtve i veliko saosećanje građana prema bižnjima, koje pokazuju u vreme pandemije.


City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - April 12, 2020

City of Toronto reporting reduced sightings of gatherings, increase in physical distancing

The City of Toronto’s COVID-19 Enforcement Team ­ a partnership between Toronto Police Service and the City ­ continues to carry out an enforcement blitz in parks across the city, enforcing closures and physical distancing to protect the health and safety of our community. 

Toronto Public Health is reporting there are now 2,225 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto. Of the cases, 1956 cases are confirmed, an increased of 161 confirmed cases from yesterday, and 269 are probable, 208 are in hospital with 85 in ICU.
The numbers may differ from other sources as data are extracted at different times. The most up-to-date COVID-19 case status data can be found on the City’s new reporting platform at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/media-room/covid-19-status-of-cases-in-toronto/.

The advice from Toronto’s public health officials has been clear and consistent: to stop the community spread of this deadly virus, we must reduce all contact with others as much as possible.

The City’s Enforcement Team is now focused on stricter enforcement in 20 high-use parks. Initially, the team provided public education to individuals not observing orders and public health recommendations. Yesterday, the team moved to almost exclusively issuing tickets. Municipal Licensing & Standards (MLS) officers issued 48 tickets for the use of closed park amenities and not practising physical distancing ­ 32 per cent of the total number of tickets issued since enforcement began nine days ago on April 3. 

Any two people who don’t live together, who fail to keep two metres of distance between them in a park or public square, can receive a $1,000 ticket ­ the maximum set fine available. In addition, failing to identify oneself (correct name, date of birth and address) to an officer investigating a matter under the Emergency Measures and Civil Protection Act carries a set fine of $750.

Officers participating in this weekend’s blitz have reported lighter use of some busy parks. Yesterday, MLS officers spoke with 286 people regarding use of amenities and social distancing, an 83 per cent decrease from Friday. Complaints to 311 about behaviour in parks decreased by almost 39 per cent yesterday from the previous day. Officers did report continuing issues with individuals and groups with off-leash dogs in Trinity Bellwoods Park and people lingering in Muskoka chairs and starting bonfires in waterfront parks. 

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Subota, 11. april 2020.

Pitanja za ministarku zdravlja Peti Hajdu

Federalna ministarka zdravlja Peti Hajdu ostavlja da drugi procene da li je federalna vlada uradila dovoljno u sprečavanju širenja kovida-19.

Ove njene reči usledile su nakon podsećanja da je ona 10. marta, kada je bilo 12 osoba inficiranih koronavirusom, rekla da je mali rizik da se virus proširi, i da je zdravstveni sistem dobro opremljen za slučajeve koji budu došli iz inostranstva. Svega dve sedmice potom, u Kanadi je već bilo više od 21 hiljade inficiranih, a privreda zaustavljena.

Ove sedmice je premijer Džastin Trudo upozorio da bi moglo proći i godinu dana, pre nego što se život vrati u normalu.

Šef nacionalne službe za javno zdravlje dr Dejvid Batler-Džons naglašava da ćemo iz ove pandemije morati mnogo toga da naučimo.



OTAVA – Samo dvadeset poslanika na sednici Parlamenta, što je dovoljno za kvorum i poštovanje mera obaveznog fizičkog distanciranja, potvrdilo je 73 milijarde dolara pomoći za preduzeca i radnike. Premijer Džastin Trudo rekao je da je to najveća pomoć države od II Svetskaog rata, obraćajuci se iz zgrade Parlamenta .

OTAVA – U pojedinim delovima zemlje mogao bi biti problem manjak kreveta u urgentnim odeljenjima, ali se prave planovi za pretvaranje postojećih objekata, zgrada ili drugih kapaciteta i bolnica u kovid odeljenja.

TORONTO – Premijer Dag Ford produžio je vanredno stanje u provinciji do 23. aprila, a gradonačelnik Toronta Džon Tori je naložio da službe reda budu strože u kažnjavanju svih koji se ne pridržavaju mera o držanju obaveznog fizičkog rastojanja.

SASKATUN – Naučnici sa Univerziteta Saskačuan protekle sedmice su izvršili uspešnu dekontaminaciju već korišćenih maski N95, tako da se one mogu bezbedno ponovo upotrebiti. Kako se naglašava, ove maske se između pet i deset puta mogu osposobiti za ponovno korišćenje, ali nadležno provincijsko telo je postavilo limit na pet. Proces dekontaminacije traje otprilike dva i po dana, a Voker Gerts, direktor Centra VIDO-Inter Vac, kaže da se proces može primeniti i na druge delove lične zaštitne opreme.

IKVALUT – Eksperti kažu da bi trebalo pratiti šta se dešava sa građanskim slobodama u vreme pandemije, kada su uvedene mere, opšte prihvaćene kao neophodne. Tako se pominje, na primer, da je vlada Nanavuta dala ovlašćenja pripadnicima RCMP-a, zaduženima za očuvanje prirode, mira i poštovanje zakona, da u nekim slučajevima mogu da pretresaju kuće i bez naloga. Poslanik Mumilak Kakak kaže da je pandemija samo produbila dugotrajnu krizu stanovanja, infrastrukture i životnih uslova.


City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - April 11, 2020

City of Toronto begins stricter enforcement to help stop the spread of COVID-19

The City of Toronto’s COVID-19 Enforcement Team will begin stricter enforcement as part of the ongoing blitz in parks and public squares across the city. No longer focused on education, enforcement officers will now move almost exclusively to issuing tickets to people congregating in groups and using closed amenities in City parks.

The Toronto Police Service and the City are partnered on the enforcement of City bylaws and all orders, with 160 Toronto Police community response units, neighbourhood officers, and specialty units such as Mounted and Marine, plus 200 Toronto Bylaw Enforcement Officers ready to respond.

Toronto Public Health is reporting there are now 2,065 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto. Of the cases, 1,795 cases are confirmed and 270 are probable, 196 are in hospital with 85 in ICU. In Toronto, there have been 79 deaths to-date. This data was extracted from the Integrated Public Health Information System at 12:30 p.m. The numbers may differ from other sources as data are extracted at different times.

The most up-to-date COVID-19 case status data can be found on the City’s new reporting platform at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/media-room/covid-19-status-of-cases....

On April 1, Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health ordered the following individuals to self-isolate, under the Health Protection and Promotion Act:
•       All individuals with COVID-19 who are not hospitalized;
•       All individuals with signs and symptoms of COVID-19, or who are waiting for their test results;
•       All individuals who have had close contact with someone who has COVID-19 or has the signs and symptoms of COVID-19; and
•       People returning from international travel.

Anyone over the age of 70 is strongly encouraged to stay home as much as possible and anyone who is not ill or has not travelled, is directed to stay home, except when accessing healthcare or medication, shopping for groceries once per week, walking their dogs or getting daily exercise while maintaining physical distancing of at least two metres.

On April 2, Mayor John Tory introduced Emergency Order No. 1, regulating physical distancing in parks and public squares as part of the City's ongoing efforts to encourage people from separate households to keep at least two metres distance between each other.

Any two people who don’t live together, who fail to keep two metres of distance between them in a park or public square, can receive a $1,000 ticket ­ the maximum set fine available.  In addition, failing to identify oneself (correct name, date of birth and address) to a police officer or a provincial offences officer (bylaw officer) investigating a matter under the Emergency Measures and Civil Protection Act carries a set fine of $750.

Yesterday, the City received 300 complaints involving people using amenities or not practising physical distancing in parks. Bylaw officers spoke to 1,700 people regarding the closure of park amenities and distancing and issued 134 written cautions and 19 tickets ­ bringing the total to 103 tickets since April 4.

In addition, the City received eight complaints yesterday related to non-essential businesses remaining open in contravention of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. Since March 24, Municipal Licensing and Standards has issued six charges and 46 notices to non-essential businesses.

Based on public complaints received through 311 and in-field reports from officers, the following 20 parks have been identified as target areas:
•       Allan Gardens
•       Bluffer's Park
•       Christie Pits
•       College Park
•       Corktown Common
•       Earl Bales
•       G Ross Lord Park
•       Eglinton Park
•       High Park
•       Humber Bay East
•       James Gardens
•       Port Union Commons
•       Rosetta McClain Gardens
•       Rouge Beach Park
•       Sherwood Park
•       Sunnybrook Park
•       Trinity Bellwoods
•       Woodbine Beach
•       West Deane Park
•       Underpass Park

Officers will continue enforcing regulations in other parks across the city. Parking enforcement will also be patrolling hotspots and ticket those who continue to park in closed parking facilities.

There is a growing number of reports to 311 of bonfires in the evening, particularly across the waterfront as the weather continues to get warmer. These bonfires are against the Parks By-law Section 608-10B(1) and carry a set fine of $300 for each individual at the bonfire. 

The advice from Toronto’s public health officials has been clear and consistent: To stop the community spread of this deadly virus, we must reduce all contact with others as much as possible.


City of Toronto and partners providing essential food support for vulnerable residents this holiday weekend

The City of Toronto is working closely with community and corporate partners to ensure that the food needs of vulnerable Torontonians are being met during the COVID-19 pandemic. Several recently launched programs have already helped hundreds of residents and their families access the food they need, when they need it the most. 

The City is also partnering with United Way Greater Toronto, 211 and large-scale community food programs including Second Harvest, Daily Bread Food Bank, North York Harvest Food Bank, Red Cross and the Salvation Army to help ensure that community food programs including food banks, multi-service centres, home delivery programs and meal drop-ins can continue. The City has made resources such as facilities, staffing and equipment available to partners. Efforts to improve food access include: 

•       Food delivery for seniors: Responding to the Province of Ontario’s recommendation for everyone over the age of 70 to self-isolate, the City is working with the Red Cross and other partners to provide food hamper delivery to seniors and others in need unable to leave their homes. Since April 6, the Red Cross has been accepting calls at 1-833-204-9952 for those who require this service ­ with 376 clients qualifying as of April 9. With support from United Way Greater Toronto, this service is made available for qualifying clients that do not have alternative access to food and are not receiving assistance from another community food program. The call centre is closed this weekend but will be reopen Monday, April 13.
•       Access to food banks: Nine food banks are now open at Toronto Public Library locations, in partnership with the North York Harvest Food Bank and the Daily Bread Food Bank. As of April 9, approximately 2,400 individuals in need have used these new locations.
•       Food for kids: The City is working with student nutrition program partners to support the Food for Kids program which is sending grocery gift cards to families of children in need who attend school in Toronto and were previously enrolled in the program. The $50 food card for these children and each of their siblings represents the approximate value of 30 healthy breakfasts for each child. To date, 28,000 children have been invited to register to receive the gift cards.

The City is asking multi-residential buildings, such as condos and apartments, to allow grocery and food deliveries inside buildings to permit those who are self-isolating or COVID-19 positive to remain inside their units.

Residents can call 211 directly for information on food program availability or view a map of local service providers on the 211 website at: https://covid19.211central.ca/.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for food programs has increased dramatically. Meeting the needs of Toronto’s most vulnerable is a key City priority. With more than 40 per cent of food bank programs closing during the crisis, food programs continuing to operate are under immense pressure to meet the increased demand.

Residents are encouraged to drop off non-perishable food donations to food banks or local fire halls. Restaurants or food businesses with surplus food are encouraged to donate to Second Harvest’s FoodRescue.ca at https://foodrescue.ca/. Corporate, financial and in kind donations are also strongly encouraged and can be channelled through the City by emailing TOP@toronto.ca.


“Through the efforts and dedication of the City and its partners, residents and families in need are getting the support they require during this time of great change and isolation. We will continue to find ways to provide essential services to Torontonians so that they can be safe and secure when they need it the most.” 
- Mayor John Tory 

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Petak, 10. april 2020.


OTAVA – Sutra, u subotu, u Donjem domu se sastaje deo poslanika, kako bi po hitnom postupku, usvojili zakon o isplati subvencija preduzećima i time sprečili dalja otpuštanja. Sednica Parlamenta počinje u 12:15, dok je zasedanje Senata zakazano za 16:00. Čitave sedmice vlada je razgovarala sa opozicijom o najboljoj opciji za održavanje sednice, pa je, budući da se radi o pomoći koja treba da bude isplaćena što je pre moguće, odlučeno da ona bude u subotu, neuobičajenom danu za Parlament.

OTAVA – Kanada u potpunosti podržava apel Ujedinjen nacija o globalnom prekidu svih ratnih sukoba, dok se svet bori protiv pandemije koronavirusa, ističe se u saopštenju ministra inostranih poslova Fransoa-Filipa Šampanja i ministarke za međunarodni razvoj Karine Guld.

VINIPEG – Dve osobe zaposlene u Nacionalnoj mikrobiološkoj laboratoriji u Vinipegu i jedan njihov blizak kontakt su pzitivni na testu za koronavirus. Oni su sada u izolaciji, saopštio je direktor Laboratorije Stiven Gersio, a urađeni su i svi neophodni koraci u proceni rizika i otkrivanju potencijalnih kontakata.

OTAVA – Vladini dokumenti otkrivaju da se u Kanadi zakasnilo sa uvođenjem mera protiv koronavirusa, te da je to i dovelo do ovolikog broja inficiranih, obolelih i umrlih. Primećujući da su mnoge zemlje bile nepripremljene, premijer Džastin Trudo kaže da će se primenjenim potezima tek razmišljati, ali je ubeđen da su, u skladu sa dostupnim informacijama, donošene najbolje odluke.

OTAVA – Kako prenosi CBC, kanadski obaveštajci su još požetkom januara detaljno upozoravali o smrtonosnom virusu koji se pojavio u Vuhanu.

VANKUVER – Dr Boni Henri, iz Ministarstva za zdravstvo Britanske Kolumbije, kaže da u provinciji ne planiraju da rade projekciju broja umrlih zbog kovida-19, već da im je namera da predvide koliko bi obolelih moglo da bude. Ona naglašava da broj umrlih nij nešto što se moglo prognozirati.

SASKATUN – Saskačuan je najavio izdvajanje 50 miliona dolara za pomoć malim i srednjim preduzećima pogođenim krizom zbog kovida-19.

TORONTO – U Ontariju je, po najnovijim podacima, preko 620 zdravstvenih radnika pozitivno na koronavirus.

FREDERIKTON – Premijer Nju Brunsvika Blejn Higs kaže da postoji nada da bi se provincija mogla vratiti u normalu tokom leta. On ipak strahuje da se privreda neće u potpunosti vratiti na staro dok se vakcina ne proizvede.

HALIFAKS – Nova Skotija ne planira makar do juna da ukine restrikcije uvedene zbog kovida-19.

ŠARLOTAUN – Na Ostrvu princa Edvarda opredelili su fond od 750 hiljada dolara za pomoć farmerima.

ST. DžONS – Ministar zdravlja Njufaundlenda i Labradora dr Džon Hagi upozorava da se vrh epidemije u provinciji može očekivati kasnije nego u drugim delovima zemlje.

TORONTO – Informacije o beneficijama i materijalnoj pomoći za različite kategorije osoba pogođenih pandemijom kovida-19, mogu se naći na: https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/coronavirusbenefits/


City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - April 10, 2020

City of Toronto continues enforcement blitz over the holiday weekend

The City of Toronto continues to respond to the COVID-19 emergency. This weekend, the City’s COVID-19 enforcement team will continue to conduct coordinated enforcement efforts, targeting busy parks across the city. 

Residents are urged to stay at home and keep their distance from others during this weekend’s holidays, leaving only for essential reasons. All residents are reminded they are an important part of the COVID-19 response, as we work to flatten the curve in Toronto.

Toronto Public Health is reporting there are now 1,891 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto. Of the cases, 1,637 cases are confirmed and 254 are probable, 177 are in hospital with 79 in ICU. In Toronto, there have been 77 deaths to-date. This data was extracted from the Integrated Public Health Information System at 12:30 p.m. The numbers may differ from other sources as data are extracted at different times.

Officers continue to observe people congregating in groups and using closed amenities in City parks, including off-leash dog parks, playgrounds, fitness stations, skateboard facilities and parking lots.

Based on public complaints received through 311 and in-field reports from officers, the following parks have been identified as target areas:
•       Bluffer's Park
•       Rosetta McClain Gardens
•       High Park
•       Humber Bay East
•       Christie Pits
•       Trinity Bellwoods
•       Woodbine Beach
•       Allan Gardens
•       Sunnybrook Park
•       Sherwood Park

Residents are urged to take emergency orders and safety measures seriously. Officers will issue fines to those who are not in compliance. The fine for people failing to keep at least two metres of distance from others in City of Toronto parks and public spaces has been set at $1,000.

Yesterday, the City received 550 complaints involving people using amenities or not practising physical distancing in parks. Bylaw officers spoke to 770 people regarding the closure of park amenities and distancing, and issued 32 written cautions and 11 tickets ­ bringing the total to 79 tickets since April 4.

In addition, the City received 78 complaints yesterday, related to non-essential businesses remaining open in contravention of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. Since March 24, Municipal Licensing and Standards has issued six charges and 44 notices to non-essential businesses.
The City of Toronto recognizes the importance of spiritual, emotional, and mental wellbeing during the holidays. Residents are encouraged to connect with loved ones, friends and vulnerable members of the community online or by phone. Many places of worship are also hosting services online and implementing innovative ways to connect with their communities, while staying physically apart. Residents should check the website of their place of worship for information on online services and supports.

Everyone is asked to respect the privacy of all residents in long-term care homes and other City services and programs, as well as the staff who work in them. Their core focus is caring for Toronto’s residents. All media inquires should be directed to media@toronto.ca.

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311.


"I want to thank the vast majority of Toronto residents who are staying home and respecting physical distancing rules ­ they are doing their part to respect the advice of our public health professionals and to save lives. Thank you as well to the members of our COVID-19 enforcement team who will be out all weekend driving home the message that people need to stay home as much as possible and keep their distance from others."
- Mayor John Tory

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Četvrtak, 9. april 2020.

Mere će biti na snazi još nekoliko meseci

Na osnovu dosadašnjih pokazatelja i provincijskih procena, federalni zdravstveni zvaničnici predviđaju da bi u Kanadi moglo od kovida-19 da umre između 11 i 22 hiljade ljudi, u mesecima koji dolaze.

Šefica Službe za javno zdravlje, dr Tereza Tam kaže da bi, u najboljem slučaju, moglo biti svega jedan odsto zaraženih. Međutim, mnogo je verovatnije da će to ići od 2,5-5 odsto populacije, što znači da bi na intenzivnoj nezi moglo da se nađe između 23-46 hiljada obolelih. To bi bio ogroman pritisak na zdravstveni sistem.

Ove projekcije nalažu da u čitavoj zemlji svi strogo drže propisanu prostornu distancu i primenjuju druge mere zaštite, uz prekidanje poslovne aktivnosti, karantin i samoizolaciju. Najverovatnije je da će te mere biti na snazi još nekoliko meseci.
Dr Tam je istakla da smo autori svoje sudbine i da zajedno možemo regulisati krivulju epidemije.

Premijer Džastin Trudo kaže da je, na osnovu modela koje su dali zdravstveni stručnjaci, Kanada još u početnoj fazi epidemije. On veruje da bi prvi talas virusa mogao trajati do leta, ali je naglasio da od nas zavisi kako će se sve odvijati. Za vakcinu je potrebno najmanje šest do osam meseci, možda čak i 18 meseci.


Kanadska privreda izgubila oko 1,2 miliona radnih mesta u martu, dvostruko više od predviđanja ekonomskih eksperata

Statistička služba je saopštila da je kanadska privreda izgubila oko 1,2 miliona radnih mesta u martu, dvostruko više od predviđanja ekonomskih eksperata. Stopa nezaposlenosti podignuta je na 7,8 odsto.

Ovo ukazuje da bi prava slika mogla biti daleko gora, zato što je oko 1,3 miliona radnika na neplaćenom odsustvu, a oko 800 hiljada je od početka vanrednog stanja radilo manje od polovine svog uobičajenog radnog vremena.

Njviše izgubljenih radnih mesta je u sektoru hotelijerstva i ugostiteljstva, koji je smanjen za četvrtinu. Slede IT sektor, umetnost i kultura, sa oko 13 odsto manje radnika, obrazovanje 9 odsto i trgovina na veliko i malo 7 odsto.

Jedino u sektoru prirodnih resursa i poljoprivrede nije bilo gubitaka, već je oko sedam hiljada radnika dodatno angažovano, kako bi se odgovorilo na zahteve tržišta.

Treba još reći da je skoro svako drugo izgubljeno radno mesto sa platom manjom od prosečne, tako da su pandemijskom krizom najteže pogođeni oni koji materijalno najlošije stoje.



VANKUVER – Iako je do polovine marta tržište nekretnina bilo mnogo aktivnije nego u istom periodu lane, u drugoj polovini meseca, kada su uvedene strože mere zaštite, zabeležen je drastičan pad prometa. Procenjuje se da će u aprilu promet pasti na najniži nivo u poslednjih dvadeset godina, a i cene će pasti, makar na kratko.

EDMONTON – Ekspert za privatnost Šeron Polanski smatra da bi trebalo da se provere detalji oko provincijskog plana da se koriste pametni telefoni za proveru osoba u karantinu. Ona pre svega insistira da vi vlada trebalo jasno da precizira ko sakuplja i obrađuje podatke, kako se oni koriste, gde se čuvaju i ko može da im pristupi. Ukoliko ovi uslovi nisu ispunjeni, sasvim je sigurno da su ljudi nepoverljivi.

MONTREAL – Naučnici iz svih delova zemlje, udruženim snagama, će raditi na opsežnom kliničkom ispitivanju da li krvna plazma pacijenata koji su se izlečili od kovida-19, može da se koristi u lečenju te bolesti. U ovoj studiji učestvovaće oko pedeset institucija iz čitave zemlje, uključujući i 15 iz Kvebeka. Po rečima dr Filipa Begana, jednog od vođa ovog istraživanja, ovde je u pitanju pasivna imunizacija, za razliku od aktivne, koja se dobija vakcinacijom.

OTAVA – Agencija za saobraćaj kaže da aviokompanije treba da ponude putnicima putne vaučere za letove otkazane zbog pandemije, dok Evropska unija i SAD nalažu da, po njihovim pravilima, putnici treba da dobiju povraćaj sredstava. Ovdašnji putnici insistiraju da bi, po svojim pravima, trebalo da budu izjednačeni sa ostalima, a kanadske aviokompanije su u nedoumici šta da rade i kako da se postave, zbog izuzetno teške finansijske situacije u kojoj su se našli.

EDMONTON – U Alberti veruju da bi količina opreme koju imaju, od respiratora do zaštitne opreme, trebalo da bude dovoljna dok ne prođe vrhunac broja obolelih, osim ukoliko ne bude drastičnijeg uvećanja u odnosu na predviđeni scenario.

OTAVA – U svim provincijama zvaničnici upozoravaju građane da izbegavaju porodična i prijateljska okupljanja tokom predstojećih praznika.

TORONTO – Ovogodišnja Karibana otkazana je, saopštili su organizatori sinoć. Odluka nije bila laka i doneta je uz konsultacije sa gradom i partnerima. Karipski karneval, koji se održava u periodu juli-avgust, ove godine neće biti organizovana zbog opasnosti po zdravlje građana, i ukupne globalne svetske zdravstvene, ali i ekonomske krize.

TORONTO – Danas je Ontario doneo nova uputstva za testiranje prioritetnih grupa, u koje spadaju zdravstveni radnici, zaposleni u stacionarima i domovima za starija lica, pacijenti koje dolaze u bolnice i žitelji zabačenih i starosedelačkih naselja. Sada se predviđa da se ove osobe testiraju, čak i ukoliko kod njih nema simptoma infekcije koronavirusom. U uputstvu takoe stoji i da oni kod kojih je test negativan, treba da ostanu u dvonedeljno izolaciji, u slučaju da se primaju na neku od ovih institucija.

TORONTO – Kompanija Canada Goose radi na povećanju proizvodnje lične zaštitne opreme za zdravstvene radnike u zemlji. Oni su prošlog meseca započeli rad u svoje dve fabrike, ali sada najavljuju da će svih svojih osam pogona i oko 900 radnika preusmeriti na zaštitnu opremu.


City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - April 9, 2020

City of Toronto urges residents to stay home and keep their distance from others over the holiday weekend
Today, Mayor John Tory, Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa, and Fire Chief and Manager of the Office of Emergency Management Matthew Pegg provided an update on the City’s continuing response to COVID-19.
Toronto Public Health is reporting there are now 1,769 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto. Of the cases, 1,519 cases are confirmed and 250 are probable, 174 are in hospital with 76 in ICU. In Toronto, there have been 54 deaths to-date. This data was extracted from the Integrated Public Health Information System at 12:30 p.m. The numbers may differ from other sources as data are extracted at different times.
The City is urging residents to continue staying at home and keeping their distance from others during the upcoming holidays, leaving only for essential reasons. Residents are encouraged to connect with loved ones, friends and vulnerable members of the community online or by phone.
The City’s COVID-19 enforcement team will continue to conduct coordinated enforcement efforts throughout the long weekend in locations with the most activity. Officers continue to observe people participating in prohibited activities in City parks, including gathering in groups larger than five, not practising physical distancing, using closed parks amenities and allowing dogs to run off leash in public areas.
Yesterday, the City received 30 complaints related to non-essential businesses remaining open in contravention of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. Since March 24, Municipal Licensing and Standards has issued five charges and 41 notices to non-essential businesses.
In addition, yesterday the City received 356 complaints involving people using amenities or not practising physical distancing in parks. Bylaw officers spoke to 989 people regarding the closure of park amenities and distancing and issued 16 written cautions and 15 tickets ­ bringing the total to 68 tickets since April 4.
Hot spot locations continue to be refined based on complaints received though 311 and in-field observations, in order to target enforcement in parks with the most amenities and the largest crowds. Parking enforcement will be patrolling these locations and issuing tickets to those who continue to park in closed parking facilities. 

The following 10 parks have been identified as having ongoing issues, based on data from 311 and in-field reports:
•       Bluffer's Park
•       Rosetta McClain Gardens
•       High Park
•       Humber Bay East
•       Christie Pits
•       Trinity Bellwoods
•       Woodbine Beach
•       Allan Gardens
•       Sunnybrook Park
•       Sherwood Park

Everyone is asked to respect the privacy of all residents in long-term care homes and other City services and programs, as well as the staff who work in them. Their core focus is caring for Toronto’s residents. All media inquires should be directed to media@toronto.ca.
The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311.



City of Toronto announces mental health support strategy for residents

The City of Toronto has developed a mental health support strategy to support the mental health needs of residents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Measures put in place over the past three weeks to slow the spread of COVID-19 have created stress and anxiety for many individuals, which may be compounded by financial loss and loss of critical supports.

To assist residents experiencing stress and anxiety due to being isolated, quarantined with a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, experiencing financial hardships or other mental health stressors, the City has partnered with key mental health service providers to support the mental wellbeing of Toronto's most vulnerable residents during this time. 

Residents can call 211 to access support and get connected to one of seven primary mental health service partners for direct phone support. Mental health service information is also available at http://www.211toronto.ca/.

To support children and youth, seniors, frontline workers, and those with intersectional identities, such as Indigenous, Black, persons with disabilities and LGBTQ2S, who are struggling with isolation, stress and anxiety exacerbated by COVID-19 measures, the City has partnered with:
•       Kids Help Phone and Crisis Text Line powered by Kids Help Phone;
•       Progress Place Warm Line;
•       Toronto Seniors Helpline;
•       Ontario Psychological Association for frontline workers in community agencies;
•       Caribbean African Canadian Social Services (CAFCAN) for Black residents;
•       Across Boundaries for Black and Indigenous People/Persons of Colour (BIPOC);
•       Native Child and Family Services of Toronto (NCFST) for Indigenous residents; and
•       Gerstein Crisis Centre.

The City considers mental health support services to be essential for residents during this time. The services mentioned above are free to all residents.

The integrated approach of this strategy allows the streamlining of referrals to the most appropriate mental health resources and enables the City and its partners to be agile and responsive to changing needs.

This strategy complements and does not replace any existing mental health support models. Existing mental health services (Distress Centre, East Metro Youth Services, etc.) are urged to continue providing services to existing clients and to expand services where feasible.


"These are tough times for many residents. While our partners on this initiative have already seen an uptake in their call volumes since the declaration of the pandemic, we felt it was necessary for the City to do what we can to better connect residents to available mental health supports. This strategy will help us leverage the experience and system of our mental health partners to provide support for children and youth, those over 70 years of age, those in quarantine with COVID-19, those working on the front line and others. Thank you to our partners who have joined us in our efforts to help residents manage their mental health and wellbeing during this time." 
- Mayor John Tory 

"The pandemic is taking a toll on all of us on many fronts. We have to do what we can to ensure that our most vulnerable residents and the front-line workers, who continue to work through this crisis, have the mental health support they need to help them with their mental wellbeing for the duration of this crisis and when it is over." 
- Councillor Joe Cressy, Spadina-Fort York (Ward 10), Chair of the Toronto Board of Health

"At 211 Central, we're seeing an increase in calls from people looking for mental health support due to isolation and increased anxiety related to COVID-19. This new mental health strategy will go a long way to respond to this need. We're grateful to be working with the City and the other partners on such an integrated and immediate action plan." 
- Sue Wilkinson, Executive Director, Findhelp Information Services ­ 211 Central Region

“Gerstein Crisis Centre knows that our communities are experiencing exceptional pressures at the moment and our crisis services continue to be available for people who are dealing with issues related to their mental health and/or substance use. Our services include a 24-hour telephone crisis line, wellness checks, short term follow-up support, virtual face to face support and referrals to other beneficial health and social services. Online support groups for service users and service providers are also available. Gerstein Centre is happy to take part in this collaborative approach to create opportunities for people in Toronto to access the supports they need when they need them.”
- Susan Davis, Executive Director, Gerstein Crisis Centre

“WoodGreen is proud to join efforts with Mayor Tory and the community sector as the frontline response to our most vulnerable during this challenging time. Our Seniors Help Line will support thousands of vulnerable seniors receive the services they need to stay home and healthy during the outbreak of COVID-19.”
- Anne Babcock, CEO, WoodGreen Community Services ­ Toronto Seniors Helpline

“During these unprecedented times we have a shared responsibility to support the mental health and wellbeing of those most vulnerable in our city. COVID-19 has resulted in many changes in the ways service providers can reach and support our community. Native Child and Family Services of Toronto is here to help. Together with our partner agencies, we will ensure that Indigenous children and families have remote access to culturally grounded mental health services.” 
- Jeffrey Schiffer, Executive Director, Native Child and Family Services of Toronto

“During these uncertain times we know the youth of Toronto are feeling increased anxiety due to the cancellation of school, closure of parks and being self-isolated at home. To help support young people, Kids Help Phone, the City of Toronto, 211 and other local service providers are joining forces to ensure 24/7 mental health support is available.” 
- Katherine Hay, President and CEO, Kids Help Phone

“The Ontario Psychological Association is pleased to partner with the City of Toronto in its effort to support the well-being of its frontline providers, such as those working in our shelters and long-term care facilities, as well as the clients they serve amid COVID-19. We recognise the incredible stress the situation is causing and encourage staff and residents who are impacted by the pandemic to seek help when needed. Our psychologists are here to help.”
- Dr. Sylvain Roy, Ph.D., C.Psych., Ontario Psychological Association

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Sreda, 8. april 2020.

City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:

News Release - April 8, 2020

City of Toronto reminds residents to maintain physical distancing over the holidays

Mayor John Tory, Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa, and Fire Chief and Manager of the Office of Emergency Management Matthew Pegg, today, provided an update on the City’s continuing response to COVID-19.

Toronto Public Health is reporting there are now 1,570 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto. Of the cases, 1,332 cases are confirmed and 238 are probable, 156 are in hospital with 71 in ICU. In Toronto, there have been 49 deaths to-date. This data was extracted from the Integrated Public Health Information System at 12:30 p.m. The numbers may differ from other sources as data are extracted at different times.

The City’s COVID-19 enforcement team, comprised of City of Toronto, Toronto Public Health and Toronto Police Services, continues to conduct a number of coordinated enforcement activities.

While many are complying with the Orders and Bylaws yesterday, the City received 34 complaints related to non-essential businesses remaining open in contravention of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. Since March 24, MLS has issued notices to 39 non-essential businesses. 

Also yesterday, the City received 482 complaints about people using park amenities or not practising physical distancing in parks. Bylaw officers spoke to 629 people regarding the closure of park amenities and distancing and issued 37 written cautions and 33 tickets ­ bringing the total to 53 tickets since April 4.

Enforcement activity continues to focus on locations with the most activity. Yesterday, officers intervened to respond to a large group congregating at Smythe Park; people continuing to trespass and play golf at Don Valley Golf Course and people using cricket, baseball and off-leash dog amenities at Cedarvale Park. Enforcement efforts will continue through the weekend.

This evening at sundown, the Jewish community will begin the eight-day celebration of Passover, and with Easter, and the start of Ramadan also here soon, many will want to spend time with family and faith-based communities. However, the City urges everyone to remain at home, leaving only for essential reasons. The holidays are important spiritually and emotionally for many and to support this, people are encouraged to connect with loved ones, friends, and vulnerable members of the community online or by phone. Residents should also check with their place of worship for information on online services and other innovative ways to connect while staying physically apart.

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Utorak, 7. april 2020.


OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo rekao je, na redovnom obraćanju medijima, da će dodatnim merama vlade za materijalnu pomoć biti obuhvaćeni i studenti bez stalnih prihoda. On kaže da su pod znakom pitanja i njihovi potencijalni poslovi ovog leta, te im je pomoć neophodna odmah. Što se tiče studentskih kredita, stupio je na snagu automatski šestomesečni beskamatni moratorijum na plaćanja.

OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo je saopštio da federalna vlada ulaže napore da, u sradnji sa nekoliko kanadskih kompanija, proizvedu do 30 hiljada respiratora, koji su od vitalnog značaja u borbi protiv kovida-19. Iako se nada da toliki broj aparata neće biti potreban do kraja pandemije, Trudo je rekao da oni treba da budu tu za svaki slučaj.

OTAVA – Otac Tajler Volš i njegova dva sina, Džek i Noa, uz pomoć lego kockica na zanimljiv način su ilustrovali poruku premijera Džastina Trudo nedavno upućenu deci. I sam premijer se, oduševljen, zahvalio porodici Volš što pomažu da se poruka što više širi.

TORONTO – Nekim ontarijskim proizvođačima mleka su od prošle sedmice počeli da nalažu da bace prekomerne količine, pošto je drastično smanjena potražnja. Jedan od razloga je ograničenje od jednog do dva pakovanja pri kupovini mleka, koje je uvedeno zbog nedavnih paničnih kupovina i nestašica koje su usledile. Sada se proizvođači nadaju da će ta ograničenja biti ukinuta, kako oni ne bi bacali tako važnu namirnicu.

SASKATUN – Saskačuan je u ponedeljak, po prvi put, izvestio da je u provinciji bili više izlečenih, nego novootkrivenih slučajeva kovida-19.

VINIPEG – Premijer Manitobe Brajan Palister kaže da će provincija doneti dodatne mere, kako bi se građni obavezali da poštuju naredbe zdravstvenih stručnjaka.

FREDERIKTON – U provinciju Nju Brunsvik je stiglo pet hiljada testova, što će umnogome olakšati otkrivanje bolesti u Nju Brunsviku, rekao je ministar zdravlja Ted Fleming.

KALGARI – Premijer Alberte, Džejson Kenej kaže da će, zbog pandemije, provincija zabeležiti stopu nezaposlenosti od 25 odsto. To znači da Alberti predstoji najteži ekonomski period posle Velike depresije.

OTAVA – Najnovija anketa Leger marketinga pokazuje da raste broj građana koji su uplašeni i zabrinuti da bi se mogli inficirati koronavirusom. Pre dve sedmice je bilo uplašeno manje od tri petine građana, dok sada dvoje, od troje upitanih, strahuje da će se zaraziti. Tri od četiri anketirane osobe strahuje da bi se neki od članova najuže porodice mogao zaraziti.

IKVALUT, Nunavut – Zaposleni u školama u Ikvalutu udružili su se kako bi učenicima, i u ovim uslovima, obezbedili doručak. Bez obzira što su škole zatvorene, oni dostavljaju doručak učenicima, zato što je to oblast u kojoj se najveći broj dece i ljudi neredovno i nedovoljno hrani.

TORONTO – Gradonačelnik Toronta Džon Tori apelovao je na građane da izbegnu okupljanja za predstojeća dva velika praznika, Pashu i Uskrs. Pasha počinje u sredu uveče i traje osam dana, za rimokatoličke hrišćane Uskrs je ovog, a za pravoslavne idućeg vikenda. Tori je naglasio da je sada najvažnije ostati kod kuće i ostati zdrav, a za proslave i druženja sa porodicom i prijateljima će, nadajmo se, uskoro doći vreme.

VAŠINGTON, SAD – Kompanija za proizvodnju medicinskih maski 3M postigla je dogovor sa američkom vladom o isporuci preko potrebnih maski Kanadi i zemljama Latinske Amerike.

TORONTO – Premijer Ontarija, Dag Ford kaže da je u Ontariju ostala zaliha lične opreme za zaštitu zdravstvenog osoblja za svega nedelju dana, zbog globalnih problema sa isporukom i nedavnih restrikcija na američkoj granici. On kaže da se u provinciji preduzimaju koraci da se oprema ovde proizvodi, ali da je za to potrebno vreme, koje može biti dragoceno.

TORONTO – Nekoliko dana po donošenju odluke o produžavanju vanrednog stanja za još najmanje dve sedmice, Ontario je skratio listu delatnosti od najvitalnijeg značaja. Tu se nalaze snabdevači, i sve njima pridružene delatnosti, prodaja hrane, određene usluge, od farmaceutskih do finansijski i telekomunikacionih, održavanje, pojedini segmenti proizvodnje, posebno hrane, potom građevinarstvo, energetika, komunalne i zdravstvene službe. Kompletan spisak nalazi se na: https://www.ontario.ca/page/list-essential-workplaces


City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - April 7, 2020

Update on the City’s continuing response to COVID-19.

Mayor John Tory, Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa, and Fire Chief and Manager of the Office of Emergency Management Matthew Pegg, today, provided an update on the City’s continuing response to COVID-19.

Toronto Public Health is reporting there are now 1449 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto, an increase of 148 cases from yesterday. Of the cases, 1218 cases are confirmed and 231 are probable, 82 cases have recovered, 142 are in hospital with 63 in ICU. In Toronto, there have been 42 deaths to-date. This data was extracted from the Integrated Public Health Information System at 12:30 p.m. The numbers may differ from other sources as data are extracted at different times.

Municipal Licensing & Standards (MLS) continues to work with Toronto Police Service, Toronto Public Health, and Parks, Forestry & Recreation to enforce the various orders and closures necessitated by the continuing spread of COVID-19. Yesterday, the City received 55 complaints related to non-essential businesses remaining open in contravention of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. Since March 24, MLS has issued notices to 34 non-essential businesses. 

The City also received 385 complaints yesterday alone about people using closed park amenities or not practising physical distancing in parks. MLS spoke to 848 people regarding the closure of park amenities and distancing and issued 12 tickets ­ the highest number of tickets issued by MLS in a single day since the start of the pandemic. Enforcement continues to focus on locations with the most activity. Yesterday, officers intervened to respond to a large gathering in the off-leash are of Windfields Park, a ball hockey game in the Sorauren Park Town Square, soccer and basketball games at Regent Park Athletic Grounds, and a 40-person gathering at the Stan Wadlow Park skateboard park. 

These continuing reports of large gatherings are concerning, especially as we approach faith-based holidays normally centred around community celebrations. The City of Toronto, under the advice of Dr. de Villa, urges everyone to follow provincial orders limiting gatherings and public health recommendations to remain at home, leaving only for essential reasons.

Another emerging concern is the accumulation of donated goods, as well as garbage, surrounding full clothing drop boxes. These boxes play an important role in the city ­ they help reduce waste and raise money for worthwhile charities. Right now, in response to COVID-19, many charities are not accepting donations or emptying boxes. Mayor Tory announced today that, to address concerns of overflowing boxes and litter surrounding boxes, City Solid Waste Management Services workers will be collecting items left around bins and clearing the areas. The City urges all residents who want to make a donation to confirm with charities whether or not they are currently accepting donations. Illegal dumping of garbage by donation bins is not permitted and concerned residents can call 311 to report this.

City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - April 7, 2020

City of Toronto recalling poor quality surgical masks distributed to staff

The City of Toronto discovered yesterday that a recently-purchased order of more than $200,000 worth of surgical masks do not meet the specifications the City requires for such masks and took immediate action, recalling these masks.

Four-thousand boxes containing 50 masks per box were received, and 1,252 boxes, or 62,600 masks, were distributed to the City’s long-term care homes on March 28. 

The City’s occupational health safety staff have been contacted. The City is investigating to determine how many employees in the City’s long-term care homes were caring for a patient while wearing these masks, and if there was possible exposure to COVID-19. 

After reports of ripping and tearing, further inspection of the masks determined that the masks ordered did not meet the City’s standard and specifications. The masks are being returned, and the vendor has committed to a full refund.

The City is retrieving its stockpile of surgical masks as a stop-gap measure until a new, appropriate grade mask, as specified, can be purchased, which will happen on a priority basis, as the loss of this inventory makes for a significant shortfall of surgical masks for the City. The Province of Ontario has been contacted to help expedite this order.

The City has also undertaken a quality control review of its supply chain, and all future orders of personal protective equipment will be subject to heightened verification to ensure the products it receives meet the specifications ordered. 

The global supply chain of PPE is a known concern around the world and all efforts are being made, by all governments, to ensure the products shipped and received on an urgent basis meet established standards.

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Ponedeljak, 6. april 2020.

Ko može da se prijavi za federalni program materijalne pomoći?

Pre svega, osoba treba da boravi u Kanadi i da bude starija od 15 godina, i da je zbog pandemije prestala da radi. Uslov je i da je u poslednjih godinu dana, do dana prijavljivanja, ostvarila prihod od najmanje pet hiljada dolara. Takođe, osoba koja se prijavljuje je bez prihoda od rada, ili samostalne delatnosti, bar 14 uzastopnih dana u početnom periodu od četiri nedelje.

Ponedeljkom se očekuje prijavljivanje osoba rođenih os februara do marta, utorkom od aprila do juna, sredom od jula do septembra, četvrtkom od oktobra do decembra, dok petkom, subotom i nedeljom mogu svi da se prijavljuju.

Broj telefona za prijavljivanje je 1-800-959-2019. Uz sebe treba imati broj socijalnog osiguranja i poštanski broj, za potvrdu identifikacije.

Prijavljivanje je svakog dana od 6 ujutro do tri sata iza ponoći.

Dodatne informcije mogu se dobiti na sajtu 


Počinje nastave na daljinu za školarce za Ontario i Ostrvo princa Edvarda

Danas počinje nastava na daljinu za sve uzraste u predškolskom, osnovnoškolskom i srednjoškolskom obrazovanju u Ontariju i na Ostrvu princa Edvarda.

Ontarijski predškolci i učnici do trećeg razreda imaće pet sati rada nedeljno, sa težištem na pismenosti i matematici. Ta dva predmeta će imati i svi ostali, s tim da će od 4-6. razreda biti tu i nauka i društvene studije, od 7-8. razreda, deset sati rada, nauka i društvene studije, dok će učenici od 9-12 razreda imati tri, ili 1,5 sati nedeljno po kursu, u zavisnosti od škole.

Iako se ističe da ovo neće moći u potpunosti da zameni nastavu u učionici, cilj je da će deca nastaviti da uče i da se bave svojim zadacimau vreme izolacije.

Ontarijski ministar prosvete Stiven Lekej je zamolio roditelje, koji i sami sada okrenuti ka radu od kuće, da pomognu deci da se prilagode novom načinu učenja i savesnom obavljanju zdataka.

Mnogi roditelji su iskazali strahovanje da li će uspeti da opravdaju očekivanja i svoje dece i nastavnika, pa se veruje da će neki tražiti i dodatne instrukcije kako da, sve što treba, urade na najbolji mogući način.

Najavljuje se da će škole biti zatvorene barem do 4. maja. Kako se ističe, svi učenici će dobiti diplome o završenom razredu na kraju školske godine.



OTAVA – Oko 240 hiljada ljudi javilo se samo u prvih nekoliko sati, od otvaranja mogućnosti za prijave za federalnu materijalnu pomoć, kazao je premijer Džastin Trudo. On je najavio da će ministar finansija Bil Morno uskoro doneti nove mere u okviru programa.

OTAVA – Dr Tereza Tem, šef služne za javno zdravlje, preporučuje korišćenje zaštitnih maski, čak i onih koje nisu medicinske, jer one, uz pridržavanje preporuka o držanju odstojanja od drugih, mogu pomoći u sprečavanju širenja infekcije koronavirusom. Ona je napomenula da se toga treba pridržavati u prodavnici ili u apoteci.

OTAVA – Sve više aktivnosti obavlja se na daljinu, pa su tako i poslanici Donjeg doma zatražili da zasedanje, zakazano za 20. april, održe preko konferencijske veze. U mnogim provincijama će na snazi i dalje biti zabrana kretanja, pa se uveliko razmišlja i radi na tome da se ideje sprovede u delo. Među strankama uglavnom postoji saglasnost, mada u Bloku Kvebekva smatraju da bi glasanja trebalo da se obavljaju uz lično prisustvo.

OTAVA – Najviši zdravstveni zvaničnici kažu da bolnice ne bi trebalo da bacaju korišćene maske i drugu zaštitnu opremu zato što se ispituju mogućnosti za njihovu dezinfekciju i ponovnu upotrebu. Radi se takođe na preporukama za građane o najboljem načinu upotrebe ručno rađenih maski.

OTAVA – Ministar inostranih poslova Fransoa-Filip Šampanj rekao je da se danas očekuju avioni sa kanadskim državljanima iz Argentine, Kube, El Salvadora, Indije, Libana i Srbije.

VANKUVER – Služba hitne medicinske pomoći u provinciji i šef provincijske zdravstvene službe, ne dozvoljavaju vatrogascima da reaguju po pozivima pacijenata sa simptomima gripa, kako bi sprečili da se oni inficiraju koronavirusom. Pored toga, na taj način se štedi i oprema za ličnu zaštitu.

SASKATUN – Zdravstveni zvaničnici u provinciji traže nove i inovativne načine, uz pomoć kojih bi medicinsko osoblje ponovo moglo da upotrebi već korišćene zaštitne maske.

VINIPEG – Manitoba otvara alternativne centre za izolaciju, za osobe koje žele da budu u samoizolaciji, a uz to im je potrebna dodatna podrška.

MONTREAL – Premijer Kvebeka Fransoa Lego produžio je do 4. maja obavezu zatvaranja delatnosti koje nisu od vitalnog značaja.


City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - April 6, 2020

City of Toronto urges residents to adapt faith-based holiday observances during COVID-19 pandemic

Today, Mayor John Tory, based on the professional advice of Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Eileen de Villa, urged residents to continue staying at home and keeping their distance from others during the upcoming holidays.

The City of Toronto is continuing to respond to the COVID-19 emergency. All residents are reminded they are an important part of this response as we work to flatten the curve in Toronto. 

Toronto Public Health is reporting there are now 1,301 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto, an increase of 69 cases from yesterday. Of the cases, 1078 cases are confirmed and 223 are probable, 77 cases have recovered, 145 are in hospital with 60 in ICU. In Toronto, there have been 32 deaths to-date. This data was extracted from the Integrated Public Health Information System at 1 p.m. The numbers may differ from other sources as data are extracted at different times.

In the coming weeks, people across our city will be observing Passover, Easter, and the start of Ramadan. Normally an opportunity to spend time with family and faith-based communities, the City urges everyone to continue to follow provincial orders closing places of worship and limiting gatherings, and public health recommendations to remain at home, leaving only for essential reasons.  

Dr. de Villa is advising all Torontonians to stay home and not host family and friends over the coming holidays. The Government of Canada has also prohibited foreign nationals, including U.S. nationals, from entering Canada for non-essential travel, which includes holiday celebrations. Anyone that does enter the country, including Canadians returning from travel, is required, by law, to self-isolate for 14 days regardless of whether they have symptoms of COVID-19. 

The City of Toronto recognizes the importance of spiritual, emotional, and mental wellbeing during these important times. People are encouraged to connect with loved ones, friends, and vulnerable members of the community online or by phone. Many places of worship are hosting services online and implementing innovative ways to connect their communities while staying physically apart. Residents should check the website of their place of worship for information on online services and supports. 

The City’s Emergency Operations Centre has also been working closely with grocery partners. Large grocery chains and smaller local grocers have expressed concerns for the health and safety of their workers and the supply of available goods should demand ramp up for upcoming faith-based holidays. 

Those planning to celebrate a faith-based holiday with a special meal for members of their household should be mindful of the current situation in the wider community. Grocers are anticipating that tomorrow and the upcoming Thursday and Saturday will be popular shopping days and ask people to limit shopping on these days. General advice for grocery shopping remains: 
• Grocery shop only one day per week and buy only what you need for up to two weeks
• Respect store hours dedicated to seniors, vulnerable persons, and essential service workers (normally the first hour stores are open)
• Have a list of items, shop efficiently, and do not casually browse
• Do not touch food or products you are not intending to buy
• Practise physical distancing
• When possible, pay with a card or phone tap rather than cash

There are also many opportunities to foster the spirit of upcoming holidays through donations to local food banks. Residents who are able are encouraged to donate non-perishable food to food banks or drop off food donations at local fire halls. Needed essentials include:
• canned fish and meat
• canned beans and pulses
• canned tomatoes
• rice and quinoa
• cooking oil
• baby formula and diapers

A map of food banks is available on the 211 website, https://www.211toronto.ca/topic/food. 

Those feeling isolated or anxious during the holidays are encouraged to seek mental health supports Information on COVID-19 crisis and mental health supports are listed on our website at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-health-advice/. 

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 


“The faith communities of our city are always ready to do what they can to help anyone in need. This year, that commitment to helping others means staying home and staying physically apart. I am very impressed at how faith leaders have adapted in the face of COVID-19 to offer online supports and services. They are helping save lives by demonstrating their commitment to physical distancing while meeting the emotional and spiritual needs of our community." 
- Mayor John Tory

“Following the advice of the Medical Officer of Health, I am pleading with everyone across our city to not attend or host celebrations or meals marking the many faith-based observances this month. Each of us has a moral and social obligation to stop the spread of COVID-19 and protect the lives of vulnerable people in our community.”
- Councillor James Pasternak, York Centre (Ward 6)

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, 
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca



Toronto - Subota, 4. april 2020.

Da li će SAD dozvoliti da maske stignu u Kanadu?

U svom redovnom obraćanju medijima, premijer Džastin Trudo je, ispred rezidencije Rido kotidž, rekao da u Kanadu stiže velika isporuka od nekoliko miliona maski.

On je dodao da je federalna vlada iznajmila veliko skladište u Kini, gde će se prikupljati i odakle će se odmah distribuirati nabavljena medicinska oprema.

Što se tiče spornih maski N95, iz američke kompanije 3M, sa sedištem u Mineapolisu, premijer Trudo je istakao da je Trampovoj administraciji jasno predočena važnost nenarušavanja protoka osnovne robe i usluga između dve zemlje. 

Premijer Trudo namerava narednih dana ponovo da razgovara sa predsednikom Donaldom Trampom, a kanadski zvaničnici su u kontaktima sa ljudima iz administracije, kako bi se obezbedilo da medicinska oprema može slobodno da se prolazi. Jedna od veza koj bi mogl dati rezultate ide preko zeta predsednika Trampa, Džareda Kušnera.

Inače, predsednika Tramp želi da zadrži isključivo za američku upotrebu maske N95, neophodne za zaštitu medicinskog osoblja.

Nije samo Kanada pogođena američkim potezom oko maski. Jedan nemački političar je optužio SAD da se koristi metodama sa Divljeg zapada, zato što je isporuka od 200 hiljada maski namenjenih Nemačkoj, preusmerena iz Kine, prebačena u iz aviona u avion na Tajlandu i otišla ka Americi.



OTAVA – Tri, od četiri atlanske provincije, Nova Skotija, Nju Brunsvik i Ostrvo pronca Edvarda, najavili su da će tokom naredne sedmice napraviti projekcije mogućih scenarija kretanja epidemije koronavirusa, dok u Njufaundlendu i Labradoru za sada nemaju dovoljno podataka za takav izveštaj. Premijer Džastin Trudo obećao je da će izneti predviđanja za čitavu zemlju tek kada mu sve provincije i teritorije dostave svoje procene.

MONTREAL – Na zahtev vlade Kvebeka, premijer Džastin Trudo obećao je pomoć pripadnika kanadske vojske na severu provincije u sprečavanju širenja koronavirusa u udaljenim naseljima. Oni će tamo postaviti šatore i dopremiti drugu neophodnu medicinsku opremu.

OTAVA – Nacionalna agencija za javno zdravlje kaže da se situacija menja iz dana u dan, ali da se procenjuje da je nivo opasnosti od kovida-19 visok.

OTAVA – Kanadski naftaši očekuju pomoć zbog naglog pada cena njihovog proizvoda, koji je nastupio zbog globalno smanjene potražnje, ali i zbog rata između proizvođača iz Rusije i Saudijske Arabije koji je preplavio tržište sa više nafte nego što je potrebno. Premijer Džastin Trudo kaže da vlada traži način da pomogne, ali i da pomiri izuzetno važan privredni sektor i napore za očuvanje životne sredine.

TORONTO – Prodavnice kanabisa u Ontariju zatvaraju se u subotu uveče, pošto ih je provincijska vlada skinula sa liste poslova od vitalnog značaja. Od nedelje će kanabis biti dostupan samo preko onlajn prodavnice. Radnje za promet pića i dalje ostaju otvorene.

TORONTO – Portparolka policijske službe u Torontu Megan Grej kaže da, iako je edukacija najprihvatljiviji metod primene propisa, građanima koji ne poštuju odluku o obaveznoj fizičkoj distanci može biti naplaćena kazna do hiljadu dolara.

FREDERIKTON – U Nju Brunsviku su se pojavili prvi slučajevi lokalnog prenošenja infekcije koronavirusom. Provincija strahuje da bi u narednih nedelju dana mogla ostati bez testova za proveru inficiranih, što bi se moglo nepovoljno odraziti na širenje bolesti.

ŠARLOTAUN – U provinciji nije bilo registrovan ni jedan novooboleli u poslednja 24 sata. Ipak, dr Heder Morison, šef službe za javno zdravlje, ističe da je od ključnog značaja za sprečavanje lokalnog inficiranja, da žitelji i dalje ostaju u svojim kućama.

TORONTO – Pojedini manji i srednji internet provajderi podigli su cene svojih usluga, zbog neraščišćenih sukoba sa kablovskim i telefonskim kompanijama u kojima rentiraju veze. Zbog specifičnosti trenutka u kojem se pojavio, i potreba za dobrim i stabilnim internet vezama, problem deluje kao veliki, a svaka od strana ima obrazloženje za svoje tvrdnje. Provajderi, na primer, smatraju da kablovski provajderi ne bi mogli da izdrže pojačani pritisak svojih korisnika koji se javio sa pandemijom, da to nisu ublažili manji provajderi.

TORONTO – GradonačelnikToronta Džon Tori izjavio je u petak da građani treba da znaju da grad nedeljno gubi oko 65 miliona dolara zbog pandemije. Stoga je formirana radna grupa koja bi trebalo da iznađe načine kako grad može finansijski da izmanevriše kroz ovu krizu. On tvrdi da građani ne treba da strahuju od novih nameta, niti pak od smanjivanja obima osnovnih gradskih službi i usluga, zato što grad ima novca. Gradski menadžer Kris Marej, ipak, upozorava da bi grad početkom juna mogao ostati bez novca.


City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:

News Release - April 4, 2020

City of Toronto enforcement blitz ramps up across Toronto 

The City of Toronto continues to respond to the COVID-19 emergency. As of today, the City’s Emergency Operations Centre has been mobilized for 25 days, working with Toronto Public Health, City divisions, and emergency responders to slow the spread of the virus and keep our community safe and healthy. 

Toronto Public Health is reporting there are now 1026 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto, an increase of 101 cases from yesterday. Of the cases, 823 cases are confirmed and 203 are probable, 66 cases have recovered, 125 are in hospital with 53 in ICU. In Toronto, there have been 25 deaths to-date. Community spread is responsible for 27% of COVID-19 cases in the city. This data was extracted from the Integrated Public Health Information System at 12:30 p.m. The numbers may differ from other sources as data are extracted at different times.

311 continues to receive complaints about non-essential businesses remaining open and individuals gathering and not practising physical distancing, particularly in parks and green spaces. Since provincial orders under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act prohibiting gatherings and the City’s closure of park amenities including parking lots and playgrounds came into effect, 311 has received 1,409 complaints related to irresponsible or illegal behaviour in our parks. 

This weekend, working with Toronto Police Service, Municipal Licensing & Standards bylaw enforcement officers and Parks, Forestry & Recreation staff are out in parks across the city providing public education and enforcing physical distancing. The enforcement blitz is targeting busy parks and the top 10 emerging problem areas. As of 1 p.m. this afternoon, enforcement teams had turned away more than 100 vehicles from Humber East and West Parks parking lots.

Since March 24, Municipal Licensing & Standards has responded to 407 complaints and issued 34 notices for failure to comply with the Province’s orders under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. Toronto Police Services has issued tickets to 21 people for non-compliance, summonses to two businesses, and nine notices for failure to comply with provincial orders.

Toronto Public Health has, since March 24, attended 409 bars and restaurants that were identified as non-compliant. Of the bars and restaurants, 162 were closed and 18 warning letters were issued for premises non-complaint with the dine-in prohibition. Toronto Public Health has also attended 109 Personal Service Settings (nail salons, hair dressers, etc.), closing 105 and issuing four warning letters.

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto,
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Petak, 3. april 2020.

Nova pravila za krizno vreme
Maske iz SAD pod znakom pitanja

Proizvođač medicinske opreme 3M, sa sedištem u Mineapolisu, SAD, kaže da Bela kuća vrši pritisak na njih da prestanu sa izvozom svojih proizvoda u druge zemlje, uključujući i Kanadu.
Ova naredba odnosi se, između ostalog, i na maske N95, namenjene kupcima u Kanadi i Latinskoj Americi.
Svesni posledica ove naredbe, u 3M Kanada razmatraju mogućnosti za preduzimanje sledećih koraka. Kompanija proizvodi oko 100 miliona maski u svojim fabrikma u svetu, ali trenutno ne i u Kanadi.
Govoreći o problemima sa nedostatkom zaštitne opreme za zdravstvene radnike u zemlji, premijer Džastin Trudo je ispred Rido hola izjavio da veruje da će Kanada dobiti potrebnu opremu. On je naglasio da vlada čini sve kako bi obezbedila za sve delove zemlje sve što je potrebno za vreme pandemije.
Zamenica premijera Kristija Frilend je primetila da su, u vreme pandemije, svi odnosi pred svojevrsnim izazovima, pa tako i veoma značajan odnos između Kanade i SAD. Kanada nastavlja sa pregovorima za 3M i američkim partnerima, kao i sa dobavljačima iz drugih delova sveta. Frilend je rekla i da je Kanada spremna da učini sve za odbranu nacionalnog interesa.
Premijer Trudo kaže da je vlada sklopila sporazum sa Amazonom Kanada, za isporuku medicinske opreme provincijama preko njihove distributivne mreže.
Izvor - Source

Kriza može trajati do dve godine
Premijer Ford predstavio projekciju krize u Ontariju

Ontarijski premijer Dag Ford predstavio je provincijsku projekciju krize oko koronavirusa, sa porukom da građani treba da znaju ono sa čim je on upoznat.
Po toj projekciji, čak uz primenu svih mera za očuvanje javnog zdravlja, kriza bi mogla trajati između 18 meseci i dve godine, i imati između tri i petnaest hiljada žrtava. Do te brojke se stiglo kombinacijom podataka o broju žrtava sezonskog gripa, i činjenice da za kovid-19 nema vakcine, niti specifične terapije.
Šef službe za javno zdravstvo dr Piter Doneli je, tom prilikom, primetio da bi se sigurno došlo do cifre od stotinu hiljada umrlih, da nisu preduzete odgovarajuće mere.
Što se tiče perioda trajanja krize, on je objasnio da se u ovakvim pandemijskim situacijama, mora računati na drugi i treći talas zaraze.
Šefica zdravstvene službe dr Tereza Tem naglašava da svi treba da znaju da se ovde radi o brojkama koje nisu stvarne, već su projektovane kako bi se znalo šta i kako planirati. Ona je istakla da se, pre svega, treba usmeriti na ono što se dešava sada i ovde i činiti sve da se krivulja rasta obolelih i smrtnih ishoda što više ispravi.
Neposredno pre objavljivanja ontarijskih predviđanja o trajanju krize, premijer Džastin Trudo je ponovio da sve zavisi od nas samih, a Kanađani vode računa da rade ono što treba. On je rekao da će uskoro biti napravljena i nacionalna projekcija, ali da su za to vladi potrebni podaci koje daju provincije i teritorije. To je bila i jedna od tema njegove video konferencije sa premijerima.
Izvor - Source

Još tri meseca pod restriktivnim merama

U Torontu će u narednih 12 nedelja, odnosno do 24. juna, biti na snazi sledeće mere:
Svi oboleli od kovida-19 moraju ostati u svojim kućama 14 dana, a isto važi i za svakoga ko je bio u bliskom kontaktu za zaraženom osobom;
Oni koji nisu oboleli ili nisu putovali treba da ostanu u kućama, sem ukoliko idu po lekove, kod lekara, u nabavku namirnica jednom sedmično, da prošetaju psa, da vežbaju, ali uz obavezno držanje distance od najmanje dva metra;
Svi koji su se vratili iz inostranstva moraju ostati kod kuća, u skladu sa federalnim propisima;
Svim osobama starijim od 70 godina preporučuje se da izlaze što je manje moguće.


Lekari školovani u inostranstvu do dozvole za mesec dana rada

Lekari koji su diplome stekli u inostranstvu i položili ispite za rad u Kanadi, kao i oni koji su diplomirali u poslednje dve godine, mogu da se prijave za dozvolu za jednomesečni rad pod nadzorom. Ova privremena dozvola omogućiće im rad u državnim bolnicama, psihijatrijskim klinikama i agencijama. Kako se naglašava, pre prijavljivanja bi zainteresovani trebalo da pronađu ustanovu koja želi da ih primi, kao i lekara koji će nadgledati njihov rad.
Po podacima Helt fors Ontario, u provinciji ima oko 13 hiljada lekara i oko šest hiljada medicinskih tehničara školovanih u inostranstvu.
Lider ontarijskih liberala Stiven Del Duka smatra da su ove dozvole za rad pozitivan korak u borbi protiv kovida-19.
Izvor - Source



OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo najavio je 100 miliona dolara za pokrivanje hitnih potreba za narodne kuhinje, i rekao da će dečji dodatak, najavljen za maj, biti isplaćen mesec dana ranije. Vlada će takođe, ranije nego što se očekivalo, osobama lošijeg materijalnog stanja uručiti dodatnu pomoć kroz GST kredit.

KALGARI – U Alberti je obavljena epidemija koronavirusa u devet domova za stara lica.

VINIPEG – Sindikat radnika Centra za zdravstvene naukesaopštio je da je, uključujući lekare, sestre, službenike i pripadnike obezbeđenja, oko sedamdeset odsto zaposlenih u samoizolaciji zbog izloženosti koronavirusu.

MONTREAL – Premijer Kvebeka Fransoa Lego obećao je da će povećanje plate dobiti zdravstveni radnici koji su u kontaktu sa obolelima od kovida-19, a da će uvećanje, u manjem iznosu, dobiti i svi iz zdravstva i zaposleni u objektima za dugotrajnu negu bolesnika.

HALIFAKS – Provincija je produžila vanredno stanje za još dve sedmice. Najavili su pomoć za mala preduzeća i privremenu pomoć za radnike koje ne obuhvata radno osiguranje.

VINIPEG – Kompanija iz Vinipega Sejfker, Safecare Canada, optužena je da je prodavala testove za otkrivanje koronavirusa iz kapi krvi, koje nije odobrila Health Kanada. Jedan od vlasnika kompanije Džef Lester, kaže da su oni čekali na odobrenje. Zvaničnici navode da Svetska zdravstvena organizacija trenutno ne preporučuje serološke testove za kliničku dijagnozu, a Health Kanada se pridržava tih uputstava.

OTAVA – Dok vlada pokušava da iznađe rešenja za odlaganje plaćanja računa, mnogi se pitaju zašto kreditne kartice, koje zaračunavaju najviše kamatne stope, nisu obuhvaćene tim merama.

ŠARLOTAUN – Ostrvo princa Edvarda izdvaja milion dolara za pomoć licima koja nisu obuhvaćena drugim programima podrške u ovo krizno vreme.


Toronto - Četvrtak, 2. april 2020.

Izazovi vanrednog stanja
Ne naplaćuje se kazna ukoliko u vozilu ima više od jedne osoba

Povodom objave na društvenim mrežama, oglasilo se nekoliko policijskih službi iz regiona Toronto i istaklo da ne naplaćuju kaznu ukoliko u vozilu zateknu više od jedne osobe.

Kako su naglasili, do sada su izrekli 14 kazni osobama koje se nisu ponašale u skladu sa zabranama boravka u parkovima i pri okupljanju više od pet ljudi, ukoliko nisu iz iste porodice.

Takođe, primetili su da na putevima ima manje vozila, ali da ima više slučajeva prekoračenja brzine i prekršaja koji spadaju u bahatu vožnju. Od početka vanrednog stanja, u drugih petnaest dana marta, u Torontu je uručeno 2.727 kazni za prebrzu vožnju, odnosno za trećinu više nego u istom periodu prošle godine.

Što se tiče bahate vožnje, odnosno prekoračenja brzine za više od 50 kilometara na sat iznad ograničenja, tu je broj prekršaja čak utrostručen u odnosu na prošlu godinu.

Slične primere iznose i policijske službe iz ostalih delova regiona. Podaci za čitavu provinciju, pak, pokazuju da gotovo da nema razlike između broja kazni za mart ove i prošle godine.


Skupovi su bili okidač za širenje virusa
Sve je počelo na konferenciji u Vankuveru

Zdravstveni eksperti označili su Pacifičku konferenciju dentista, održanu početkom marta u Vankuveru, kao rasadnik koronavirusa po čitavom severnoameričkom kontinentu. Na ovom velikom skupu bilo je preko 15 hiljada učesnika, prezentera i prodavaca.

Svega nedelju dana po završetku konferencije, jedan od učesnika bio je pozitivan na koronavirus, da bi se kako je vreme odmicalo, javljalo sve više inficiranih ljudi koji su imali neku dodirnu tačku sa tim velikim dešavanjem.

Još nekoliko sličnih manifestacija i okupljanja doprinelo je širenju bolesti. Na spisku se nalaze i turnir u karlingu, održan u Edmontonu, trka motornih sanki u Saskačuanu, sahrane u St. Džonsu, i tako dalje.

Tradicionalno rukovanje, razgovori, pa i smeh, na nekim od ovih okupljanja, doprineli su širenju virusa, za koji do tada oni nisu ni bili svesni da je prisutan.


Za Ontario već sutra, za Kanadu tek sledi
Uskoro projekcija onoga šta nas čeka sa kovidom-19

Premijer Džastin Trudo ističe da će zemlja i narednih meseci biti u borbi protiv pandemije kovida-19, ali vlada za sada odbija da daje predviđanja o potencijalnoj smrtnosti kod inficiranih pacijenata ili o tome kada bi se mogao očekivati najjači udar.

Danas je premijer Trudo ponovio da vlada u ovom trenutku nije spremna da daje takve podatke, ali je obećao da će sa premijerima provincija večeras razgovarati o tome. To bi moglo značiti dobijanje nekih preciznijih informacija narednih dana, kako bi građani znali šta ih može očekivati i mogli da se pripreme za to.

Ontarijski premijer Dag Ford rekao je da će projekcije o mogućim smrtnim ishodima i broju hospitalizovanih biti objavljeni u petak. On je prvo oklevao da se objave podataci o potencijalnom udaru pandemije kovida-19, jer strahuje da bi to moglo izazvati paniku, ali veruje da da oni mogu poslužiti i za osvešćivanje mnogih o stvarnoj razmeri opasnosti. Ford kaže da nam predstoji nekoliko turbulentnih nedelja, te da treba svi da vodimo računa, koliko god možemo, o distanciranju i samoizolaciji.



OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo će večeras razgovarati sa premijerima provincija i teritorija, kako bi dogovorili zajedničku akciju za nabavku najvažnije medicinske opreme za mesta u kojima je ona najpotrebnija. Tu se pre svega misli na respiratore, maske i ličun zaštitnu opremu za zdravstveno osoblje.

TORONTO – Kako prenosi CBC njuz, zdravstveni radnici u provinciji čine deseti deo od ukupnog broja pacijenata kod kojih je potvrđeno prisustvo koronavirusa. To situacija dodatno komplikuje, zato što će za zbrinjavanje pacijenata biti neophodno sve više zdravstvenog osoblja.

KALGARI – U Alberti se odlažu operacije, proširuju odeljenja za hitnu medicinsku pomoć i čine napori da se oslobode kreveti za sve više pacijenata sa kovidom-19.

MONTREAL – Premijer Kvebeka Fransoa Lego podsetio je građane da tokom pandemije ne odlaze u domove za starija lica, kako ne bi ugrozili ovu najosetljiviju grupu ljudi.

ST. DžONS – Njufaundlend i Labrador nude pomoć u finansiranju brige o dece za zaposlene u vitalnim službama. Premijer Dvajt Bol kaže da će taj program omogućiti alternativne aranžmane u sigurnim, regulisanim okruženjima, uz uputstva od strane zdravstvene struke.

TORONTO – Duga čekanja na rezultate testova na koronavirus delimično su posledica nedovoljnog broja laboratorijskih radnika u Kanadi, navode predstavnici udruženja laboranata i podaci sa konkursa za posao. U narednih pet godina bi polovina zaposlenih u laboratorijama trebalo da se penzioniše, a broj svršenih stručnjaka ne može to da pokrije. Situacija je još složenija u seoskim i zabačenim sredinama.

OTAVA – Sporazum o zaustavljanju svakog sem najnužnijeg saobraćaja između Kanade i SAD, različito se tumači u svakoj od zemalja. Kanada je zabranila sav saobraćaj koji nije iz preke potrebe, bez obzira na prevozno sredstvo, dok je američka strana zabranu na stavila samo na saobraćaj preko kopnene granice i feribota. To praktično znači da se odredbe ne primenjuju na vazdušni, železnički teretni ili morski saobraćaj.

OTAVA – Asocijacija Restorani Kanade tvrde da je u martu zatvoren za stalno svaki deseti restoran u zemlji, i da je oko 800 hiljada zaposlenih u tom sektoru ostalo bez posla. Kako vreme prolazi, situacija će biti još gora, jer zbog smanjenog prometa i dohotka restorateri neće biti u stanju da izmiruju ni najosnovnije račune za najam prostora, struju i ostalo.


City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:

News Release - April 2, 2020

Mayor Tory signs emergency order encouraging physical distancing in parks and public squares

Today, Mayor John Tory signed an emergency order regulating physical distancing in City of Toronto parks and public squares.

Any two people who don't live together, who fail to keep two metres of distance between them in a park or public square, will be subject to prosecution and will be liable for a fine of up to $5,000 upon conviction. The City has asked the Chief Justice of the Province of Ontario to issue a set fine for this offence. 

The Mayor took this emergency action ­ which is in effect for at least the next 30 days - to further drive home the message that people have to keep their distance from each other to avoid spreading COVID-19 in our city and to save lives.

Mayor Tory and the City’s Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Eileen de Villa, are asking Toronto residents to take the message of staying home, except when absolutely necessary, with the seriousness that the situation requires.
To save lives, protect our healthcare system, and get the economy and City back to normal as quickly as possible, the public must follow the advice ­ and orders communicated publicly on several occasions ­ to stay home as much as possible.
This weekend, the public can expect to see increased enforcement of orders and laws designed to stop the spread of COVID-19. 

A COVID-19 Enforcement Team of 200 Municipal Bylaw Enforcement Officers, 10 Toronto Public Health Bylaw Officers, plus the resources of the Toronto Police Service will enforce the new physical distancing bylaw, provincial orders banning organized social gatherings of more than five people, bans on using closed playgrounds and other parks amenities, and the closure orders on non-essential businesses that remain open. 

The enforcement team will be responding to complaints and proactively patrolling parks and other public spaces, all in an effort to ensure public understanding of the need to limit social interactions. 

Fines for violating a provincial order under the Emergency Measures Act can range from $750 to $100,000, including up to one year in jail, for social gatherings exceeding five persons, using parks amenities which have been closed, opening non-essential businesses, and failing to identify oneself to a police officer or a provincial offences officer (bylaw officer) investigating a matter under the Emergency Measures and Civil Protection Act.

The advice from Toronto’s public health officials has been clear and consistent: To stop the community spread of this deadly virus, we must reduce all contact with others as much as possible. 

Failure to adhere to these guidelines and orders will result in more people dying from COVID-19. It will result in our healthcare system being overwhelmed and unable to treat all who need critical care. And it will result in our inability to recover more quickly ­ as a society and economically.
More information about the City's response to COVID-19 is available at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/.

The By-Law can viewed at https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/96af-covid-19-ID_Physi...

The Emergency Order can be viewed at https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/9718-covid-19-emergenc...

"This is but one more measure we are taking so that your City government can assure you we are doing everything we can to stop the spread of this deadly virus now. I do want to thank the vast majority of people who are doing the right thing, following the advice of our public health officials, and staying home as much as possible, often at considerable sacrifice. To those responsible and good citizens, thank you for helping us save lives. But we continue to see, especially as the weather gets better, people ignoring that advice and worse, flocking to our parks to use even closed playgrounds, closed parking lots, and gathering together with others to play sports in the parks. This will further the spread of COVID-19 in our city and cost lives. We will continue to do everything we can as a municipal government to lock the city down in order to save lives."
- Mayor John Tory

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses. For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto.

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca



Toronto - Sreda, 1. april 2020. godine


OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo nagovestio je da bi stroge mere zaštite mogle potrajati nekoliko nedelja, možda čak i meseci. On je ponovio građanima da poštuju uputstva zdravstvenih radnika i da vode računa o propisanoj udaljenosti od drugih, naglašavajući da od nas samih zavisi kako će se odvijati ova kriza.

TORONTO – Prvi dan u mesecu je termin za plaćanje stanarine, što je mnogima izuzetno velika briga ovih dana. Za sada se zna da Nema izbacivanja iz stanova dok traje pandemija, bez obzira da li je stanarina plaćena ili nije. U Britanskoj Kolumbiji, na primer, stanodavci mogu da naplate kamate na zakasnele uplate, dok u Ontariju to nije slučaj. Najavljuje se da će ovih dana biti poznato više detalja o obavezama za plaćanje zakupa stanova u ovom periodu.

TORONTO – TTC je od danas pojačao 15 linija gradskog autobuskog prevoza sa najmanje 85 vozila, kako bi smanjio gužvu u njima i time smanjio širenje koronavirusa. No, bez obzira na uvođenje dodatnih autobusa, iz TTC-a apeluju da se javni prevoz koristi u neko drugo doba dana, a da se izbegavaju jutarnji špicevi koliko god je to moguće.
Izvor - Source

TORONTO – Nekoliko naučnika ovih dana se intenzivno bavi proučavanjem uticaja pandemije na poverenje koje imamo prema društvu i zvaničnicima, zdravstvenom sistemu, sugrađanima, ali i prema sebi samima. Prvi, ohrabrujući, rezultati pokazuju da Kanađani imaju viši nivo poverenja nego što je ustanovljeno u drugim zemljama, počev od informacija koje dobijaju od zvaničnika, pa nadalje.

OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo kaže da je, po svemu sudeći, predsednik SAD-a Donald Tramp odustao od ideje da šalje vojnike na granicu između dve zemlje, koji bi sprečavali prelazak migranata van zvaničnih graničnih prelaza. I kabinet premijera Trudoa i zamenica premijera Kristija Frilend su se usprotivili toj ideji, navodeći da bi to moglo narušiti odnose dve zemlje.

MONTREAL – Kvebek je najavio da prodavnice prehrambene robe neće raditi nedeljom, kako bi zaposleni u njima mogli da se odmore. Mnoge prodavnice su rezervisale prvi sat rada za seniore ili osobe iz rizičnih grupa.

OTAVA – Sektori turizma i aviosabraćaja, sa oko dva miliona zaposlenih, izuzetno su teško pogođeni pandemijom kovida-19, pa federalna vlada priprema poseban paket mera za njihovo zbrinjavanje.

MONTREAL – U Kvebeku su pooštrene mere za ograničavanje svih putovanja po provinciji koja nisu preko potrebna, pa će policija, po metodu slučajnog uzorka, zaustavljati ljude i ispitivati razloge za putovanje.

TORONTO – Šef torontske zdravstvene službe dr Ajlin de Vila, komentarišući dalji rast broja inficiranih od koronavirusa, upozorava da bi se moglo dogoditi da ostanemo u svojim kućama i čitava tri meseca, uz ograničene izlaske isključivo za najneophodnije potrebe. To bi značili samo odlazak kod lekara u zakazano vreme, a u kupovinu jednom nedeljno. Samoizolacija za osobe sa simptomima kovida-19 treba da bude 14 dana, isto kao i za osobe sa kojima su zaraženi bili u kontaktu.
Izvor - Source

MONTREAL – Ministarka zdravlja Kvebeka Danijel Mekkan kaže da se trenutno upotrebi deset puta više medicinske opreme nego u normalnim okolnostima.


Toronto - Utorak, 31. mart 2020. godine

Vlada potpisala ugovore

Medicinske potrepštine iz domaćih fabrika

Premijer Džastin Trudo saopštio je da je vlada potpisala ugovore sa tri kanadske kompanije, Tornhil medikal, Medikom i Spartan bajosajns, koje treba da prave respiratore, hirurške maske, testove i druge medicinske potrepštine, u narednom periodu, za potrebe zdravstvenog sistema u borbi sa koronavirusom.

On je istakao da će sve to biti sve neophodnije kako vreme prolazi, tako da treba obezbediti održiv, stabilan priliv ovih proizvoda, što je najlakše ostvariti ukoliko se radi o domaćim proizvodima.

Federalna vlada je, pre desetak dana, najavila svoju nameru da ponudi novčanu pomoć kompanijama koje mogu da preusmere svoju proizvodnju i počnu da prave respiratore, maske i drugu zaštitnu opremu, i tako uvećaju proizvodne potencijale. Gotovo tri hiljade kompanija odazvalo se na taj poziv vlade.

Premijer Trudo je, takođe, razmenio pisma o namerama sa još pet kompanija, za obezbeđivanje dodatne količine potrepšina.

Federalna vlada je opredelila dve milijarde dolara za nabavku zaštitne opreme, od maski i vizira, do sredstava za dezinfekciju ruku, delom i zajedno sa provincijama i teritorijama.

Ministarka za međunarodnu trgovinu Meri Ng je nešto ranije saopštila da se privremeno ukidaju carine i takse, i to na sve proizvode koje se uvezu za potrebe zdravstva.


Nastavak školske godine pod znakom pitanja

Ontario, Nova Skotija i Kvebek saopštili su da se učenici neće vraćati u školske klupe barem do početka maja meseca, dok su u Manitobi i Nju Brunsviku produžili taj rok na neodređeno vreme.

Severozapadne teritorije i region Nanavik najavili su da se škole neće više raditi u ovoj školskoj godini.

U Njufaundlendu i Labradoru obećavaju da će svi učenici iduće školske godine preći u viši razred, bez obzira šta se bude dešavalo do kraja ovog polugodišta, a u Saskačuanu će učenicima zaključiti ocene koje su dobili do prolećnog raspusta, s tim da ih mogu popraviti tokom nastave na daljinu.



TORONTO – Gradonačelnik Toronta Džon Tori rekao je da se, zbog rasta broja obolelih od kovida-19, sva značajnija dešavanja u organizaciji grada, poput konferencija, festivala i kulturnih programa, otkazuju do 30. juna. On naglašava da je grad morao da preduzme te mere kako bi zaštitio zdravlje svojih građana, uključujući i radnike u vitalnim sektorima i pripadnike osetljivih grupa.

OTAVA – Bivši ministar za javnu bezbednost Ralf Gudejl rekao je vlade moraju da govore o primenjenim merama protiv koronavirusa, i to što je moguće transparentnije.

MONTREAL – Er Kanada, koja je suočena sa gotovo potpunim prekidom saobraćaja, počev od ove nedelje, započeće sa privremenim otpuštanjem oko 16.500 svojih zaposlenih. Kako se navodi, 15.200 radnika i 1.300 menadžera neće raditi u aprilu i maju, čime će kompanija uštedeti oko 500 miliona dolara. Ovog meseca je i skoro 5.200 kabinskih radnika iz ve kompanije privremeno ostalo bez posla.

MONTREAL – Juče su potvrđeni prvi slučajevi inficiranih koronavirusom u kanadskim zatvorima, i među zatvorenicima i među čuvarima, pa se čuju apeli za oslobađanje lakših prestupnika, što bi sprečilo dalje širenje epidemije u specifičnim, zatvorskim uslovima. I ministar za javnu bezbednost Bil Bler je zatražio od vodećih ljudi u sistemu državnih kaznenih ustanova i nadležnih za odobravanje pomilovanja, da razmotre otpuštanje nekih zatvorenika.

OTAVA – U kompaniji Tornhil medikal, jednoj od tri koje su potpisale ugovor sa federalnom vladom o isporuci respiratora, kažu da će 500 aparata biti u bolnicama i zdravstvenim ustanovama već početkom aprila.
Izvor - Source

VINIPEG – Manitoba zatvara sve službe i aktivnosti koje ne spadaju u vitalne, počev od danas. To podrazumeva da više neće raditi saloni za ulepšavanje i masažu, a da će restorani moći samo da isporučuju obroke za poneti.

OTAVA –Kanadska privreda je još u januaru počela da pokazuje znake usporavanja, čak i pre nego što su se pojavili prvi znaci koronavirusa. Statistički podaci govore da je bruto domaći proizvod u tom mesecu porastao za 0,1 odsto, odnosno manje nego u prethodnom mesecu. Najveći rast zabeležio je sektor prodaje na veliko, 1,2 odsto, dok je na suprotnoj strani, sektor transporta iskazao pad za 1,7 odsto.

OTAVA – Ministar odbrane Hardžit Sadžan u ponedeljak je izjavio da Kanadske oružane snage imaju u pripravnosti 24 hiljade pripadnika stalnog i rezervnog sastava, koji može pomoći u svim situacijama u kojima se pokaže potreba. Šef štaba odbrane general Džonatan Vens kaže da se vodilo računa da oni ostanu zdravi, kako bi bili spremni da reaguju.


City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:

News Release - March 31, 2020

Cancellation of mass events through to June 30

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and in response to the recent provincial emergency order to prohibit organized public events and social gatherings of more than five people, the City of Toronto will cancel all City-led major mass participation events, festivals, conferences and cultural programs, and all City permits for major mass participation events organized by external groups at civic centres and squares, parks, public spaces (including road closures), City-operated museums and cultural centres through June 30. 

The decision to cancel City-led events and third-party permits has been made in consultation with Toronto's Medical Officer of Health, the Emergency Operations Centre, Toronto Police Service, Mayor John Tory's office and major event organizers, and supports the directive that physical distancing is critical to stopping the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The breadth of the COVID-19 crisis and the City's need to ensure the sustainability of essential services also limits the City's ability to provide the usual level of support to third-party event organizers to ensure public safety.

The City’s decision provides clear direction to event organizers to enable them to make sound decisions in support of public health efforts and their business needs, access insurance, support impacted employees and manage sponsors.

The City urges event organizers to follow Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health’s recommendations of physical distancing as a way to minimize COVID-19 transmission in the community when reviewing their event plans for the upcoming months and make prudent decisions about cancellations. Physical distancing means limiting the number of people a person comes into close contact with, including keeping two metres (six feet) apart from others, avoiding mass gatherings and avoiding crowds.

The end date for the cancellation period will be reviewed every two weeks following the initial announcement and may be extended beyond June 30 in consultation with Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health and in consideration of the provincial prohibition of organized public events and social gatherings.

The City of Toronto will not be in a position to issue new permits until there is further direction on mass gatherings from Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health. The City is committed to working with event organizers to mitigate the impacts of these cancellations and to determine potential future dates once the public health crisis is contained and economic recovery efforts are underway. Among the major events impacted by today's announcement are Doors Open Toronto, Indigenous Arts Festival, Pride Toronto, and NXNE Music and Gaming festival.

Event organizers are encouraged to contact the relevant permitting bodies at the City or Toronto Police Service officers/liaisons they have been working with. Alternatively, event organizers can contact the City at eventpal@toronto.ca.

Mayor Tory also announced today that City of Toronto facilities will continue to be closed until further notice, including non-emergency city child care facilities in schools. All regular Council and Committee meetings are cancelled until May 4. City-operated programs also remain suspended. Frontline emergency and critical services continue to be delivered.

This is based on recommendations from Toronto Public Health to help slow the rate of COVID-19 infection in Toronto. 
More information about the City's response to COVID-19 is available at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/.


"While the City recognizes the importance of special events and festivals to the livability and vitality of the city, protecting the health and safety of residents is of primary concern. City staff are working closely with event organizers to help mitigate the impacts of cancellations wherever possible and we look forward to Toronto's festivals and events being featured prominently as part of the city's recovery from the impact of COVID-19." 
- Mayor John Tory 

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto,
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto. 

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca


Toronto - Ponedeljak, 30. mart 2020. godine

Pomoć preduzećima i neprofitnim organizacijama

Od vlade tri četvrtine plate, poslodavac pokriva ostatak

Premijer Džastin Trudo najavio je da se za vladinu pomoć za subvencije plata zaposlenih, u iznosu od 75 odsto, mogu prijaviti preduzeća i neprofitne i humanitarne organizacije koji zbog epidemije koronavirusa ostvare za 30 odsto manji dohodak.

Vlada će pokriti do tri četvrtine plate na prvih 58.700 dolara, što bi moglo značiti do 847 dolara nedeljno, a premijer Trudo poziva poslodavce da nadoknade preostalih 25 odsto plata.
Kako je istakao, broj zaposlenih neće biti odlučujući faktor za dobijanje subvencije.
Ove mere primenjivaće se retroaktivno od 15. marta 2020. godine.
Premijer Trudo je, takođe, napomenuo da će ozbiljne posledice snositi svako ko pokuša da zloupotrebi ove najavljene mere.
Dodatne informacije o programu izneće sutra ministar finansija Bil Morno. 
Predstavnici Saveta za biznis pozdravili su predloženi program.


U Ontariju vanredno stanje se produžava za još dve nedelje

Premijer Dag Ford najavljuje da će produžiti vanredno stanje za još dve nedelje, a ako treba i preduzeti dodatne mere, pošto broj novih slučajeva nastavlja da raste u provinciji.
Tokom vikenda je izuzetno lepo vreme izmamilo ljude na ulice, što je u ovakvoj situaciji, potpuno nepoželjno i opasno. Mnogi su prekršili preporuke o obaveznom socijalnom distanciranju i izbegavanju okupljanja.
Premijer Ford kaže da su angažovane sve snage i kontakti u čitavom svetu, za obezbeđivanje neophodne medicinske opreme. Od građana se traži da svojim odgovornim ponašanjem i ostajanjem kod kuća, pruže svoj doprinos očuvanju svog zdravlja, i pomognu provinciji da se što lakše izbori sa koronavirusom.
Izvor - Source


OTAVA – Jutros je barel severnoameričke nafte bio svega 19,92 američkih dolara, što nije zabeleženo u poslednjih osamnaest godina. U isto vreme, tip nafte sa kanadskih polja, poznat kao Vestern Kanada selekt, imao je cenu od svega 3,82 američka dolara, što se do sada nikad nije dogodilo. U Torontu je danas cena jednog litra benzina na pumpama bila oko 74 centi.

OTAVA – Od danas je u čitavoj zemlji na snazi zabrana putovanja u domaćem saobraćaju za sve sa simptomima kovida-19.

KVEBEK SITI – Premijer Kvebeka Fransoa Lego kaže da ima nade da je situacija u provinciji u fazi stabilizacije, pošto je u bolnice primljeno manje pacijenata nego što je bilo očekivano.

VINIPEG – Poljoprivrednici su zabrinuti što se zbog koronavirusa i samoizolacije odlaže prolećna setva, a stočari imaju probleme sa cenama, koje su pale za oko 12 odsto u odnosu na početak godine. Sektor poljoprivrede se zalaže da bude proglašen za esencijalan, što bi im omogućilo nesmetan rad tokom pandemijske krize i angažovanje potrebne radne snage, uključujući i radnike iz inostranstva.

TORONTO – Šef provincijske zdravstvene službe dr Dejvid Vilijems preporučuje svim osobama starijim od 70 godina da budu u samoizolaciji i izbegavaju sve nepotrebne kontakte. Ukoliko se zaraze koronavirusom, kod njih je povećan rizik od neželjenih posledica. Stoga se preporučuje da starije osobe preko telefona ili interneta zatraže neophodne usluge od prijatelja, porodice ili suseda. Do sada je svaki peti slučaj kovida-19 potvrđen kod osoba starijih od 65 godina.
Izvor - Source

VANKUVER – Nastavnici Britanske Kolumbije su se danas vratili na posao, kako bi pripremili planove za nastavu na daljinu. U petak je provincija započela novi obrazovni vebsajt za za sve koji brinu o deci, jer će oni pomagati mališanima u učenju do kraja školske godine.

OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo je rekao da će Oružane snage biti spremne da se odazovu, ukoliko provincije upute takav zahtev.

KVEBEK SITI – Kvebek je najavio hitno izdvajanje 133 miliona dolara za domove za stara lica.

VANKUVER – Tokom vikenda prodavnicama je naloženo da ne dozvole kupcima korišćenje torbi za višekratnu upotrebu.

TORONTO – TTC je redukovao saobraćaj na mnogim svojim autobuskim linijama, zato što je oko petine radnika na bolovanju ili u samoizolaciji zbog toga moguće izloženosti koronavirusu u poslednje vreme. I broj putnika je drastično smanjen, pa procene govore da ih je sada za oko 70 odsto manje od uobičajenog.



Toronto - Nedelja, 29. mart 2020. godine


OTAVA - Šef nacionalne zdravstvene službe dr Teresa Tem kaže da će naredna nedelja biti ključna, jer bi tada trebalo da se vidi da li je mera socijalnog distanciranja dala rezultate u sprečavanju širenja koronavirusa.

OTAVA – Sofi Gregoar Trudo, supruga premijera Džastina Trudoa, preko Fejsbuka je objavila da se oporavila od kovida-19, od koga se zarazila dok je, početkom ovog meseca, boravila u Velikoj Britaniji. Po povratku u Kanadu, ona je sve vreme provela u kućnoj izolaciji.

OTAVA – Kanađane očekuje drastično uvećanje deficita i veliki rast nezaposlenosti, čak do 15 odsto do trećeg kvartala, iako vlada pokušava da umanji privredni pad zbog epidemije kovida-19, stoji u izveštaju Iva Žiroa, nezavisnog parlamentarnog analitičara budžeta.

TORONTO – Uprkos krizi oko koronavirusa, cene na torontskom tržištu nekretnina nastavljaju da rastu.

TORONTO – Predstavnici Resurs centra za žrtve nasilja navode da u Kanadi svakih šest dana jedna žena strada od partnerskog nasilja. U ovom trenutku, kada je sve više ljudi prinuđeno da bude u kućnoj izolaciji, bez mogućnosti da se izmakne iz nasilne veze, ovaj problem može postati još izraženiji. Premijer Džastin Trudo je, u svom obraćanju medijima prošle nedelje, prepoznao potencijalnu opasnost i najavio dodatnih 50 miliona dolara za pomoć.

TORONTO – Ontarijski premijer Dag Ford najavio je mnogo strože mere za sprečavanje nezakonitog podizanja cena važnih proizvoda tokom pandemijske krize. Po njegovim rečima, svima koji prekrše ovaj propis može uslediti kazna do 100 hiljada dolara, dok direktoru kompanije može biti izrečena kazna do pola miliona dolara, a korporaciji čak do 10 miliona.

TORONTO – U Ontariju su sada zabranjena okupljanja više od pet osoba, a sahranama može, u jednom trenutku, da prisustvuje najviše deset osoba.

OTAVA – Banka Kine donirala je Kanadi medicinsku opremu, uključujući i 30 hiljada medicinskih maski, saopštila je kineska ambasada u Kanadi. Ministar inostranih poslova Fransoa-Filip Šampanj zahvalio se na donaciji, naglašavajući da podržavati drugoga nije samo prava, već i mudra stvar. Kanada je u februaru donirala Kini 16 tona lične zaštitne opreme.

OTAVA – Er Kanada je, u saradnji sa federalnom vladom, od 21. Marta sprovela devet specijalnih letova za povratak kanadskih državljana iz raznih delova sveta, tri iz Maroka, tri iz Perua, dva iz Ekvadora i jedan iz Španije. Od danas, 29. marta, do 1. Aprila, biće organizovani letovi iz Alžira, Kita i Lime.


City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:


News Release - March 29, 2020

City of Toronto reminds people to be mindful of mental health amid closures and ongoing response to COVID-19

The City of Toronto continues to respond to the COVID-19 emergency. As of today, the City’s Emergency Operations Centre has been mobilized for 19 days, working with Toronto Public Health to slow the spread of the virus and keep our community safe and healthy. 

Toronto Public Health has had 540 cases of COVID-19 reported in Toronto, up from 512 cases yesterday. Currently, 39 of these people are hospitalized and there are 18 in ICU. Among cases of COVID-19 in Toronto, there have been four deaths to-date. There have been 24 other people diagnosed with COVID-19 who have recovered from their illness. This data was extracted from the Integrated Public Health Information System at 1 p.m. The numbers may differ from other sources as data are extracted at different times.

Earlier this week, Mayor John Tory, Medical Office of Health, Dr. Eileen de Villa, and Fire Chief and General Manager of the Office of Emergency Management, Matthew Pegg, stressed the importance of mental health and addressed the anxiety many people are experiencing in response to the public health and social impacts of COVID-19. These are normal and healthy responses and feelings to an abnormal situation. It’s OK not to feel OK.

Whether in self-isolation or practising physical distancing, it is important to connect with friends and family over the phone or online and try to eat well and stay rested. Everyone is encouraged to check in by phone or other means that maintain physical distancing on family, friends, and colleagues who may be struggling.

Individuals looking for additional crisis supports should reach out to Crisis Services Canada or Toronto Public Health. Crisis Services Canada is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week at https://www.crisisservicescanada.ca/, by phone at 1-833-456-4566 or by text message at 45645. In an emergency, always call 911.

More information on COVID-19 crisis and mental health supports are listed on our website at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-health-advice/. 

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice, and information about City services and social supports. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 

For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto 

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Media contact: Media Relations, 416-338-5986, media@toronto.ca



Toronto - Subota, 28. mart 2020. godine

Članovi posada aviona traže dodatnu zaštitnu opremu

Kako prenosi CBC njuz, među obolelima je i preko deset članova posada aviona, a jedna osoba je donedavno bila i na intenzivnoj nezi u Kalgariju.

Budući da avioni i dalje lete na međunarodnim i domaćim linijama, jer ima onih koji se još uvek nisu uspeli da se vrate svojim kućama, i da posade i dalje rade, sindikati ovdašnjih posada udruženim snagama zalažu se za bolju zaštitnu opremu. Oni ne mogu da drže propisanu distancu od putnika, pa zahtevaju, između ostalog i od vlade, propisnu zaštitnu odeću i obavezno testiranje na koronavirus, zato što su oni izloženi kontaktima sa ljudima iz svih krajeva sveta.

Aviokompanije su trenutno u obavezi da za članove posada obezbeđuju rukavice, maske, vlažne maramice i sredstva za dezinfekciju.
Izvor - Source



OTAVA – U okviru novih mera za usporavanje širenja koronavirusa, premijer Džastin Trudo najavio je danas da će od ponedeljka u podne biti zabranjeno da u avion ili voz u domaćem saobraćaju, uđe osoba koja pokazuje simptome zaraze kao što su kašalj, groznica ili otežano disanje. Zabrana se ne odnosi na međuprovincijski autobuski prevoz, zato što on ne potpada pod jurisdikciju federalne vlade.

TORONTO – Zamenik šefa nacionalne zdravstvene službe dr Hauard Ndžo upozorava da je borba protiv koronavirusa tek predstoji, i da može trajati mesecima, tačnije mnogo meseci.

TORONTO – Kompanija za proizvodnju donjeg veša, Knidž jedna je od onih koje su ovih dana želele da se preorijentišu na proizvodnju mnogo važnije, neophodne, medicinske opreme. Međutim, pošto materijali koje imaju nisu pogodne za medicinske maske, njihova aktivnost je preusmerena na onlajn kampanju za prikupljanje novca za kupovinu hirurških maski i rukavica. Već u prva tri dana kampanje, uspeli su da sakupe 80 hiljada dolara, a kupljeni materijal će ići organizacijama i ustanovama koje su iskazale potrebe.

TORONTO – Građani Ontarija dobili su u petak preko svojih mobilnih telefona, radija i televizije, upozorenje da svi koji su nedavno doputovali obavezno ostanu u kućama jer ih zakon na to obavezuje. U poruci se ističe da ne treba da idu u prodavnice, kod članova porodice ili prijatelja. Po rečima ministarke zdravlja Kristin Eliot, provincija koristi sve resurse kako bi ljudi dobili pravu informaciju o tome kako treba da se ponašaju.

HAMBOLT, Saskačuan – Bivši igrač Hambolt Bronkosa Rajan Aleksander Strasnički pokrenuo je parnicu protiv lica odgovornih za saobraćajnu nesreću, u kojoj je poginulo 16 članova hokejaškog tima, a on ostao paralizovan. On traži obeštećenje od 13,5 miliona dolara.

OTAVA – Profesor prehrambenih nauka sa Univerziteta Gelf, Kit Variner skreće pažnju da, iako je verovatnoća da dostavljači hrane prenesu infekciju veoma mala, ipak treba preduzeti neke preventivne korake da bi se rizik umanjio. Variner kaže da je mnogo veća šansa da infekcija dobije od osobe, a ne preko paketa, pa treba tražiti da pošiljku ostave na vratima. On tvrdi da je često pranje ruku, posebno pre i posle kontakata sa hranom i ambalažom, može dodatno umanjiti rizik. Preporučuje se da se hrana podgreje, ukoliko postoji bilo kakva sumnja.
Izvor - Source


City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:


News Release - March 28, 2020

City of Toronto stresses the need for resident cooperation in responding to COVID-19

The City of Toronto continues to respond to COVID-19, with first responders and staff working around the clock to keep Torontonians safe and healthy. All people in the city need to be our partner in slowing the spread of the virus. 

The number of positive cases of COVID-19 in Toronto confirmed by Toronto Public Health continues to increase. As of 1 p.m. today, there are 512 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Toronto, including 74 new confirmed cases since yesterday’s report. Of the cases, 24 have recovered, 36 are in hospital, and 17 are in the ICU.

Toronto Public Health, led by our Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Eileen de Villa, has repeatedly stated the importance of self-isolation for those that are ill but do not require medical attention, have travelled, or may have been exposed to the virus. Self-isolated people living with roommates should stay in a separate room as much as possible, open windows in shared rooms to help with airflow, increase cleaning, and stay two metres away from others. Staying home, maintaining physical distance when out, and good hygiene, including hand-washing, remains the most responsible behaviour for healthy individuals. 

We are asking everyone to remember they have a role to play in slowing the spread of COVID-19. City staff continue to see troubling examples of people disregarding public health recommendations. Barriers to closed City park equipment and facilities have been removed. People of all ages are regularly seen in groups with much less than two metres between them in City green spaces and public places. These behaviours are easy to correct in support of our community’s response to COVID-19.


City of Toronto toopen child care for essential and core service workers 

The City of Toronto has received authorization from the Province of Ontario to open four licensed child care centres specifically to provide care for children of essential and critical service workers. Centres are located across Toronto in existing City-run licensed child care facilities and staffed by City of Toronto child care workers. Toronto is the first city to receive approval and open these responsive child care facilities. 

To support members of this essential and critical workforce, licensed child care service will be available at no cost to families, funded by the Province of Ontario, for children under age 12. Services will operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week—a first for the City.

Emergency child care services are reserved exclusively for children of essential and critical service workers identified in the Province of Ontario's "List of Workers Eligible for Emergency Child Care," who have no other alternatives. The safest option for families is to have children remain at home, if possible.

To be eligible, workers must be required to report to an official work location to deliver the service without the ability to work from home. City staff required to report to an official work location to deliver core essential services are also eligible. 

There a number workers that are eligible for emergency child care, including, but not limited to police officers, firefighters or individuals providing fire protection services, regulated health care professionals, unregulated health care providers working in health care, paramedics, individuals who perform work that is essential to the delivery of core services in a municipality (such as TTC, water and solid waste).

A complete list of workers eligible for emergency child care is available at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-social-support/covid-19-ch....

Due to limited space in order to maintain provincial health and safety requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic, the City will commit to child care spaces for eligible families on a first come, first served basis. Once eligible workers complete and submit the online application, they will be contacted by Toronto Children's Services staff if space is available.

If the level of demand exceeds the ability to provide care, the City will prioritize child care space for front-line health care workers and first responders. If required, the City will work closely with our provincial and community partners to determine how this service may be expanded.

Because physical distancing is difficult when caring for young children, additional measures are being taken, in consultation with Toronto Public Health and Occupational Health and Safety, to maintain a healthy and safe environment. Precautions include daily screening of children and staff, increased disinfection, reduced group sizes and limiting the number of people in the centre to 50 as per Provincial order.

The goal is to open these emergency child care centres as quickly as possible, following an application process for families. For details on eligibility and application, visit https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-social-support/covid-19-ch....

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice and information about City services, social supports, and economic recovery measures. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311.


“Providing 24-7 licensed child care, even under these circumstances, is a first for the City. Staff have been working with our partners at the Province of Ontario for more than a week to get the right approvals in place to open emergency licensed child care spaces as quickly as possible for our essential and critical workers.”
- Mayor John Tory

“Opening designated child care centres for essential and critical service workers is one way we can support those who are making exceptional efforts to keep our City working despite this pandemic. Knowing that their children are safe and well looked after will ease some of their burden through this difficult and dangerous time.”
-  Deputy Mayor Michael Thompson, Chair, Economic and Community Development Committee

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses.
For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca 
or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto
on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto 
or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto 

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Media contact: Media Relations, 416-338-5986, media@toronto.ca



Toronto - Petak, 27. mart 2020. godine

Premijer Trudo najavio:
Dodatna pomoć za mala i srednja preduzeća

Premijer Džastin Trudo najavio je danas dodatnu pomoć za mala i srednja preduzeća, kako bi oni zadržali svoje zaposlene na platnim spiskovima.
Pomoć se ogleda u subvencijama na plate u iznosu od 75 odsto i garantovanim beskamatnim kreditima.
Premijer Trudo je mala i srednja preduzeća nazvao kičmom privrede i izrazio nadu da će im nove mere omogućiti da izbegnu otpuštanja i da kompanije ne budu prinuđene da zatvore vrata.
Trudo je rekao da će subvencije biti određivane od 15. marta, a krediti za mala preduzeća, do 40 hiljada dolara, biće godinu dana oslobođena od kamate tokom. Takođe, pod određenim uslovima, krediti do deset hiljada dolara mogu biti i bespovratni.
Premijer Trudo je saopštio i da će GST i HST, kao i carine i takse na uvoz, biti odložene do juna, što je deo beskamatnih kredita preduzetnicima.
Detalji ovih programa se još uvek razrađuju i biće predstavljeni narednih dana.


OTAVA – Premijer Trudo rekao da ne može precizirati koliko će još građani morati da ostaju u svojim kućama i da vode računa o socijalnom distanciranju, ali je rekao da se može govoriti o nedeljama i, moguće, mesecima. On je, takođe, naglasio da se preduzimaju sve mere da se kriva koja pokazuje broj inficiranih što više spusti.

OTAVA – Banka Kanade ponovo je nenajavljeno smanjila referentnu kamatnu stopu, na svega 0,25 odsto, kako bi umanjila ekonomske posledice pandemije kovida-19. Najavili su, takođe, dva programa koji treba da osiguraju novčani sistem. Prvi je program kupovine komercijalnih papira, kojim centralna banka u suštini preuzima vrstu duga od kompanija, kako bi zadovoljila njihove kratkotrajne finansijske potrebe, dok će drugi biti otkup državnog duga u obliku obveznica, u iznosu od 5 milijardi dolara nedeljno.
Izvor - Source

TORONTO – TTCriders, grupa koja zastupa interese putnika u saobraćaju, u otvorenom pismu gradonačelniku Džonu Toriju, apeluje na zvaničnike da ukinu karte za gradski prevoz tokom pandemije i da obezbede dovoljno vozila, kako bi mogla da poštuje preporuka o propisnoj udaljenosti između ljudi u vozilima.

OTAVA – Dve trećine građana, anketiranih u istraživanjima Institituta Angas Rajd i agencije Leger, smatra da se premijer Džastin Trudo dobro snalazi u ovoj kriznoj situaciji oko pandemije. Ipak, za neke provincijske premijere su građani imali i snažniju podršku, posebno za premijera Kvebeka Fransoa Legoa i njegov kabinet - čak 93 odsto. Lego je trenutno jedan od najpopularnijih lidera u svetu.

VINIPEG – Zdravstveni eksperti upozoravaju građane da ne veruju akupunkturologu i specijalisti tradicionalne kineske medicine Guođijanu Huangu, iz Vinipega, koji prodaje biljni čaj, za koji tvrdi d može sprečiti kovid-19. On sam je, kasnije, promenio svoje sugestije, zamenjujući ih uputstvima da je najvažnije biti na propisanoj udaljenosti od drugih, prati ruke, izolovati se, nositi masku, rukavice i zaštitne naočari, te da biljke ne mogu to zameniti.
Izvor - Source

OTAVA – Putnici koji zbog kovida-19 nisu mogli da iskoriste svoje kupljene avionske karte, neće dobiti povraćaj novca, zato što su letovi otkazani zbog razloga van kontrole aviokompanija, saopštila je Transportna agencija Kanade. Putnici će dobiti putne kredite, sa rokom važenja od dve godine. Jedino Sanving i dalje prihvata refundiranje za otkazane letove.

TORONTO – Ontario, sa 1.300 bolničkih kreveta opremljenih sa respiratorima, 300 dobijenih prošle sedmice a uz to još 210 u rezervi, ima brojku od samo 12 respiratora na stotinu hiljada stanovnika. Po tome je pri dnu lestvice među kanadskim provincijama, a Kvebek je na čelu liste, sa 35 respiratora. Premijer Dag Ford kaže da vlada čini velike napore da obezbedi dovoljno opreme za nesmetani rad ontarijskih bolnica, što podrazumeva i angažovanje resursa iz privatnog sektora.


City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:

News Release - March 27, 2020

Landlords, Condo Boards urged to adopt new health and safety measures to protect residents from COVID-19

The City of Toronto is urging Landlords and Condo Boards to adopt new health and safety measures to protect residents from COVID-19. Large residential buildings with a high number of units require new practices and a rigorous cleaning routine to prevent viral spread. 

Building operators and staff should follow these guidelines to protect residents in vertical communities:

•       Alcohol-based hand sanitizer or a hand washing station with soap and water should be placed at all building entrances.
•       Alcohol-based hand sanitizer should be available in all common areas that remain open, such as laundry rooms.
•       Close non-essential common areas such as bathrooms, gyms, playrooms, playgrounds and other high traffic areas. 
•       Routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces in common areas, including doorknobs, elevator buttons, light switches, toilet handles, counters, hand rails, touch screen surfaces and keypads, with common household cleaners and disinfectants.
•       Organize the building to accept deliveries of essential goods, like medications, for residents to avoid non-essential trips outside.
•       Post signage limiting the number of residents allowed in common areas, including laundry rooms and elevators, to ensure that individuals are able to maintain a two-metre distance. Consider allowing a maximum of three residents at a time in elevators.
•       When showing units or suites for sale or lease, practice physical distancing - keep a safe distance of two metres from the resident and wash hands with soap and water, and or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, before and after the visit.

Additional information regarding General Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Guidance for Commercial or Residential Buildings can be found here:  https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/8ecd-General-Infection...

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice and information about City services, social supports, and economic recovery measures. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 


"Making sure people are practicing physical distancing within vertical communities presents a unique challenge. That's why it's imperative that Landlords and Condo Boards move forward with rigorous health and safety measures now to protect residents from COVID-19. Thank you to those who have already taken action. We are sending out these guidelines today to make sure everyone in these communities knows what they need to do to stop the spread of COVID-19."
- Mayor John Tory

“It is impossible for renters to adopt life-saving hygiene and social distancing practices if hand sanitizer isn’t accessible and elevators and common areas are crowded. That’s why the City of Toronto is asking landlords to protect their tenants’ health by immediately implementing a COVID-19 action plan in their building.”
- Councillor Josh Matlow, Toronto-St. Paul’s (Ward 12)

"The City is requesting that large residential buildings practice rigorous sanitization and physical distancing practices. It’s essential that landlords implement these common-sense measures to protect their tenants during this difficult time.”
- Councillor Paula Fletcher, Toronto-Danforth (Ward 14)

Media contact: Media Relations, 416-338-5986, media@toronto.ca



Toronto - Četvtak, 26. mart 2020. godine

Vodeće banke daju klijentima pauzu u otplatama

Nekoliko vodećih kanadskih banaka, Montrealska, Imperijal, Nacionalna, Rojal, Banka Nove Skotije i TD banka, pokušavaju određenim merama da daju svojim klijentima, pojedincima i malim preduzetnicima, pauzu u otplatama i podršku tokom trenutne situacije sa pandemijom.
U svom zajedničkom saopštenju, banke najavljuju da će omogućiti klijentima odlaganje plaćanja do šest meseci, s tim da će dodatni detalji biti naknadno predstavljeni.
Za sada nije poznato da li će i u kojoj banci ova odlaganja biti oslobođena od kamata.
Izvor - Source

Paket mera za finansijski oporavak
Pritisak na vladu za subvencije preduzećima

Na federalnu vladu se vrši sve veći pritisak da poveća obećane subvencije preduzećima da zadrže radnike na poslu i obezbede da se privreda oporavi kada prođe kriza sa kovidom-19.
Vlada je odredila pomoć za radnike pogođene ovom zdravstvenom krizom, u iznosu od 2.000 dolara mesečno, u trajanju od četiri meseca, za one koji nisu pokriveni radnim osiguranjem, EI.
Liberali su obećali 3,8 milijardi dolara za pokrivanje do deset odsto iznosa sa platnih spiskova malih i srednjih preduzeća širom zemlje. Ovo bi trebalo da traje tri meseca i pokriva do 1.375 dolara po radniku i 25 hiljada po preduzeću.
Opozicione stranke smatraju da to nije dovoljno, pa se NDP zalaže za pokrivanje najmanje 75 odsto troškova za plate, sve dok preduzeća ne otpuštaju svoje radnike.
Vlada će povećati poreski kredit GST/HST za osobe sa niskim primanjima, ali konzervativci se zalažu za povraćaj poreza na promet i za mala preduzeća.
Preko 60 poslovnih organizacija apelovalo je da federalna vlada direktno finansira poslodavce, kako bi zadržali radnike, umesto da ih otpuštaju. Napominje se da mala i srednja preduzeća, koja zapošljavaju najveći broj radnika u Kanadi, nemaju mogućnosti da prežive dugotrajni zastoj u radu, se te može dogoditi da oni prestanu da rade, naglašava Perin Biti, predsednik Privredne komore.


Ontario još ne nudi pomoć za plaćanje rente

Ontario je u sredu najavio jednokratnu pomoć za roditelje u iznosu od 200 dolara, olakšice za račune za struju i odlaganje plaćanja raznih taksi i nadoknada. No, za sada nije pomenuta nikakva specifična pomoć za plaćanje renti, pa se apeluje na vladu da pomogne što pre, jer u protivnom može biti kasno.
Aleksandra Ruizvargan, portparolka organizacije ACORN, koja zastupa stanare iznajmljenih stanova, naglašava da se ne može reći da ljudi ne žele da plate za stan, oni jednostavno nisu u mogućnosti to da urade jer je na hiljade njih ostalo bez posla. Organizacija se, stoga, zalaže da drugi nivoi vlasti donesu programe koji će nadoknaditi stanodavcima rente za stanare koji to neće moći da plate u naredna dva meseca.
Izvor - Source


OTAVA – Federalna vlada je izričito protiv ideje da se američke trupe stacioniraju blizu granice, kako bi presretali ilegalne imigrante, u borbi protiv pandemije koronavirusa. Zamenica premijera Kristija Frilend rekla je danas da su američkoj strani to veoma jasno predočili, u želji da zadrže važno i vredno partnerstvo sa SAD-om.

OTAVA – Iz kabineta zamenice premijera Kristije Frilend saznaje se da maksimalna kazna za kršenje naredbe o obaveznoj samoizolaciji za svakoga ko doputuje iz inostranstva, u trajanju od 14 dana, može biti do 750 hiljada dolara i šest meseci u zatvoru.
Izvor - Source

OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo naimenovao je vršioca dužnosti ambasadora Kirsten Hilman, za kanadskog ambasadora u SAD.

OTAVA – Lideri G20 održali su telekonferenciju o uticaju pandemije kovida-20 na svet u celini. Razgovarali su o koordinaciji međunarodnih napora za zaustavljanje virusa i ublažavanje udarca na svetsku ekonomiju, ali nisu saopšteni detalji kako će to biti sprovedeno.

TORONTO – Vrednost kanadskog dolara porasla je na 70,97 dolara, sa 69,92 američkih centi, kolika je bila u sredu.

BEOGRAD – Kako prenose mediji u Srbiji, profesor sa Univerziteta Mekmaster Boris Šakić kaže da je u Kanadi situacija stabilna, da su zatvorena samo preduzeća čiji rad nije od vitalnog značaja, ali da rade prodavnice hrane, apoteke, banke i mediji. On ističe da nema nestašica, izuzev toalet papira, a kao kuriozitet navodi da je cena benzina niža od cene vode.
Izvor - Source

TORONTO – Institut Angas Rajd sproveo je anketu među građanima Ontarija o njihovom poverenju u zdravstveni sistem provincije. U ovom trenutku manje od polovine anketiranih veruje da su zdravstvene ustanove spremne da se suoče sa naletom novih slučajeva pacijenata, dok je u februaru poverenje u sistem bilo za 22 odsto veće. Sa manjim ili većim odstupanjima, situacija je slična i u drugim provincijama.
Izvor - Source

OTAVA – Vozačima kamiona, koji su izuzeti od obaveze o karantinu, trenutno imaju mnogo manje posla i putovanja, ali im je upućena je molba da prate da li imaju simptome infekcije koronavirusom, da se drže na propisanoj udaljenosti od drugih, i da primenjuju odgovarajuće higijenske mere, počev od čestog pranja ruku.

TORONTO – Gradonačelnik Toronta Džon Tori posle 14 dana nije više u samoizolaciji, ali najavljuje da će i dalje boraviti u kući i voditi računa o držanju propisanog odstojanja od drugih, što preporučuje i građanima.

TORONTO – Posle sajber napada na Beer Store, pojedini njihovi objekti u četvrtak su primali samo gotovinu.

TORONTO – Restorani i barovi u Ontariju mogu, uz hranu koju isporučuju po porudžbini, da prodaju i alkohol, odobrila je Komisija za alkohol i igre na sreću, AGCO. Ovo se primenjuje za porudžbine između 9 ujutro i 11 uveče. AGCO produžava sve dozvole i registracije za alkohol, igre na sreću i kanabis za tri meseca.
Izvor - Source


City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:

News Release - March 26, 2020 
Mayor's Economic Support and Recovery Task Force to survey Toronto businesses about the impact of COVID-19

The City of Toronto, as part of the work of the Mayor's Economic Support and Recovery Task Force, has issued a survey to hear directly from local businesses about how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting them and what information and support they need at this time.

The City's first priority during the COVID-19 pandemic is to protect the health and safety of Toronto residents, however the economic impact of this pandemic will also take a toll on the livelihoods of Toronto residents and businesses. The City is doing everything possible, in full cooperation with provincial and federal governments, to minimize the economic impact, support businesses, employees and residents now, and see an economic recovery take place as soon as possible. 

The survey will be sent to more than 20,000 businesses as well as Business Improvement Associations. The survey is also available on the City's COVID-19 web page at http://www.toronto.ca/covid19 under the Economic Support & Recovery tab. 


"Toronto is the economic engine for Ontario and Canada. Together, I know we can get through this emergency and that our city will come back stronger than ever. It is critical that we heed the advice of Toronto's Medical Officer, Dr. Eileen de Villa and do everything we can to flatten the curve and reduce the spread of COVID-19, but I am also committed to ensuring that we are doing everything we can to support residents and businesses through this challenging time."
- Toronto Mayor John Tory 

"Toronto entered this crisis on a strong economic footing, and we will get through this if we work together. That is why the City is launching a survey to determine the impact of COVID-19 on businesses and their employees and to learn what supports from the City are needed."
- Deputy Mayor Michael Thompson (Ward 21 Scarborough Centre), Chair of the Economic and Community Development Committee

"The City is doing everything possible, in full cooperation with provincial and federal governments, to minimize the impact of COVID-19, support businesses, employees and residents now, and see an economic recovery take place as soon as possible. I have been hearing input from hundreds of business owners since COVID-19 began impacting our daily lives. Those conversations are helping shape our response and I encourage all businesses, large and small, to take the City's survey."
- Councillor Brad Bradford (Ward 19 Beaches-East York)


Toronto - Sreda, 25. mart 2020. godine

City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:

News Release - March 25, 2020

City of Toronto closing playgrounds and other parks amenities to stop the spread of COVID-19
Today, the City of Toronto announced that all City-owned playgrounds, sports fields, basketball and tennis courts, off-leash dog parks, skateboard and BMX parks, picnic areas, outdoor exercise equipment and other parks amenities, as well as parking lots attached to its parks system, will be closed effective immediately, in the City’s continuing efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19. 
While the public has been advised that fresh air and exercise is good if you are not ill, and if so, you should stay home, it has been observed that individuals are using parks and their amenities to congregate. The public has also shared its concerns about how parks amenities are supporting that congregation. The City is urging all residents, who are not performing essential or critical services, to stay home.
Beginning tomorrow, signage will be erected across Toronto’s parks amenities to advise of closures, including playgrounds. Where fencing or gates exists, they will be locked. Unfenced playground structures will be signed and taped off. Parks green spaces will remain accessible, but all amenities within City parks will be closed.
Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Eileen de Villa, has been clear: physical distancing of at least two metres is critical in helping stop the spread of COVID-19. Every Torontonian has a part to play in helping bring an end to this pandemic. The action today is one more important step in that effort.
Dr. de Villa is also urging condominium boards, all Toronto schools and the Toronto Community Housing Corporation to close its playgrounds and parks amenities to limit public congregation and reduce the spread of COVID-19. 
City parks by the numbers:
• More than 1,500 parks
• 800+ playgrounds (mostly unfenced, signed to be taped off)
• 300+ soccer and multi-use fields (signed, many are unfenced and will be locked where possible)
• 300+ baseball diamonds (signed)
• Approx. 70 dog off-leash areas (signed, the majority are fenced and where gated, will be locked)
• 150 basketball courts (hoops to be wrapped up and taped)
• 360+ parking lots at 200 locations (roughly half of these are gated and will be locked)
• 14 skate parks (signed, unfenced)
• 5 BMX parks (signed, unfenced)
• 4 Frisbee golf locations (signed, unfenced)
• 50+ park locations with outdoor fitness equipment (signed, to be taped off)
• 600+ tennis and pickleball courts at 185 locations (signed, fenced and locked where gates exist)
• 12 outdoor allotment gardens (signed, mostly unfenced)
• 83 community gardens (signed, mostly unfenced)
• picnic sites (signed)
• park shelters (signed, to be taped off).
Parks Forestry and Recreation staff will be locking gates, taping off playgrounds and amenities, securing basketball nets, and affixing signage over the next several days, with 75 per cent of planned completion by March 27. Work will continue throughout weekend.
Municipal bylaws give the General Manager of Parks Forestry and Recreation the authority to close parks amenities. Violations of municipal bylaws related to accessing a closed, City-owned parks amenity vary depending on the offence, but can result in fines of up to $5,000. Residents with concerns can call 311. 


Toronto - Utorak, 24. mart 2020. godine

Pošta ima novo radno vreme i pravila

U okviru mera zaštite od pandemije kovida-19, Pošta Kanade redukuje svoje radno vreme, postavlja providne barijere na šalterima i daje prioritet pripadnicima rizičnih grupa.

Pošte će sa radom počinjati jedan sat kasnije, prvi sat će rada biće rezervisan za starije sugrađane i osobe sa ugroženim imunosistemom, a zatvaraće se sat ranije, kako bi bilo vremena za čišćenje, sređivanje dokumentacije i davanje oduška zaposlenima.

Kod kućne dostave pošiljki, uvodi se procedura po kojoj će poštar pokucati, ostaviti pošiljku i otići. To podrazumeva da više neće biti obavezan potpis pri preuzimanju pošiljke.

Čeka se na izglasavanje zakona o pomoći građanima

Parlament je suspedovan, sve dok se postigne saglasnost između federalne vlade i opozicionih stranaka o zakonu o pomoći građanima tokom pandemije.

U Parlamentu, konzervativci su odbili da glasaju za zakon, jer zameraju da je tek sročen, da daje prevelika ovlašćenja ministru finansija Bilu Mornou, a da je uloga Parlamenta loše definisana.

Premijer Džastin Trudo insistira na što skorijem donošenju zakona, kako bi građani što pre dobili neophodnu pomoć. U ovakvoj, vanrednoj situaciji bez presedana, brzina je ključna.

Vlada je već učinila neke ustupke, poput odustajanja od ovlašćenja za porez i potrošnju do decembra naredne godine, ali još uvek se nije stiglo do glasanja o zakonu.


TORONTO – Ontarijska vlada privremeno će prekinuti tarife za struju i za sve potrošače primenjivati najnižu cenu struje, jer su ovih dana, tokom pandemije, ljudi većinom u svojim kućama. Najniža tarifa, po ceni od 10,1 centi, važiće čitavog dana. Kako se ističe, do 31. jula neće biti isključivanje struje zbog neplaćenih računa.

OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo je razgovarao sa provincijskim i teritorijalnim liderima o mogućnosti uvođenja zakona o vanrednoj situaciji, kojima bi Otava dobila ovlašćenja da uradi sve što smatra za potrebno za obuzdavanje krize. Među premijerima nije postignuta saglasnost o tome da federalna vlada preuzme odgovornost o odlučivanju.

TORONTO – Kako prenosi CTV njuz, prodavnice LCBO i Beer Store nastaviće da rade i nakon što je premijer Dag Ford naložio da, od 24. marta, na prestaju sa radom samo neophodna preduzeća. Ova odluka stupa na snagu u ponoć i trajaće barem dve nedelje.

TORONTO – Provincijska vlada najavila je 200 miliona dolara za finansiranje socijalnih službi u gradovima tokom pandemije. Novac je namenjen za pomoć u pružanju osnovih službi, angažovanje dodatnog ljudstva, promovisanje socijalnog distanciranja i samoizolacije za zaštitu zdravlja i sigurnosti klijenata tokom pandemije.

MONTREAL – Kompanija Bombardije privremeno obustavlja proizvodnju u Kanadi, uključujući i proizvodnju aviona i železnice u Kvebeku i Ontariju.

OTAVA – Aviosaobraćaj je, sasvim sigurno, jedna od delatnosti najteže pogođenih pandemijom. Posle najava o prestanku službe za 8.700 radnika zaposlenih kao kabinsko osoblje u Er Kanadi i Er transatu, oglasio se i Vestdžet. Oni će gotovo prepoloviti broj svojih zaposlenih, pošto će od oko 14 hiljada, zadržati tek 7.100. Kompanija iz Kalgarija naglašava da oko devedeset odsto radnika napušta posao dobrovoljno. Takođe, oko 600 pilota Er Kanade odlazi na neplaćeno odsustvo u narednim mesecima, saopštio je njihov sindikat.

OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo je rekao da još uvek nema planova za praćenje kretanja ljudi preko smartfona, ali nije odbacio mogućnost da se, u nekom trenutku, i to upotrebi da bi se proverilo da li se građani pridržavaju apela zdravstvenih zvaničnika da ostaju u kućama i tako spreče širenje pandemije kovida-19.

OTAVA – U Kanadi se od srede za posetioce zatvaraju svi nacionalni parkovi, a da se kroz njih jedino može proći autoputevima koji tuda prolaze, saopštio je ministar za životnu sredinu i klimatske promene Džonatan Vilkinson.

City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:

News Release - March 24, 2020

City of Toronto response to COVID-19 strengthened by emergency declaration

This afternoon, Toronto’s Medical Office of Health, Dr. Eileen de Villa, and Fire Chief and General Manager of the Office of Emergency Management, Matthew Pegg, provided an update on the City of Toronto’s COVID-19 response and the implications of the Toronto and Ontario emergency declarations.

As of 1 p.m. today there are 280 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Toronto. More cases are expected because community transmission is occurring. The City reminds residents to respect the privacy of those who have tested positive for the virus.

The formal declaration of a municipal emergency made yesterday by Toronto Mayor John Tory, as recommended by Dr. de Villa and Chief Pegg, enables the City of Toronto to remain nimble and able to address the evolving public health situation. This declaration strengthens recommendations already made by the Medical Officer of Health to cease all non-essential work and activities to help stop the spread of COVID-19. The Mayor is now empowered to issue orders, implement the City's Emergency Plan, and better protect the health, safety, and welfare of individuals within our city.

Essential services in Toronto are continuing without interruption. Emergency response by first responders and the public health response to COVID-19 is ongoing. Our utilities, including clean, safe water, continue to be delivered. Social supports across the city are ramping up to provide emergency assistance to those who need it and protect vulnerable members of our community. New community and private sector partnerships are being sought out to aid in the City response.

The Province of Ontario also declared a state of emergency yesterday. Similar to the municipal declaration, the provincial declaration provides additional tools and resources to respond to this extraordinary situation. A key tool of the declaration is the ordered closure of non-essential businesses. More information on the Province’s declaration is available here: https://www.ontario.ca/page/2019-novel-coronavirus. 

City of Toronto Municipal Licensing & Standards is now participating in a joint operation with Toronto Public Health and the Toronto Police Service to ensure non-essential businesses are complying with the order to close. Compliance audits started this morning at 8 a.m. across the city and will continue 7 days a week, from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Non-essential businesses found to be open may be provided with a Notice under the Provincial Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. 

The best way for Torontonians to contribute to the public health response and protect themselves and their loved ones is to stay home and practise physical distancing to prevent COVID-19 spread. If you have urgent questions about whether a business that is continuing to operate is essential, call 311.

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice and information about City services, social supports, and economic recovery measures. Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311. 



Toronto - Ponedeljak, 23. mart 2020. godine

U Torontu proglašeno vanredno stanje

Nakon što je objavljeno da je broj potvrđenih slučajeva pacijenata inficiranih kovidom-19 u Ontariju sada 503, gradonačelnik Toronta Džon Tori je, u obraćanju za medije, proglasio uvođenje vanrednog stanja.

Tori je upozorio da je nekoliko narednih dana kritično u borbi za zaustavljanje pandemije, i apelovao na sve da ostaju u kućama što je više moguće i izlaze samo jednom nedeljno zbog nabavke najnužnijih namirnica. Gradonačelnik Tori je istakao da su zdravstveni radnici u ovom trenutku naši apsolutni heroji, i da svako od nas treba da učini sve što možemo da bismo učinili da oni budu sigurni. On je rekao da treba da se potrudimo da padnemo u očajanje, već da sačuvamo nadu. Treba pomagati drugima, posebno osobama iz osetljivih grupa.

Tori se nalazi u samoizolaciji, otkako je došao sa poslovnog putovanja u Englesku.

Provincijski zakon određuje da prvi čovek grada može proglasiti vanredno stanje i odrediti mere koje smatra neophodnim za zaštitu imovine i zdravlja, sigurnosti i dobrobiti stanovnika ugrožene oblasti.

Prvi čovek provincije Dag Ford već je proglasio vanredno stanje i naložio da do srede prekinu rad sva preduzeća čiji rad ne spada u najnužnije.


OTAVA – Kanada je prva zemlja koja je najavila da njeni sportosti i parasportisti neće učestvovati na ovogodišnjim Olimpijskim igrama u Tokiju. Nakon te objave, još nekoliko zemalja je prijavilo svoje dileme oko učešća, pre svih Australija. Početak Igara najavljen je za 24. juli.

OTAVA – Zvaničnici procenjuju da se tokom protekle sedmice, od objave o opasnosti od kovida-19, u Kanadu vratilo preko milion kanadskih državljana i osoba sa stalnim boravkom. Očekuje se da će se narednih dana vratiti u zemlju još građana, između ostalog i specijalnim avionima koji se organizuju za njihov povratak.

OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo apeluje na sve da poštuju uputstva zdrvstvenih radnika u vezi sa kovidom-19, i upozorava da bi se mogle primeniti kaznene mere prema osobama rizičnog ponašanja, koji ugrožavaju druge. Premijerova poruka je da moramo da verujemo lekarima i da ih slušamo.

LONDON, Ontario – Pivara Labat je svoju proizvodnju preusmerila na pravljenje sredstava za dezinfekciju ruku. Prva serija od 50 hiljada boca biće donirana Bankama hrane, radnicima iz prve linije fronta i zaposlenima u barovima i restoranima koji rade na serviranju hrane za poneti.

TORONTO – Ontarijski đaci neće se vratiti u školske klupe 6. aprila, kako je prethodno najavljivano, zato što je prekid nastave produžen na neodređeno vreme.

MONTREAL – Posle Er Kanade, i Er transat saopštava da od ukupnog broja zaposlenih, oko 70 odsto, ili 3.600 ljudi, ostaje privremeno bez posla. Kako se napominje, među njima su svi profili članova posada.

City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:

News Release - March 23, 2020

Mayor Tory declares a State of Emergency in the city of Toronto

Today, Mayor John Tory declared a State of Emergency in the city of Toronto after receiving advice this morning from Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health and the Office of Emergency Management. 

Through his office, the Mayor has also been in communication with the members of City Council, and has spoken to both Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Premier Doug Ford.

The declaration of a municipal emergency is part of the City's ongoing efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 and will ensure the municipal government can continue to act and respond quickly to the pandemic and any other events that arise in the weeks ahead. 

We know the number of COVID-19 cases continues to increase in our city and that the next few days are absolutely critical in our ongoing efforts to slow down the spread of COVID-19. In making this declaration, Mayor Tory strongly encourages our residents to continue taking every precaution in protecting themselves ­ stay home, stay safe, and only venture out to buy essential supplies once a week. Even better, order online if at all possible.

While the Mayor thanks the residents and businesses who are listening to public health advice and practising social distancing, we know from our public health professionals that there are many who are continuing to put their health and the health of our community at risk.

This declaration sends the strongest possible message to our residents to stay home and to change their behaviour.

This decision was not taken lightly. It is part of an overall collaborative effort and cooperation with the Government of Canada led by Prime Minister Trudeau and the Government of Ontario led by Premier Ford ­ both of whom the Mayor has worked very well with throughout this crisis.

It also comes after we learned on the weekend about the first death of a Toronto resident related to COVID-19. It is a tragic reminder that we are confronting a deadly virus. That is why it is so important that we all continue to do everything we can to keep COVID-19 from continuing to spread.

The Mayor continues to ask all non-essential businesses to close ­ as the Medical Officer of Health has urged publicly ­ and as the Government of Ontario has ordered. To further contain the spread of COVID-19, the Ontario Government has ordered the mandatory closure of all non-essential workplaces effective as of Tuesday, March 24th at 11:59 p.m. Mayor Tory supports this action by the province and has been clear that he will support further recommendations and orders from the Medical Officer of Health and the provincial and federal governments if people do not comply with the need to stay home. 

Later this afternoon, Dr. Eileen de Villa and Chief Matthew Pegg will outline, in greater detail, what this declaration means for essential and critical workers, and how it assists in the City’s operations as it works to protect Torontonians.

Right now across Toronto, our healthcare workers are confronting the reality of COVID-19. The Mayor is making this emergency declaration in support of our healthcare workers and all City workers focused on this crisis, to make sure we flatten the curve, and protect our healthcare system.

While the declaration does not change the Level 3 status of the City’s Emergency Operations Centre, it does provide City staff with the necessary flexibility to access resources in a more timely way so it can continue to keep the city functioning and safe.

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice and information about City services, social supports, and economic recovery measures. Check https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311.


Toronto - Subota, 21. mart 2020. godine

Produžava se rok za plaćanje nekih računa

Grad Toronto za period od dva meseca, ukida sve kazne za neplaćene poreze na imovinu i druge račune, kako bi olakšao ekonomski pritisak na građane i preduzetnike.

Gradonačelnik Džon Tori je, u saopštenju iznetom u petak ujutro, rekao da se mere primenjuju retroaktivno od 16. marta. Napominje se da se i za plaćanja za vodu i odnošenje smeća uvodi rok od 81 dana, umesto dosadašnjih 21. 

U ponedeljak će gradonačelnik Tori održati telekonferenciju sa stanodavcima, kako bi se i tu našla određena povoljnija rešenja, saopšteno je iz njegovog kabineta. Gradonačelnika Torija zabrinjava što na igralištima ima puno dece, pa je ponovio apel da se što više izbegavaju bliski kontakti sa drugim ljudima.

ER Kanada otpušta preko pet hiljada kabinskih radnika

Zbog drastičnog smanjenja broja letova na svojim linijama, Er Kanada najavila je otpuštanje oko 5.100 zaposlenih kao kabinsko osoblje.

Potpredsednik kompanije Rene Smit-Valad, u svom saopštenju, naglašava da se radi o teškoj, ali neophodnoj odluci, koja je doneta zato što nisu imali drugog izbora. Za april je otkazano oko četiri petine letove ove kompanije, zbogapela vlada država širom sveta da građani izbegavaju putovanja.

U nadležnom sindikatu kažu da ovaj broj predstavlja oko polovinu kabinskog osoblja u Er Kanadi i Er Kanada Ružu. Oni kažu da će otkazi biti na snazi makar do 30. aprila.

Kome ide vladina pomoć? 
Karantin ili gubitak posla uslov za dobijanje pomoći

U paketu federalne vlade, koji je premijer Džastin Trudo najavio pre nekoliko dana, nalazi se i 27 milijardi direktne pomoći građanima pri plaćanju rente ili nabavci hrane.

Oni koji se kvalifikuju za ovu naknadu za urgentnu pomoć mogli bi dobijati do 900 dolara, svake druge nedelje, za period od najviše 15 nedelja. To će biti namenjeno radnicima koji moraju da ostanu kod svojih kuća, a iznos bi se usklađivao sa onim što se isplaćuje preko EI.

Po rečima ministra finansija Bila Mornoa, ovu pomoć mogli bi da dobiju oni koji su u karantinu, koji su izgubili posao ili ne mogu da rade.

Premijer Trudo je, takođe, rekao da federalna vlada privremeno podstiče beneficije za decu sa 300 dolara po detetu, za 2019-2020. godinu.

Najavljene su i poreske olakšice za ljude sa nižim primanjima, šest meseci bez otplate i bez kamate za otplatu studentskih kredita i udvostručavanje programa za brigu o beskućnicima.

Tomas Davidof, profesor ekonomije sa Univerziteta Britanska Kolumbija, smatra da bi u nekom trenutku trebalo razmotriti zamrzavanje rente na državnom nivou.

Što se tiče posebnih mera koje će provincije preduzimati, u cilju zaštite porodica i pojedinaca u Ontariju, Britanskoj Kolumbiji i Kvebeku neće biti novih naloga za iseljenje, dok u Manitobi još uvek razmatraju načine za smanjenje pritiska na stanovnike, preduzeća i preduzetnike, ali ne i obavezivanje na zamrzavanje iseljavanja.


TORONTO – Kompanija Sanving erlajnz nudi besplatna mesta u avionima za kanadske državljane koji bi, u ovom trenutku, želeli da se vrate u domovinu iz raznih delova sveta. Kompanija je ovo ponudila zato što se zna da na hiljade osoba nemaju mogućnosti da doputuje nazad, što zbog toga što nema letova, što zbog toga što nema mesta u avionima.

TORONTO – Ontarijski premijer Dag Ford upućuje roditelje i učenike na resurse za onlajn učenje, koji mogu da se koriste dok su škole zatvorene zbog koronavirusa. Mnoge onlajn aktivnosti su sa TVO, javnog provincijskog servisa.

MISISAGA – Volmart Kanada traži oko deset hiljada radnika za svoje prodavnice i distributivne centre, kako bi izašli u susret povećanom obimu posla za snabdevanje građana. Horešio Barbeito, izvršni direktor kompanije, kaže da, sa svim nivoima vlasti, rade na tome da obezbede da apoteke i prodavnice prehrambenih proizvoda budu na usluzi građanima.

OTAVA – Ministar inostranih poslova Frnsoa-Filip Šampanj obavestio je da test pokazao da je negativan na koronavirus. On je poslednjih dana bio u samoizolaciji, pošto je, po povratku iz Evrope, imao simptome sli¬ne gripu.

MONTREAL – U Kvebeku se pregovara da se u hotelima širom provincije, obezbedi između tri i četiri hiljade kreveta za bolesnike. Kako se naglašava, u njima ne bi bili smešteni pacijenti sa koronavirusom, već lakši bolesnici, čime bi se u bolnicama oslobodio prostor za zaražene kovidom-19.

OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo je, u redovnom obraćanju medijima, izjavio da, u slučaju potrebe, u obzir dolazi i angažovanje vojnih resursa za potrebe borbe protiv koronavirusa.

OTAVA – Dr Ajsra Levi, iz Nacionalne službe za krv, upozorava da će se Kanada suočiti sa kritičnom nestašicom krvi, ukoliko ne iznađe načine da se izbori sa drastičnim padom broja donacija. On napominje da je slična situacija i u drugim zemljama, pogođenim kovidom-19.

TORONTO – Portparol Ontarijske prodavnice kanabisa izjavio je, za CTV njuz, da je primetan značajan porast prodaje poslednjih dana, otkako se propagira ‘socijalno distanciranje’ za sprečavanje širenja koronavirusa. Bilo je dana kada je potražnja čak dvostruko namašivala uobičajenu, dotad zabeleženu.

OTAVA – Šef zdravstvene službe dr Tereza Tem kaže da mogu proteći nedelje i meseci pre nego što moći da se kaže, sa sigurnošću, da li su i koliko efikasne mere koje se trenutno primenjuju za zaustavljanje širenja kovida-19.

TORONTO – Ontarijsko Ministarstvo za životnu sredinu, zaštitu prirode i nacionalne parkove odlučilo je da zatvori parkove do 30. aprila, kako bi zašitilo zdravlje zaposlenih i posetilaca.

City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:
News Release - March 21, 2020

City of Toronto urges residents returning from March Break travel to self-isolate for 14 days to help stop the spread of COVID-19 

This afternoon, Toronto’s Medical Office of Health, Dr. Eileen de Villa, Fire Chief and General Manager of the Office of Emergency Management, Matthew Pegg, and City Manager, Chris Murray, provided an update on the City of Toronto’s COVID-19 response. 

The number of positive cases of COVID-19 confirmed by Toronto Public Health in the city continues to increase. As of 1 p.m. today there are now 193 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Toronto.

New cases are not unexpected as the City continues to respond to the current situation. As the number of cases grows, the City urges that the privacy of individuals who have tested positive for the virus be respected.

The best way for Torontonians to contribute to the public health response is to continue the proactive measures of social distancing, and if sick, self-isolation. 

Importantly, for those returning from abroad following March break, self-isolation is critical to helping mitigate the continued spread of COVID-19. Anyone who has returned to Canada, including from the United States, is asked to self-isolate for 14 days.

We have received inquiries about gathering in parks and playgrounds in the city. While exercise and enjoying the outdoors is important for those who are not self-isolating, these gatherings may pose a risk to the health of families and the wider community. To that end, the City will begin erecting signage near playgrounds reminding the public of the importance of social distancing and that playgrounds are not sanitized.

Following the Province’s declaration of an emergency under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act earlier this week, complaints and requests for enforcement have come into the City, representing about 2% of calls to 311. These calls will be responded to on a priority basis. While enforcement of provincial orders is carried out by police, not bylaw enforcement, the public is asked to not call 911 and instead direct calls to 311. 

Finally, City of Toronto employees at home may be called in and redeployed to ensure the City can continue to deliver critical services during this unprecedented time. The services the City provides are critical to millions of residents and business. The Toronto Public Service is a dedicated and committed workforce that continues to show up and do an outstanding job during this extremely difficult time.

A number of measures have been put in place to protect employees from COVID-19 and City Manager Chris Murray is committed to continuing to ensure staff are protected so they are able to keep the city and its infrastructure safe, while responding to this pandemic.

The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice and information about City services, social supports, and economic recovery measures. 

Check https://www.toronto.ca/covid-19/ for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311.


Toronto - Petak, 20. mart 2020. godine

OTAVA – Premijer Džastin Trudo očekuje da će nove restriktivne mere o ograničavanju putovanja preko granice sa SAD-om, stupiti na snagu u noći između petka i subote. Ova zabrana turističkih i rekreativnih putovanja neće sprečiti kanadske državljane, žitelje sa stalnim boravkom, strane studente i radnike sa vizama i radnim dozvolama da se vrate u Kanadu svojim kućama, s tim da će svi po povratku morati da ispoštuju vladin zahtev i provedu dve sedmice u samoizolaciji.

OTAVA – Ministar finansija Bil Morno izjavio je da će Kanađani, zabrinuti da neće imati dovoljno novca za hranu, stanarinu i lekove, mogu očekivati pomoć u naredne dve do tri sedmice. On je naglasio da vlada razume da se radi o urgentnoj situaciji, te da će učiniti sve da se to što pre sprovede u delo.

OTAVA – Ministar inostranih poslova Fransoa-Filip Šampanj radi od kuće i očekuje u samoizolaciji rezultate testiranja na koronavirus. On je boravio u Evropi pre dve sedmice i, potom, imao simptome slične gripu. I premijer Džastin Trudo, koji se oseća dobro, već nedelju dana je u samoizolaciji, budući da je njegova supruga Sofi Gregoar pozitivna na virus.

TORONTO – Zdravstvena služba Toronta podržava zatvaranje frizerskih i kozmetičkih salona i prodavnica odeće, u cilju sprečavanja širenja koronavirusa.

TORONTO – Torontska agencija za saobraćaj TTC saopštila je u sredu da će dozvoliti zaposlenima da nose svoje maske na radnom mestu. Gradonačelnik Toronta Džon Tori zahvalio se TTC-u na prilagođavanju promenama.

RIDžAJNA – Vlada Saskačuana proglasila je vanredno stanje kada se broj potvrđenih osoba inficiranih koronavirusom udvostručio u jednom danu, sa osam na 16. U provinciji se ističe da mnogi starosedelački narodi nisu spremni na ovo što se sada dešava, pa se tek očekuje da drastičan skok broj inficiranih i obolelih. I u Saskačuanu važe sve mere koje su već na snazi u Ontariju i Britanskoj Kolumbiji.

City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:

News Release - March 20, 2020
City of Toronto working with community and social services to help residents during the COVID-19 pandemic

This afternoon, Mayor John Tory and City of Toronto officials announced actions the municipal government is taking to help essential service workers with child care options; vulnerable residents such as seniors; people affected by untreated trauma, mental health and addictions; people in need of housing supports and emergency food access; and people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The City is committed to doing everything it can to help residents during this extremely difficult time.

Support for vulnerable residents

To ensure that the needs of vulnerable residents are met during the COVID-19 emergency, the City is working in partnership with social service agencies to address issues that arise in the community service sector.

A City-Community Response Table meets daily and includes representatives from more than 30 agencies across Toronto and 11 City divisions. This group is working to identify new and emerging issues affecting vulnerable Torontonians during the COVID-19 emergency and to plan city-wide responses to address and resolve these issues, for example, food security and community resource needs.

The City is also partnering with community agencies like the United Way Greater Toronto to help agencies and groups communicate with each other so they can continue to do their important work of serving Torontonians as well as communicate with Councillors and other services providers. Toronto Aboriginal Social Services Council (TASSC) is also leading the coordinated Indigenous response and will collaborate with the City and United Way.

All long-term care homes continue to care for residents. For seniors not living in a long-term care home, Seniors Services and Long-Term Care continues to provide essential support services to seniors already enrolled in their Supportive Housing program with personal care, medication reminders, and safety checks. Many community agencies offer supports to seniors including Meals on Wheels, friendly visiting, transportation to appointments, personal support, and adult day programs. Seniors and caregivers should check with the individual agencies to confirm continuity of service delivery. Call 211 (available 24/7 in 150+ languages) to obtain up-to-date information.

Other resources for seniors include:
•       Toronto Seniors Helpline:416-217-2077 or 1-877-621-2077, for support and referral to services
•       Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) Home Care: 310-2222 (no area code required) to find out about services in their area
•       Distress Centres of Toronto: 416-408-4357, 416-408-HELP
•       Seniors Safety Line (Elder Abuse Ontario): 1-866-299-1011

Food Security Table to ensure access to food

Access to food is a major issue for residents that live near or below the poverty line. Community food programs, which include food banks, are a vital part of our communities, especially in times of crisis. To ensure that Toronto’s food programs can stay open during the outbreak, the City has convened a Food Security Table (including Second Harvest, Daily Bread Food Bank, North York Harvest Food Bank and Red Cross) to receive updates and find solutions for food access issues.

The City is calling on all restaurants that are still providing take-out and delivery services and businesses that sell food to consider donating any type of unsold, good food through https://foodrescue.ca/. Residents who are able, are also encouraged to donate essentials to their local food bank.

Child care for essential and core service workers

The City of Toronto is working with the province of Ontario to find ways to help health care workers and emergency responders and other essential workers with child care. We hope to have further updates on this shortly.

Volunteers to help deliver essential services

Non-profit agencies in the community services sector are also facing a shortage of volunteers to help with delivering essential services. The City is urging non-profit organizations and agencies to do the following to help facilitate connecting residents willing to volunteer to organizations and agencies who need the help:
1.      Update or add information about current operations to 211’s database
2.      Register volunteer needs through Spark Ontario at https://www.sparkontario.ca/ and/or with Volunteer Toronto at https://www.volunteertoronto.ca/. Volunteer Toronto has waived the fee associated with posting volunteer positions.

Residents interested in volunteering should register with the above-mentioned websites to get alerts for volunteer opportunities (some of which may be remote), call Volunteer Toronto at 416-961-6888 or email info@volunteertoronto.ca to connect with an advisor to discuss volunteer opportunities. Non-profit organizations and agencies’ staff are practicing infection prevention measures within their operations and volunteers would be required to do the same.

Although many places across Toronto have been closed due to social distancing measures, there are still social services supports available for residents in need. Through 211, operators can connect residents to income supports, distress lines, and mental health supports to name a few. Call 211, text 21166, or live chat with 211 agents Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., or visit http://211toronto.ca to search for services.

Please continue to check https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/ for details and updates as they are made.  


"In the midst of this crisis, as we work to stop the spread of COVID-19 and protect people's health and safety, the City of Toronto is doing everything it can to help our residents and there will be more relief measures to come in the days ahead for people and businesses and organizations who are struggling. We have to take care of people who need our help ­ it's what the city does well during the best of times and it is what we must do during these trying times. City staff and community organizations are working together to ensure that we identify gaps in service so that we can continue to effectively support vulnerable residents throughout this pandemic. This is all about making sure those who need help now from the City continue to receive it." 
- Mayor John Tory 

“We know that the fast evolving COVID-19 situation is having an impact on many social and community services that residents of our city rely on. These critical services ­ from support for seniors self-isolating at home to access to food for people on low incomes ­ will be part of the City’s response and our commitment to protect the health and wellbeing of all Torontonians.”
- City Councillor and Board of Health Chair Joe Cressy

“Leveraging our partnerships, not just with the community, but with businesses as well, is critical during an emergency like this. As we see this situation changing daily we must work with our partners to find solutions quickly to address emerging issues.”
- Deputy Mayor Michael Thompson, Chair, Economic and Community Development Committee

" As the largest investor in social services next to government, United Way stands with our City partners to ensure Toronto’s network of community agencies can best support our most vulnerable in these unprecedented times. People who already face significant barriers of poverty, homelessness and social isolation need help more than ever. We’re all in this together, and it is together that we will get through this. That’s the power of community." 
- Daniele Zanotti, President & CEO United Way Greater Toronto


Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses. For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto.  


Media contact: Media Relations, 416-338-5986, media@toronto.ca  

City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:

News Release - April 2, 2020

Mayor Tory signs emergency order encouraging physical distancing in parks and public squares

Today, Mayor John Tory signed an emergency order regulating physical distancing in City of Toronto parks and public squares.

Any two people who don't live together, who fail to keep two metres of distance between them in a park or public square, will be subject to prosecution and will be liable for a fine of up to $5,000 upon conviction. The City has asked the Chief Justice of the Province of Ontario to issue a set fine for this offence. 

The Mayor took this emergency action ­ which is in effect for at least the next 30 days - to further drive home the message that people have to keep their distance from each other to avoid spreading COVID-19 in our city and to save lives.

Mayor Tory and the City’s Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Eileen de Villa, are asking Toronto residents to take the message of staying home, except when absolutely necessary, with the seriousness that the situation requires.
To save lives, protect our healthcare system, and get the economy and City back to normal as quickly as possible, the public must follow the advice ­ and orders communicated publicly on several occasions ­ to stay home as much as possible.
This weekend, the public can expect to see increased enforcement of orders and laws designed to stop the spread of COVID-19. 

A COVID-19 Enforcement Team of 200 Municipal Bylaw Enforcement Officers, 10 Toronto Public Health Bylaw Officers, plus the resources of the Toronto Police Service will enforce the new physical distancing bylaw, provincial orders banning organized social gatherings of more than five people, bans on using closed playgrounds and other parks amenities, and the closure orders on non-essential businesses that remain open. 

The enforcement team will be responding to complaints and proactively patrolling parks and other public spaces, all in an effort to ensure public understanding of the need to limit social interactions. 

Fines for violating a provincial order under the Emergency Measures Act can range from $750 to $100,000, including up to one year in jail, for social gatherings exceeding five persons, using parks amenities which have been closed, opening non-essential businesses, and failing to identify oneself to a police officer or a provincial offences officer (bylaw officer) investigating a matter under the Emergency Measures and Civil Protection Act.

The advice from Toronto’s public health officials has been clear and consistent: To stop the community spread of this deadly virus, we must reduce all contact with others as much as possible. 

Failure to adhere to these guidelines and orders will result in more people dying from COVID-19. It will result in our healthcare system being overwhelmed and unable to treat all who need critical care. And it will result in our inability to recover more quickly ­ as a society and economically.
More information about the City's response to COVID-19 is available at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/.

The By-Law can viewed at https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/96af-covid-19-ID_Physi...

The Emergency Order can be viewed at https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/9718-covid-19-emergenc...

"This is but one more measure we are taking so that your City government can assure you we are doing everything we can to stop the spread of this deadly virus now. I do want to thank the vast majority of people who are doing the right thing, following the advice of our public health officials, and staying home as much as possible, often at considerable sacrifice. To those responsible and good citizens, thank you for helping us save lives. But we continue to see, especially as the weather gets better, people ignoring that advice and worse, flocking to our parks to use even closed playgrounds, closed parking lots, and gathering together with others to play sports in the parks. This will further the spread of COVID-19 in our city and cost lives. We will continue to do everything we can as a municipal government to lock the city down in order to save lives."
- Mayor John Tory

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses. For more information visit http://www.toronto.ca or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cityofto.

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca



Toronto - Utorak, 28. april 2020.


Novine Toronto, broj 
20. Mart 2020.